Can you turn a female clone into a male? +rep for help!


pollen does not create males, the dude is lying to you

when you take a clone, is basically like cutting your arm off and your arm growing a new you

the new you would be exactly the same as the original

same genes, so no, you got a male clone, tell that guy he is a terrible grower
dude are you kidding me. Please enlighten me... Where the hell do males come from then genius???


Well-Known Member
dude are you kidding me. Please enlighten me... Where the hell do males come from then genius???
They come from seeds. Pollen coming in contact with a female plant will NOT turn it male. Males create pollen, females create female flowers. When the male pollen comes in contact with the female flower seeds are then created by the female plant. Hope this helps. ;)


Active Member
i would tottaly laugh if the idiot who sold him male clones thought that they were females , and was smokin balls the whole time an thought it was bud , i hope thats what he thought , cuz hes a fuckin dick yo , con artist fo sho! the best you can do is just spread the word an let people know to deffinitly never deal with him , cuz all they are gonna get is a headache and a grow room sausage party! , and NOBODY wants one of those!


Well-Known Member
i would tottaly laugh if the idiot who sold him male clones thought that they were females , and was smokin balls the whole time an thought it was bud , i hope thats what he thought , cuz hes a fuckin dick yo , con artist fo sho! the best you can do is just spread the word an let people know to deffinitly never deal with him , cuz all they are gonna get is a headache and a grow room sausage party! , and NOBODY wants one of those!
This is the main reason I started growing my own. I was tired of dealing with shady people selling bags full of leaf or stems. People get greedy. The only reason to give someone a male clone instead of a female one is to A: rip the person off B: to just be a complete dick C: the person has no idea what the hell the difference between male and female is. :joint:
Although i dont condone it in anyway, one sure way to get back at him is to rat him out. But once again i dont condone that especially to mj cultivators, but if ur guna be a nigger and sell somebody male clones when its no different to raise female clones as somebody already stated, you should then be hanged by an oak tree and beated like a pinata. just my two cents

p.s. the brick idea would be sufficient but theres always repercussions to that kinda shit.


They come from seeds. Pollen coming in contact with a female plant will NOT turn it male. Males create pollen, females create female flowers. When the male pollen comes in contact with the female flower seeds are then created by the female plant. Hope this helps. ;)
Good point, but not what im saying. If you have a clone taken from a plant that you dont know the sex of, IT CAN TURN OUT TO BE MALE! Another asspect is that they came into contact with pollen very early and were nerver given the chance to show any female signs. Either way dude who clipped the clones is an idiot or a total dick that needs his face kicked it.


Well-Known Member
heroin is a hell of a drug.,.,.makes it hard to tell rite from wrong.,.,but still thats fucked.,.,.,karma is the best teacher.,.,


Well-Known Member
Good point, but not what im saying. If you have a clone taken from a plant that you dont know the sex of, IT CAN TURN OUT TO BE MALE! Another asspect is that they came into contact with pollen very early and were nerver given the chance to show any female signs. Either way dude who clipped the clones is an idiot or a total dick that needs his face kicked it.
If the sex is unknown then yeah, it can turn out to be male. But it begs the question, why was the guy selling male clones? No legit person is gonna take cuttings from a plant of unknown sex and then turn around and sell it as guaranteed female clone. And he's trying to say that they may have come in contact with pollen which turned the guaranteed female into a male. That's a load of b.s. You can't turn a female plant male by exposing it to pollen. Whether it has shown it's sex or not it simply doesn't work that way. :leaf:


Active Member
Another asspect is that they came into contact with pollen very early and were nerver given the chance to show any female signs.
No mate, a female plant doesn not on any occasion turn male! It can turn herm but not completly male. Herms can show from stress, conditions, extended flower but not pollination. If anything its less inclined to herm once producing seeds.

OP, unlucky on the male clones... i would imagine the guy took the clones from an immature mother (or father lol) because of lack of growing skill or pehaps he stole them from a breeder who wanted more male plants.

Well done for holding back and not giving him a kickin, i'd be all up for retrobution if i was in your position.


