New to Growing


Active Member
What the fuck is up with this site i couldn't get into the site for the past hour :cuss:
Anyway I wasn't happy with the pics i took earlier so i got up to take some more I think you's are right I will give them another week if it will fill the buds out more :eyesmoke:



Active Member
You G4J like shrigpiece make me sad to hear those words I was really looking forward to cutting down friday
I would love to get a loupe but my fucking piece of shit car broke down and i have to get it fixed or get a new 1 by monday ,I need it for a job so any dollar i have is going to that,couldn't have happened at a worse time:cuss::cuss: well it didn't break down its still drivable but i can't stop it:lol: and the clutch is fucked but i have a bloke looking at it now if its going to cost too much i'm going to buy another car saturday
You're not that lucky are you.. :lol: :bigjoint:
yea man, i would leave dem a week at least..
Does your ol'dear or ol'man wear specs? If they do you could sneak em to your plants real quick and if dey strong enough, you might be able to see the trichs a bit better like some sort of temp loupe.. :mrgreen:
On the other hand your plants are looking good, patience is a virtue my man..




Active Member
You're not that lucky are you.. :lol: :bigjoint:
yea man, i would leave dem a week at least..
Does your ol'dear or ol'man wear specs? If they do you could sneak em to your plants real quick and if dey strong enough, you might be able to see the trichs a bit better like some sort of temp loupe.. :mrgreen:
On the other hand your plants are looking good, patience is a virtue my man..


Thanks G4J ;-) I would say I have as much luck as any man can have but my bad luck is self inflicted my car wouldn't be in the state its in if i looked after but thats another story
Anyway thats a good idea about the glasses might give it a go but i will have a look for a loupe or mag 30x in a hobby shop the weekend bongsmilie
So you think a week would be enough i have been flushing 2 weeks now thats probably why the BB look terrible iI added a little of the nutes to the water to see if it helps the leaves are dying lookin :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
plants are looking sexy dude! nice bit off bud porn, 2-3 weeks and they will bee sweet:lol: i know its hard to wait but the wait is gonna pay off. you dont want a bag off scrawny buds know do yabongsmilie peace up!!


Active Member
Here's pics i took earlier have a look :eyesmoke:



Active Member
plants are looking sexy dude! nice bit off bud porn, 2-3 weeks and they will bee sweet:lol: i know its hard to wait but the wait is gonna pay off. you dont want a bag off scrawny buds know do yabongsmilie peace up!!
No last thing I want is to decrease the maximum yield i can get :eyesmoke: so if I have to wait i will wait :cuss::bigjoint:


Active Member
Here's todays pics of the girls
how long left would you say ?and there is a pic of my new DBV just arrived today but the fuckin wand doesn't fit it :cuss:



Well-Known Member
those hairs need to be pulling back into the bud with no new ones developing, i bet you got 2 weeks yet


Active Member
those hairs need to be pulling back into the bud with no new ones developing, i bet you got 2 weeks yet
:cuss::cuss: ah don't tell me that del another 2 weeks now some of the pics are of the HS the big buds belong to the Hawaiian Snow and that has 2 weeks to go anyway but the Big Bang should be finished by now or very soon ,I will take more pics of just the BB


Well-Known Member
okey dokey, it can drag on mate but the last thing id want you to do is chop early.... i do it all the time.... well some of the time but im just crap at waiting lol.


Active Member
They be looking good man.. :joint:
alot of the leaves are still green from what i can see so you still got a little while left yet, they have beefed up alot though.. :mrgreen:



Active Member
The pics will have to wait the lights turned off when i started takin pics so i'll take them tomorrow if i have to wait i will wait, don't want to fuck up my first homegrown just because of impatience


Active Member
They be looking good man.. :joint:
alot of the leaves are still green from what i can see so you still got a little while left yet, they have beefed up alot though.. :mrgreen:

Just been havin a look at yours G4J lookin good ,yeah the BB looks healthier than the HS ,the leaves on the HS is yellowing when the BB are still green but the HS has the longer flowering time 11 wks to the BB's 9 wks ,I'm just thinking did i mix the seeds up when i germinated :dunce: