

Well-Known Member
i was working late last nite, so this morning i slept in a wile . the wife and kids went to work/school ect.
anyway i herd this noise, so i went to look down stairs, in my birthday suit.:roll: and my little cosh behind my back.and there was a man about 25 years of age.
i said who are you? to this lad in my front room.
he said. im a friend of your sons.
i sed whats his name ??.
he sed john.:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil: that was the wrong name.:evil::evil::evil::evil:
so i hit him with the cosh and sat on him for 22 mins till the police come. with no clothes on at all.
nice site.mmm
i wish i live in america id av shott the little fucker.
app. he was around on monday, he stole a pet. kids m.bike
and app on tuesday he had tryed to get in my sons bedroom window but one of the neibours saw him that day, but he reached in and stole a sov. ring and a c.card. and today i caught the fucker. he had all my wifes gold, all of it, phones, p.s 3 and games cds.
when we emptied his pockets he still had the things "g.sov. and my sons c.cards. what hed stole yesterday.
it must have been a lovely site . me naked fighting for my life .
but what can you do in england. you get in trouble if you hit any intruders in your own home?
how bad is that.


Active Member
the best one is that if they injure themselves whilst breaking into your house they can sue you, whats that all about!


Well-Known Member
That's seriously fucked up what happened, sorry to hear- fuckin' nut jobs... don't be wishing you lived in the states though... even if he was robbing you and broke into your home, you couldn't shoot him- and let's say you did shot him. He can sue and press charges against YOU... YES YOU... the grass is not greener over here, trust me...


Well-Known Member
Thats unfortunate, but nice job taking this kid into custody. He was trying to steal a PS3, I didnt even think people still bought Sony gaming consoles. I guess he may have mistaken it for another piece of electronics.


Active Member
what you should have done is put him half way through a window as if he was making a exit and smashed his legs to peices dude thats classed as reasonable force here in uk

then while he was screaming the place down he's not running ant where ) you could have gone to kitchen marked yourself with a knife put his dabs on it and the f***er would have had some nice porridge to do chances are he will be back out within a couple days little wanker he is


Well-Known Member
Dude i feel for ya. its a sickening feeling knowing you have been robbed. Some bastard tried to rip the ac unit out of my window with tools he had stole from are garage. Well he did get in and there waited my 95lb pit bull. For some reason she wont bark and growl till they are actually in the house. and that's when she got a nice little chunk of his arm and his shirt. left blood all over my window.

Well if i was here when this happened, the dude would have a nice chunk of lead in his chest, cause here in FL they passed the law that you have full rights to gun down any intruders in you dwelling.


Well-Known Member
wow thats nuts that sucks... and in america it sucks... I was in a similar situaltion once but two people broke in... bottom line I stabed them both... and I got all my charges droped but it cost me 3 days in jail 9,000 bucks and months in court... so... even in America you cant hurt people for breaKING IN


Well-Known Member
That's seriously fucked up what happened, sorry to hear- fuckin' nut jobs... don't be wishing you lived in the states though... even if he was robbing you and broke into your home, you couldn't shoot him- and let's say you did shot him. He can sue and press charges against YOU... YES YOU... the grass is not greener over here, trust me...
Where I live in america your allowed to shoot to kill any intruder that may be posing a threat. But if you dont shoot to kill and just wound them, they ARE allowed to sue :roll:


Well-Known Member
That's seriously fucked up what happened, sorry to hear- fuckin' nut jobs... don't be wishing you lived in the states though... even if he was robbing you and broke into your home, you couldn't shoot him- and let's say you did shot him. He can sue and press charges against YOU... YES YOU... the grass is not greener over here, trust me...
Depends on what state you are in. Many states consider anyone in your home uninvited as a threat to your life and you are justified in using deadly force.


Well-Known Member
me personally, i would had beat the piss out of him reguardless, and then said he tried to stab me with 1 on my kitchen knives, to justify the beating he would have gotten. here in mass, you can do that and not be busted, and the cops wouldn't even hassle you, f@ck them scum bags.


Well-Known Member
i gave him a few jabbs ,with the cosh, last year was we wernt even allowed to touch them. but ive just found out . that you can use reasonable force now, wish id knowen. when the cops come they said weres all the blood. i wish id knowen. nevermind, at least knowbody found the grow closets and found my stash. but our lass is happy with our things back. hope hes having a nice nite in jail.


Well-Known Member
Thats crazy ..He must be nuts to return and rob you again..Glad you caught the Basta**.Hope he spends a few years in jail..


Well-Known Member
Now, here in Missouri (center of USA) we can shoot an intruder. They or their families CANNOT sue or press charges. Now that is real criminal rehabilitation.


New Member
That's seriously fucked up what happened, sorry to hear- fuckin' nut jobs... don't be wishing you lived in the states though... even if he was robbing you and broke into your home, you couldn't shoot him- and let's say you did shot him. He can sue and press charges against YOU... YES YOU... the grass is not greener over here, trust me...
that's not true. wtf? i live in texas and if someone is in your house you can assume they will kill you if they got the chance. you can shoot them dead if they're on your property.

in fact, we've been told by police- if you shoot them and they run out the door and fall in the grass, drag them back indoors by the time the cops come. although i have heard that in your yard is fair game as well.

stay the f#*k off my property!


Well-Known Member
I think in Texas your domicile extends to the borders of your yard, yes.
In Texas you can shoot and kill someone anywhere you feel threatened. In your home this extends to your property borders regardless of easments. If you have a concealed weapons permit (8 hour class and no felony record) This law extends to anywhere you feel threatened. In your vehicle or on the corner. This state is fucking crazy!