If You Voted For Bush STFU


Well-Known Member
I meant your previous argument not the one to my statement, and yea 2 wars will affect the economy but just because china makes everything doesent mean its anyone in the governments fault. True
Dude just tell me the one thing the USA makes on a large scale ( besides war )...You do realize in order to be a powerful nation you have to have some sort of resources or at least manufacture powerhouse...Tell you what ....walk around your own house and count the things that was made solely in the USA...then get back at me......and to keep it real I just don't blame Bush for this economy it started with Reagan letting the banks control and that trickle down BS....it continued with Clinton and that BS NAFTA and continued worst with Bush who did nothing to change or stop the madness only adding to the madness...Here is another thing you can do tell me what new jobs Bush create in his term ( and nothing that dealt with terrorism ) ....I mean jobs for the working man..The only think Bush create was this so called war on terrorism...BS


Well-Known Member
yea. Your from England thats what was said earlier in some form or another. Anyeays I'm done arguing if you weren't so rude I would argue more, and if I'm wrong about the American thing then I appologise, it was not my place to say that
Yeah I think you confused.... Yeah maybe you should run along and get your argument straight before you try to call someone stupid...You just made yourself look as such...Try actually reading some of my post and replies and you would see why you thinking I'm from England is retarded....I think you just looked at my name and said " Londonfog he must be from England" lol.... Been to Mildenhall AFB several times...Awesome place to visit and go pub hopping until you drunk as hell....but the name comes from getting in the car rolling up the windows and lighting up blunt after blunt with your buddies until that $hit gets as think as a london fog. ....ahhhhh those were good dayz...


Well-Known Member
I proudly voted for Bush and would gladly do so again. A hundred more times more blunders have been made by this fraud than in the previous 8 years. Soon you will see polls showing that a majority would rather have Bush back. Count on it!
I hope that nobody in that family ever holds any position of power on this planet ever again.

What are these blunders that have been made, and how exactly can you even begin to compare what obama has or hasn't done in the last year to the irreversible damage that the bush administration did. This country was at an all time low when he left office, and now people just aren't satified that it hasn't been "fixed". Keep in mind the situation that was put before obama when he took office.

It's amazing that there are people alive today that still consider bush to be anything other than one of the worst, if not THE worst president in the history of the united states.

"please destroy my country more" "please fuel my fear of terror" "keep me living in fear to further your agenda"

these are all things that you might as well say while you ask for bush back.
I proudly voted for Bush and would gladly do so again. A hundred more times more blunders have been made by this fraud than in the previous 8 years. Soon you will see polls showing that a majority would rather have Bush back. Count on it!
Lets list as many genuine errors as we can that Bush made, and also list the errors of Obama.


Well-Known Member
I just had to crash this little Progressive Censorship party,

I did not vote for Bush in 2000. In fact I have not participated in a major party primary since 1992.

Should I STFU, too?

Fairness Doctrine? Fail.
Single out one news source as biased? Fail.

I am eager to hear your plans to shut me up. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I just had to crash this little Progressive Censorship party,

I did not vote for Bush in 2000. Should I STFU, too?

Fairness Doctrine? Fail.
Single out one news source as biased? Fail.

I am eager to hear your plans to shut me up.
Were going to put you in a FEMA camp.


Well-Known Member
I just had to crash your little party Johnny O. If I wanted to shut you up I'd just hit the Ignore button!!! :lol:
Do you plan on activating the ignore feature on behalf of everyone in this forum?

How about the internet?

Or the Editorial Page?

I'd like to see you try.

Please try. :twisted:

Illegal Smile

and again are you the one that said Obama was not going to be the POTUS...but thank you for being a man and admitting that you voted for Bush:clap:......now STFU :wink::smile:
How could I have said Obama was not going to win when I wasn't even an riu member then? You've taken as much care to think that one through as all your other bouts of verbal diarrhea. Maybe we should all stfu - so we can sit back and watch you make a fool of yourself.


Well-Known Member
I guess Bush wanted Health Care For All....
Do we have health care for all? Are we going to get health care for all in the near future? I don't keep up on the health care issue, but from what I have read ... the people are getting screwed.

http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=16297Medicare in Crisis: The Devastating Impacts of a Corporate Health Care Bill
And although the final bill has yet to be crafted, there exists general agreements as to what the end version will look like. Americans will be forced to buy shoddy corporate insurance with no limit to the cost, no guarantee of quality, with large premiums and other tricks to further gouge consumers. If a public option emerges in the final bill — by no means a guarantee — it will be shrunken enough to insure very few people (2 percent of the U.S. population).
But it gets worse. How this health care “reform” will be paid for has implications that dwarf the above atrocities.

