Organic Montana Medical Grow


Well-Known Member
yeah I'm pretty sure i'll get it!!
First run got 11.75 out of 5 plants
But holly fuck Round 2 is allready Smoken round 1!


Well-Known Member
yeah I'm pretty sure i'll get it!!
First run got 11.75 out of 5 plants
But holly fuck Round 2 is allready Smoken round 1!
I hear ya...... My round 2 is all together. Im stoked. Its amazing looking back on what you know/ didn't know on the first run. 11.75 oz, nice harvest.


Well-Known Member
I am hoping for good things with my next one. Im really looking for a method that meets my needs and can be repeated, and enhanced in other ways...... Light position is driving me nuts...... My strains are solid.... Hope it works out


Well-Known Member
First off... to all you Montanans... when's the best time of year to come visit? Aside from Harvest time, haha.

approximatly 7lbs dry wuz pulled. modest but hey, id be stoked.
Now Tilemaster... I know you go big... but 7lb modest? I'd strait retire with a 7lb haul.

However, it's a good thing the world has people like you who shoot for the stars. We would all still be in caves or something if everyone was satisfied all the time.

I'm Shooting For 1Lb out of 4 plants!!!
Has anybody got this kind of figures ???
Yes and no. My first grow got about what you did... 11.2 oz for me. BUT I had one Hindu Skunk plant pump out 3 oz 23 grams. Just shy of a qp. That was off 4 weeks veg in my hydro.

This grow I'm hoping for at least a HP (is that a term)... anyways, I'm expecting no less than 8 zips per plant... maybe more like 12 each.

That is off 8 weeks veg in hydro.

All of it done under either 400w.... or 650w. (not 400 +'s either or)

yeah I'm pretty sure i'll get it!!
I'm sure you'll get a pound.

Thanks for adding me over on youtube.


Well-Known Member
Yo GTO... I forgot a question for you.

I'm getting ready to build a veg box. I am going to use plywood. Is there any reason to use the nice plywood vs. the funky particle board?

When I fix stuff around the house I use the good quality stuff, but don't know if it matters for a box that won't be stressed much.

Keep it up bro. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Yo GTO... I forgot a question for you.

I'm getting ready to build a veg box. I am going to use plywood. Is there any reason to use the nice plywood vs. the funky particle board?

When I fix stuff around the house I use the good quality stuff, but don't know if it matters for a box that won't be stressed much.

Keep it up bro. :peace:
first off yer welcome for the youtube request....
second coming to MT is good in the summer months
corse i have lived in mt most of my life!!!so i like it all!!!!
and i built my veg cab out of OSB board its like partical wood i guess......i use it cause its only 7 bucks for a 4x8 7/16 u can see ive used it on everything i build.........and i use sillocone on all pieces and i dont use nails........I glue and screw everything makes for a better product in the end!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey gto please tell me what nutes you used!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hell Yeah I Will Dude!!!

1.The Perfect Room!!:clap:
2.Blue Mountian Organics(E-Bay)
3.Some Love! :weed:
4.FoxFarm OF Soil :bigjoint:
Thats About It Dude!!
Happy To help

P.S. Did you read My whole journal??

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Buried somewhere in the rui files is an article that states rotating your plants is more effective than a light mover. I just rotate my plants 90 degrees each day so that each area gets a different view of the light. It gives me a chance to look over each plant and it seems to develop buds evenly, plus it's cheap.
Congratulations for an excellant build and grow. I've used your site as great example of what and how you should construct. Thank you for an informative, well compiled, journal.



Well-Known Member
Damn GTO! that's such a good idea! :hump: never really seen anyone try anything like that besides what the guy mentioned above about turning your plants a little every day but nothing motorized.

how were you controlling the speeds on it? seems like that would be pretty beneficial for the plant tho


Well-Known Member
There ya go, thinking outside of the box.
Great Idea.

Have you given any thought about how fast it moves?
I wonder if constant lighting is nessessary. Maybe slow it way down. like one rotation per hour.

just bouncing ideas off ya.