Live Chat

OMG! Mr yo yo W. Now look whatcha did.
Hahahaha! Now your mom and the neighbours and friends can all see you at uTUBE place.

:lol::lol::lol:They're all sitting around their 'puters pointing at the screens and laughin':lol::lol::lol:

hahahaha no they arent laughin....they are more like :shock: :o :shock: :o

She didnt think I would do it ;-)

Years back When I was in highschool I sent a girl pictures of me nude...Well they ended up as the background of every computer in the computer lab at school....It was ummm funny. Everyone ended up finding out it was me. I was kinda proud hahahahaha

true story
OMG Mr. W!!! You are ONE freaky little dude. :shock::o
I'm still :shock::o over it and you're like :mrgreen::clap::hump: bring it on baby:-|:oops:

hahahaha no they arent laughin....they are more like :shock: :o :shock: :o

She didnt think I would do it ;-)

Years back When I was in highschool I sent a girl pictures of me nude...Well they ended up as the background of every computer in the computer lab at school....It was ummm funny. Everyone ended up finding out it was me. I was kinda proud hahahahaha

true story
She meaning??? Your mom? :roll:

hahahaha no they arent laughin....they are more like :shock: :o :shock: :o

She didnt think I would do it ;-)

Years back When I was in highschool I sent a girl pictures of me nude...Well they ended up as the background of every computer in the computer lab at school....It was ummm funny. Everyone ended up finding out it was me. I was kinda proud hahahahaha

true story
Yeah, most boys can't resist the "double dog dare". I called his bluff, I really didnt think he would. But I DO think he's got issues. :)
but her lazy ass isn't on right now. nsw, you need to fix that. whip out the wang and she'll come.:grin:
you should double dare your hubby and see if it works. the cry to get that 1000w light :grin:
well this is the first time ive clicked on live chat, and i think i came in on a very wierd conversation. i too went through the wang-photo fiasco. mine was a picture that got "leaked" tho. i didnt do it on purpose than post it haha. i comend you NSW. we should start a frat or some kinda club haha
well this is the first time ive clicked on live chat, and i think i came in on a very wierd conversation. i too went through the wang-photo fiasco. mine was a picture that got "leaked" tho. i didnt do it on purpose than post it haha. i comend you NSW. we should start a frat or some kinda club haha

hahahaha alright which one....a club or a frat? :mrgreen:
i dunno, i opted out of that whole "college" deal, for the moment anyways. whats a frat like? i dont wanna have to hang bricks off it, the picutres were bad/wierd enough haha. i guess ill go with the club. any ideas for a name?