I guess Bush wanted to close Gitmo...
Is Gitmo closed? Will it be closed anytime soon? Doesn't look like it to me ... not to mention he is expanding ...
http://uruknet.com/index.php?p=m60364&hd=&size=1&l=eBagram: A living hell
The US military has allowed journalists into its newly expanded secret detention centre at Bagram air base in Afghanistan this week.
The base has been described by campaigners as Guantanamo Bay's "more evil twin" and the allegations of torture and murder within its secretive walls continue to this day.
The US claims this is proof of its determination to provide greater transparency and openness in its policy of extraordinary rendition and detention without trial.
The claim was somewhat undermined by the fact that the touring journalists had no access to the hundreds of inmates held at the facility.
Webmaster's Commentary:
There can be absolutely no transparency in a process which embraces extraordinary rendition and detention without trial!
The existence of this prison, as well as Guantanamo (and the others we don't know about) are an "in-your-face" affront to every American value moral thinking Americans cherish, period, end of discussion.
If obama isn't being controled by the same people how do you explain his unconstitutional decision to continue rendition and detention without trial. How is that different that bush policy?

I guess Bush really didn't believe in torture...
The torture continues under the obama regime ... tons of reports like this one ...
http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=112361§ionid=351020403Afghan teenagers claim abuse at a US prison
The two Afghans said they were beaten by American guards, photographed naked and deprived of sleep during their detention at Bagram airbase.
According to the article, the two teenagers, Issa Mohammad, 17, and Abdul Rashid, (who claimed to be under the age of 16), said they were punched and slapped in the face by American guards during their incarceration.
Obama had promised to put an end to the harsh interrogation methods previously authorized by the Bush administration.
Defense Department spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Wright said all prisoners in Afghanistan are treated "humanely" and in accordance with the Geneva Conventions and US law.

http://www.examiner.com/x-18425-LA-County-Nonpartisan-Examiner%7Ey2009m11d25-Obama-joins-Bush-Congress-as-war-criminals-for-false-imprisonment-torture-at-Bagram-PrisonObama joins Bush, Congress in War Crimes for false imprisonment, torture at Bagram Prison
So what's changed?

I guess Bush and Obama tax policy was the same...
Since they are continuing to destroy the dollar ... yep ... I would say so.
The Collapse of America by excessive debt and hyperinflation

I guess Bush really wanted to have talks and resolution with Iran that does not invoke war....
Then why does obama continue to threaten them when they are not breaking ANY laws?
http://www.examiner.com/x-18425-LA-County-Nonpartisan-Examiner%7Ey2009m11d21-US-government-wouldnt-lie-to-start-a-war-with-Iran-would-they-A-look-at-the-conservative-historyUS government wouldn't lie to start a war with Iran, would they? A look at the conservative history
President Obama is using the same aggressive rhetoric we saw prior to invations of Afghanistan and Iraq, with media repeating the quickly-verifiable lie that Iran's President threatened to "wipe Israel off the map." Previously, Senator Lieberman, Secretary of State Clinton, and former UN Ambassador John Bolton resumed rhetoric of a United States attack upon Iran. There are two general justifications they speak of to justify war: Iran's "nuclear program" and their threat to Israel.
Both claims are false (again, verify here and here), which follows a history of US lies regarding wars.

Obama Warns Iran of Punishment Over Nukes

I am alarmed by the renewed push to propagandize that Iran has secret nuclear facilities and are already building nuclear weapons. The warhawks in Israel are desperate to get the US into war with Iran. I am concerned that Israel may be desperate enough to set off one of their own nuclear devices inside the United States during this upcoming holiday season and blame Iran for it.
Of course, with the exception of Israel, which cannot officially admit they have nuclear weapons without losing the billions of dollars coming from the US taxpayers, the normal process for a nation with nuclear weapons is to announce that they have them and show them off, because after all, what is the point of having a nuclear deterrent if you keep it a secret? If Iran really had a bomb, they would announce it to the world and say, "attack us now and lose a major city." That would make Iran safe, because the US and Israel do not attack and invade nations that actually have nuclear weapons, only those nations who do not, like Irag, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
So again ... what has changed?

I guess Bush views of global warming and the environment are the same....
Yep ... still trying to use it to tax the people further...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/6679082/Climate-change-this-is-the-worst-scientific-scandal-of-our-generation.htmlClimate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation
Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with the Climategate whitewash, says Christopher Booker.

I guess Bush changed his views on stem cell research as well....
I suppose that's one difference ..
Dude just because he kept some Bush people on board his first year does not mean they are the same.....
Oh yeah ... it does ... and you are blind not to see that.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
I just had to crash this little Progressive Censorship party,

I did not vote for Bush in 2000. In fact I have not participated in a major party primary since 1992.

Should I STFU, too?

Fairness Doctrine? Fail.
Single out one news source as biased? Fail.

I am eager to hear your plans to shut me up. :lol:
Not at all JohnnyO ( neither do the ones who really did vote for him..but shhhhh don't tell them that )...but on the real Johnny I welcome argument about Obama..It just sickens me when I hear these people who voted for that idiot complain.....Bush did nothing to help this country only put her in more need of help.....Now if you did not like Bush and you even hate Obama I would actually want to hear what you have to say....but if you hate Obama, but think Bush was a good POTUS....STFU:mrgreen:

Illegal Smile

When you tell someone on the internet to shut up it speaks volumes. Such rants are the efforts of feeble minds trying to express themselves forcefully.