Well-Known Member
Throw bricks through his windows, what is he going to do call the cops? the guy has a grow op in his house.
Regardless how fucked up this guy is (and I'm not sticking up for him) you definitely should not do this. Tell him that you got all males and for him to give you some female clones and then some extra for wasting your time vegging and starting flowering with the originals. If he's half way decent he shouldn't argue. If he won't give you new clones then fuck him. Take it as a loss and let karma come back his way. Throwing a brick through his window will only create bullshit drama, probably for you mostly. Don't forget that you want to grow also, so bringing any heat into the situation isn't good for anybody.

With that said, you really have to be a fucking idiot to sell clones to somebody when you don't know the sex. Secondly, to all the retards out there who think pollen can change a female to male, you're 100% wrong! Pollen can fertilize female flowers, creating seeds. From those seeds you could get males or females, but in no way is it possible for a plant to change sex with the exception of hermies.


Well-Known Member
If the sex is unknown then yeah, it can turn out to be male. But it begs the question, why was the guy selling male clones? No legit person is gonna take cuttings from a plant of unknown sex and then turn around and sell it as guaranteed female clone. And he's trying to say that they may have come in contact with pollen which turned the guaranteed female into a male. That's a load of b.s. You can't turn a female plant male by exposing it to pollen. Whether it has shown it's sex or not it simply doesn't work that way. :leaf:
great help as always doc! I'm over the male clones, they've been chopped for a week now, but what a great discussion thread/ learning experience for my first time. Gotta stay positive, growing is fun right? got eight oaksterdam clones a week ago, that were revegged. so on some of their tips there are bud sites/female parts already. let's see me screw this up! in all heinsite, i didn't skrew anything up, i have a bunch of vetran grower friends, and you guys, that backed up my first grow. buddies were stopping by constantly, giving me their old setup ideas and making sure i was doing it right. but a lot of good facts have been thrown out here on this thread, and i appreciate it. you guys have made it so i can calm down and not go crazy. So im not crazy right? Ha!


Well-Known Member
dude are you kidding me. Please enlighten me... Where the hell do males come from then genius???

dude your not too smart. sounds like you saying that sperm creates males. from what you think
sperm creates babies that are male or female!
no males create sperm

male plants create pollen

pollen gets the females plants pregnant.

male plants come from a seed thats geneticaly male



Well-Known Member
And he's trying to say that they may have come in contact with pollen which turned the guaranteed female into a male.

this is what the guys from that sold the clones said.

i think you need to read into these with more detail cause it seems you know your stuff but you dont answer correctly cause you read wrong


Well-Known Member
I have seen a fem clone turned into a male but not with pollen it was silver nitrate. bx1
wow, that's a new one, very interesting. herd of sex change or hermie from over nute. Weird though. never saw any signs of nute burn, or stress. just flourishing plants. a defn sign of a male plant is a bigger flourishing plant. no yellow leaves. ever. more proof that they were male, but only male. Still not clear if a female clone can be pollinated at a young age and become a male. i guess ill find out with my new batch of clones, that were revegged, and already showing sex/ bud sites that will now reveg. im totally leaning more toward that they were male, or at least that i did nothing wrong. and i don't believe they came in any contact with any male pollen.


Well-Known Member
lol, pollen does not create males! the dna from the mother and father in the plants determines sex, NOT the pollen....if you want to get all technical like that.
(edit-this is in response to pothead or whatever his name is comments)


Well-Known Member
no, a female plant can not ever turn full blown male, ever. your clones are pure male, even if it came off a hermie plant you would see pistils. those clones came off a male plant 100% guarenteed.


Well-Known Member
no, a female plant can not ever turn full blown male, ever. your clones are pure male, even if it came off a hermie plant you would see pistils. those clones came off a male plant 100% guarenteed.
dude, this is the most accurate info! how does "they got pollenated at an early stage, now they're male" make sense? thanks dd420, my head was starting to spin from all the different info. but from all of the intrest in this thread, im sure it helps a lot of people, this can happen to anybody! i happened to me, from someone who i thought i could trust. i worked with him, and went to his grow house! but im moved on, and definitely wiser!


Well-Known Member
dude, this is the most accurate info! how does "they got pollenated at an early stage, now they're male" make sense? thanks dd420, my head was starting to spin from all the different info. but from all of the intrest in this thread, im sure it helps a lot of people, this can happen to anybody! i happened to me, from someone who i thought i could trust. i worked with him, and went to his grow house! but im moved on, and definitely wiser!
If he keeps screwing people like this he's gonna piss off the wrong person and they are gonna turn his ass in. Not smart. :dunce: