Giant bullshit, need help! (Non pot related!!!)Ladies, look here!


Active Member
I need help of the highest degree!! I just had a brand, new, daughter on Thanksgiving! (I know! I know! Thank you!!!) There was a giant hooblah that went down and the only person I feel safe to discuss this with before I aquire an attourney is the Cannabis Community (I always feel safer with my kind ;)

So check this out. My wife was forced to go through a completely natural birth, against her wishes, beause My boss/employer would not let me leave my work to take her to the hospital when she went up to him and told the guy that she was in labor. He demanded to know how long I could cover my shift. I am a graveyard supervisor of a hotel and resteraunt. I had nobody to cover me because my boss refused to higher anyone that could relieve me of this position. I had to stay an additional 3 hours on the job (we are 58 miles from the hospital). When we actually left my job, my wife was 9 centimeters dialated and there was a breach. When we got to the hospital, she was told that she was waaaay further along that we thought she was-----in fact my daughter was born within half an hour from this point.

I also live where I work, which gives my boss the ability to threaten my housing situation (he has and did) so I cannot just "quit" because we would be out of an apartment as well. My wife's back has been in pain since the birth and we feel like major laws were over looked here.

We want to sue this man. I need legal advice as to what I can and cannot do in this situation. It's sunday morning of the thanksgiving weekend, so no attourney is in office atm, so i turn to the Roll It Up community to give me a few words of advice before I proceed to take this matter to a lawyer.

We live above where we work. On this night (thanksgiving at midnight, just turned thursday) my son had nobody to watch him when my wife went into labor. Nobody could watch him (he's nearly 2) so I had to stick him in my bedroom for the time being, since my boss doesn't understand what an emergancy is, and wouldn't let me off work. My $1500 laptop was demolished during this 30 minute interval that he was unwatched in my bedroom (because my boss wouldn't let me off). Nearly every key was stripped from my keyboard, leaving me with a fucked (BRAND NEW) laptop.

Furthermore; my boss has been herassing my wife over the past while because he wants her back to work as soon as possible. He is not honoring her maternal leave and is using his position as our home owner, to herass her further when I am not on the job. He says things like "You haven't had this baby, yet? What is it coming next month now?! What's the hold up? So you're not coming to work until this and this now? I can't believe I'm letting you just live here. I don't know how much longer we can put up with this"

Do you see where I'm going with this????????
I'm positive that laws are being broken here. HELP PLEASE! We only have 90 days to act on this before it slips into nothing!


Well-Known Member
thats shits fucked up! you should have told your boss that your wife was in labour and just left regardless of him saying no. the only thing you can do is wait till monday and talk to lawyer....


Active Member
thats shits fucked up! you should have told your boss that your wife was in labour and just left regardless of him saying no. the only thing you can do is wait till monday and talk to lawyer....
My wife did tell him. At midnight, she said "Ed, I'm in labor. I've been in labor since 1 in the afternoon. At the time, she was in labor for 12 hours when he said "Finish your shift". We didn't leave for fear of losing this house. Having a lawyer and suing is fine and dandy but it doesn't help if you don't have a place to live in the meantime. So far, I have not addressed this issue with my boss yet. I am pleading the fifth. I do not want to hint my anger or my intentions, although a wrongfull firing would just add to the list of things I'm wanting to take this guy down for. The worst thing is that he has a wife and 2 kids of his own, he should have known what was going on and what was needed. The fact that he didn't tell me to leave or anything has broken my trust and my want to work for this guy. Also, it is worth mentioning that we've been working for this guy for 4 years. We are longtime employees and this is not right.


Well-Known Member
Don't ask for legal advice here. Talk to a labour lawyer, ASAP.
Pun not intended.
You should be able to get a consultation for free or cheap. Do a little hunting around online for recommendations first so you don't get stuck with an ambulance chaser.
And avoid the guys that go on TV and hock themselves like a used car salesman.

Don't tell the guy you're speaking to a lawyer, and notify the lawyer of your living situation.
There should be protection available to you in some way, possibly in the form of an injunction. You will still end up having to move at some point though.

My ex sued a landlord whose pitbull went after her when we still lived together. She hurt her back making her escape. It wasn't until after she won that the landlord used the claim that they were going to move into the apartment to have us move. They actually lied about that and we could have taken action, but had bought a house by that point anyway.


Well-Known Member
ya know you cant sue a boss or employer cus they are an asshole to far as your laptop is concerned thats you own damn fault, not your employers. And the funny thing about modern medicine is that when women get pregnant.the doctors give a due date for the birth, so as i see it you have had nine months to get your shit in order and it sounds to me like you made no plans for the big day. fail to plan ...... plan to fail.
you could always grow a pair and find a new place to live and and the only laws i saw broken here is you putting a 2 year old unattended in a room
So what grounds are you plaining on sueing on...................gonna file my boss/landlord is a senseless asshole case???....good luck with that.


Active Member
like i said grow a pair....................or does your employer keep your nuts on a jar on the counter? sounds like it to me.................

I'll grow a pair when he gets his court affadivit saying that I'm suing his ass. Sounded like he tried to grow a pair when he demanded that I stay. Isn't there some dildo you could be pumping instead of launching retardation from your brain onto the internet?


Well-Known Member
ok so what you gonna sue for honestly..........does you employer have over 70 employees? if not have have no case.


Well-Known Member
WOW paint, real mature dood.
dont argue on the internet, plus ur thoughts dont even matter.

in all reality!


Well-Known Member
im not argueing im just wondering what hes planning on sueing FOR............everyone just thinks if they have been treated badly they can sue.........its not that easy, you need to have a case and all i can see here is that the boss involved is a prick....cant sue for that.


Active Member
im not argueing im just wondering what hes planning on sueing FOR............everyone just thinks if they have been treated badly they can sue.........its not that easy, you need to have a case and all i can see here is that the boss involved is a prick....cant sue for that.

Pain and suffering, anyone?


Well-Known Member
first things first.

the land-lord can't just kick you out if you leave. it is illegal to kick a tennant out that has been paying rent, and relies on you're property as a living quarter. he has to issue you a vacancy notice, and give you reasonable time to find a suitable home. 2 weeks, give or take.

in the case of a medical emergency that may threaten your life, you are absolved of any responsibility regarding work, and can leave immediately. the boss cannot fire you if you leave work if your life is in danger.

do not include the bit about leaving your kid by yourself. you might be charged with negligence. the kid went with you and was being taken care of, and the computer, well, you lost it. too bad. it's either that, or have a file opened with social services. you're choice.

you and you're wife made a series of very bad choices that night... talk to a lawyer...................


Active Member
As the others said go see a Lawyer and explain your case but as for your wife having a natural birth she should be glad that she had it that way my girlfriend had an epidural on our son and her back is fucked up now because of it not saying that that happens all the time but there is a lot to be said for Natural Birth if it works why change it


Active Member
Bryguy - such a drag that a Thanksgiving Birthing Day turned into such a stressful situation. After you find out what you can from an attorney and calm down, enjoy the blessing that your daughter was born healthy and your wife and son are doing okay as well. It's a bummer about the laptop, but it could have seriously been worse. Gratitude, man. Take it easy, love your family up, and take action against your employer (while looking for another job - tough time to be doing that too). Hotel operators often take advantage of their staff, it's unfortunate and unjust.
Best of luck to you and your growing family.


Active Member
Ok, I'm getting a lot of responces about the laptop. I may have emphasised it a bit much. I have accidental warrente on my laptop which can be easily replaced. Even if Best Buy didn't honor the warrante (Because we know how much Best Buy honors such things), than the replacement of the keyboard wouldn't cost more than a few hundred dollars.

Moreover, I was trying to stress that I was being pulled by so many different things that knowing what to do would have come MUCH easier had I been given the time off needed to deal with such situations.

Once my wife told my boss "Hey, I've been in labor and the pain is coming." He should have replied with "Leave, I'll get someone to cover for you". Instead, my wife was downstairs talking on the phone with her doctor, my son was in our apartment not being watched by me, because I was forced to continue to serve customers, cook food, and check people into the hotel. I run a one man show without any staff or help at night. Being in 8 places at once is what I get paid to do, but when you add a wife in labor and a 2 year old completely ignoring Scooby-Doo for my laptop, brings un needed stress.

