Bouncing Bear No Longer Sells Salvia


Well-Known Member
July 1, 2009 it was made illegal in Nebraska. :-D
That's fucking weird.. I found out the day it happened, because I was talking about getting some from the headshop.. Apparently I missed some crazy deals when the stores were trying to sell all of it..

But what about my predicament of ordering salvia from that website to my house in Florida, do you think I am risking getting in trouble if I do it?


Well-Known Member
5 years in jail here for possession. I'd say you are probably risking much if you get caught. But I'll likely be buying again....
Hmm.. Yeah, that's what the law "says", but I wish I could find out what actually happens. Like the chance of them being suspicious of the box, the fact it says it's inscense, it is not extremely known to the unknowledgable, if they (government) are actually that serious about it, so basically just the chance I'm going to get caught and then if they catch me, if they will actually prosecute me...

A lot of things to think about.. I just want to do it again so bad, you don't understand.. I've only done it once, and it was a very profound experience. I'll take some risk.. Just not too much..

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Hmm.. Yeah, that's what the law "says", but I wish I could find out what actually happens. Like the chance of them being suspicious of the box, the fact it says it's inscense, it is not extremely known to the unknowledgable, if they (government) are actually that serious about it, so basically just the chance I'm going to get caught and then if they catch me, if they will actually prosecute me...

A lot of things to think about.. I just want to do it again so bad, you don't understand.. I've only done it once, and it was a very profound experience. I'll take some risk.. Just not too much..
I though BouncingBear didn't ship to places in the US where it is illegal, to protect themselves.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
it's funny:

"Salvia Divinorum is illegal in: Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma and Virginia.
All orders from those states will be canceled and refunded."

BBB doesn't even list Nebraska as an illegal salvia state.
it's funny:

"Salvia Divinorum is illegal in: Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma and Virginia.
All orders from those states will be canceled and refunded."

BBB doesn't even list Nebraska as an illegal salvia state.
Now it does.

Sorry about that. I have added it to the list just now. Thanks.

Please include this e-mail in any replies.

Best Regards,

American jurors have complete Constitutional authority to vote "not guilty" based on nothing more than a disagreement with the case, no matter the evidence - despite the judge's instructions. There is absolutely no obligation to vote "guilty" to arrive at a unanimous verdict. Get on a jury, stand your ground, and fulfill its other main purpose: to counteract abusive government and unjust lawsuits.

Please adopt this as your own signature.

Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 3:24 PM
To: info
Subject: RE: Inquiry

It just that it didn't mention Nebraska. Which could be an inconvenience.
Salvia Divinorum is illegal in: Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma and Virginia.
All orders from those states will be canceled and refunded.


stays relevant.
Shit scares the hell out of me... Salvia is like taking your worse nightmares and bringing them to reality.


Active Member
You have to kind of treat salvia like a movie that's playing in your head...sure it might be scary shit, but it'll all be gone soon enough!


Well-Known Member
But the state, Nebraska, where they ship it from/ grow it from made it illegal.


Now that my friends is some fucked up irony!


Well-Known Member
the shits still legal and sold openly in headshops in the UK. Should i stock up on loads? Because it will probably become illegal very quickly...Stock up on the shit, send it over your way :) hehe.

Actually, i think our shit if from america anyway, so will probs be gone soon here. I hated salvia anyway fucked up shit.


Well-Known Member
the shits still legal and sold openly in headshops in the UK. Should i stock up on loads? Because it will probably become illegal very quickly...Stock up on the shit, send it over your way :) hehe.

Actually, i think our shit if from america anyway, so will probs be gone soon here. I hated salvia anyway fucked up shit.
I tried salvia once and the experience was quite the odd one with massive giggle euphoria with a hint of a dissociative character behind it, it was a joyous experience... but never really caught my eye!

But brevity heas makes it seem like they shot his leg off, that's how important this ska maria is to him!