Furthermore, my car needed to be cleaned out. I had 2 ounces sitting inside it (long story, but because I live on "Public Property" Medicating within my home is up to the land lord, which prohibited my medicinal use, which forces me to deal with police and smoking in my car, rather than to lose my home for my wife and children). So I have a bubbler in my car and weed as well as normal street tires that needed to be removed so that things like my wife, booster seat, and child seat could be implimented.

Now my boss doesn't have to give me time to hide my weed (as a matter of fact, that's something I do on my own time) however, prepping the car and bringing what was needed for the hospital venture was vastly important due to the fact that I would be traveling a total of 140 miles a day, back and forth from the hospital to my job (I was given no paternal leave and therefore, was due back at work after my baby girl was born)

As a matter of fact, I have pieced together most of my laptop back together (5 keys will never be back again, but they are f5 and f6, left arrow, right arrow, R key, and ; key) which isn't TOO bad, but definately something I want to get fixed. I just cannot be w/o the internet atm because of this situation. The internet has all the information that I have ever needed for ANYTHING.

However, just as our civil rights are being trampled upon by dishonerable police and politicians, we are still being treated unfairly by our employers who can get away with their crimes if they feel like they can. I do not work for a big corperation. I do not have an internal affairs apartment that could take my grievences and file them away for a "rock talk" meeting with my employer.

What I do have is a boss that says jump and demands me to ask him "How high?" while I am already leaping from the ground. However, demandind that I stay while my wife is ALREADY IN THE PROCESS of having a child was beyond fair and just. There are laws implimented to protect us as American Citizens within the work place as they are within society that keeps us safe from whatever forces that feel that they are "over us" in any way, shape, or form.

If I have come off as an ignorant, sue-happy, person that just wants loads of cash and wants to take the cheap and dishonerable way out, then you have greatly mistaken me. I have never considered going to court for anything (remember, non violent smoker that just wants to do my time in life and go one day) and I fully disagree with most changes that could interfere with my life that could potentially send me into a "danger zone" which leaves me wondering where my children will get their next meal.

I do however, feel that my wife's pain was beyond unneccisary and within the court of law, that my boss should be sued. There is no way to convert pain into anything else. I cannot make my employer indure the pain that my wife went through so that he can realize how fucked up it was for him to do what he did----however, the one way you can make a rich man hurt is through his wallet. If that is the only way for him to see reason, that see reason he shall.

I thank you all for your support. In all honesty, chasing after this is very secondairy. As a matter of fact, I am sitting at work, right now. I suppose if we REALLY wanted to sue him, i should have left immediately and should i have been fired, it would have been an open and shut case. However, we feel that legal advice is necessary before proceeding with this, because wasted time, energy, and cash, just to be denied a settlement will ultimately cost me my job and home, which will cause instability within my family.

I am fairly sure that my rights as an expecting father were over looked for paternal leave that night, as well as my wife's rights to be at the hospital where she needed to be where also trampled upon, as she depended on me (and ultimately my boss) for my ability to get her there. If this is in fact, not correct, than I am at fault and I am to blame. However, within the court of law and this great nation, I truelly and wholley believe that my employer can and will get his just deserts. Even if you do not support me in my decision to bring my boss accountable for the pain that my wife was caused, that is more than fine. However; (damn key) please respect the fact that I am well within my right to look into this and persue this case, just as much as you would should a police officer forced his way into your home, raided your grow room, jacked your weed and lights, and left you without jail time-----all in the name of keeping your weed out of the hands of "children". It is the same concept, only different situation.


Well-Known Member
hey I wanted to point out that your employer cannot fire you because you brought up a legal case against them. if he does, you can sue for the salaries missed, and win and he has to cover your legal fees. it's like whistle-blowers, when they snitch on employers that are doing illegal things, they cannot be fired because of it. the employer can make life a living hell and wait patiently for him to quit.

it's a way to keep employers honest...

i'd suggest you look for another job and another home...

seems to me like you're living in a shithole in the middle of nowhere, with a crappy job, an asshole of a boss, and no babysitters near-by in-case shit happens.....

no wonder you smoke weed.....