JigFresh's Grow #2 : Vertical Scrog - closet diy dwc - 650w - Headband + Casey Jones


Well-Known Member
damn jigs, your girls sure came around really quickly. i thought were started flowering a week or two apart and yet your girls matured a whole lot faster. nice work man and looking forward to hearing about the final yield count. damn your grow never stops to amaze me.


Well-Known Member
damn jigs, your girls sure came around really quickly. i thought were started flowering a week or two apart and yet your girls matured a whole lot faster. nice work man and looking forward to hearing about the final yield count. damn your grow never stops to amaze me.
Well I got more light, more bubbles, and more veg time. So that may be something. Your girls are looking real beautiful.

Here's the latest:



Well-Known Member
I didn't realize the soil plants were still going, are they gonna be ready around the same time as the others?

I just watched that vid again on full screen. WOW!!! I can only imagine what could be if you had a bigger space than that tiny little closet. Any thoughts on the next grow and what you would do with caregiver rights? Maybe Mrs. jig can donate the closet in her office. lol


Well-Known Member
thanks for the video. my jaw literally dropped, your grow is even more amazing on video. totally blown away by how much you got from two plants... was cracking up at times (obviously stoned).

nice work jigs. truly amazing.


Well-Known Member
i keep looking at this verticale grow and keep thinking i should use this setup as a guide to setup my new closet. it just looks like it is more light effient and easier to cool. what a mighty fine job you have done bro!!!


Well-Known Member
what are all those dots on the leafs?
Sulphur Powder residue. I am using it to combat Powdery Mildew.

Alright now... Humboldt County's Own - Gravity.

This stuff is amazing. I have used it on all three grows now and I have thought it had worked wonders. Well... I finally have visual evidense at least. I gave them the Gravity about two days ago... all the buds are now sagging very significantly. Just since the time I administered the gravity the buds have fattened up, gotten more dense, and have sprouted these tiny tiny new bud growths. It's like the buds are exploding from inside.

I think it was RIU member lllmafia who said it's like the stove top popcorn poppers... the buds explode from within pushing new buds outward.

This morning when I opened the door there was a Casey Jones bud I thought might break off it's stem.... It got that heavy just overnight. 12 hours, damn.

So yeah... this stuff works.

The crazy part. The only thing the girls have in their tank is RO and Gravity.

ppm: 16

(yes sixteen)



Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Very nice, buds are looking great!!!

Do you have a pic of the girls right before the gravity was started, justwondering??


Well-Known Member
Holy shit Jig that is fucking amazing. Looks so damn good. Humboldt county gravity is on the list. Just grabbed some liquid Kool Bloom. Looking damn good!


Well-Known Member
Looks delicious Jig. Whats your yield prediction looking like now......
I'm still pulling for 22 oz. Maybe 14 oz CJ and 8 oz SG? This Casey Jones could be a damn pound by herself. You wouldn't beleive it if you actually saw it.

damn jigs, your girls sure came around really quickly. i thought were started flowering a week or two apart and yet your girls matured a whole lot faster.
I forgot... the bushmaster I used is supposed to help them mature faster too... who knows if it does.

Any thoughts on the next grow and what you would do with caregiver rights? Maybe Mrs. jig can donate the closet in her office. lol
No thoughts on the next one. This grow is taking a lot of attention... and the snow has slowed progress in things.

and HEY... you better not say that closet bit too loud. I'm gonna get in trouble. That is HER closet, haha. I might lose a finger even suggesting it.

thanks for the video. my jaw literally dropped, your grow is even more amazing on video. totally blown away by how much you got from two plants... was cracking up at times (obviously stoned).
Seriously... I can't beleive the whole thing. It's like I know it's real... but I have to keep pinching myself. It's like an out of body experience. I remember doing all the work over the past few monthes... but its staggering to look at the results. The fruits of my labor.

I truly credit you and my other good friends on this site. You guys keep me going. Give me ideas and inspiration. And give me a reason to log all of this.

So... Thank you.

Wow jig they look absolutely amazing! I like the SOB (Sea of Buds) LOL.
I liked that too. I got a big S.O.B. in my closet, haha.

i keep looking at this verticale grow and keep thinking i should use this setup as a guide to setup my new closet. it just looks like it is more light effient and easier to cool. what a mighty fine job you have done bro!!!
Thanks kev. Yeah man... it uses the light better (i think). And it is easier to cool for sure. It's great for my closet becuase of the footprint. it's only 3x2. so that's 6 square feet of floorspace... but wall space there is like 50 square feet.

Loving the hedge vid, Jig!!!
Thanks DST. I'm digging all your photos.

Do you have a pic of the girls right before the gravity was started, justwondering??
Thanks hulk. I went searching through the pics I took. Here is the best/ closest comparison I got. You can see the difference I think.

Notice the angle the branch is hanging now.

Oh... this is 5 days difference.



Well-Known Member
Loving the pics Jig. I as well have the bushmaster and gravity on my shopping list for my next grow. After seeing those before and after pics hell ya.



Well-Known Member
Those are some crazy looking nugs.

I figured her closet was a no-go but can you imagine 2 lbs off a 4 plants? lol

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Dam man looks like the gravity added a extra 1/4 size of the bud to the top, if that makes since. Was checking out the fan leaves to try and determined the growth width and heights of the bud and if i see what i think i am seeing dam in one week, that stuff does wonders to add a extra flower boost towards the end of the grow. Going to be nice to see what you yield off the Building of Buds, seas are more flat and there is no way this is flat vertical all the way. After seeing the yield i believe there is going to be a good fallowing of verticals grows to come. Hats off to you for being one of the first or the very first to do this size vertical setup.

bongsmilierips away


Well-Known Member
Dam man looks like the gravity added a extra 1/4 size of the bud to the top, if that makes since. Was checking out the fan leaves to try and determined the growth width and heights of the bud and if i see what i think i am seeing dam in one week, that stuff does wonders to add a extra flower boost towards the end of the grow. Going to be nice to see what you yield off the Building of Buds, seas are more flat and there is no way this is flat vertical all the way. After seeing the yield i believe there is going to be a good fallowing of verticals grows to come. Hats off to you for being one of the first or the very first to do this size vertical setup.

bongsmilierips away
Thank you hulk... you sure can make an ego inflate. But before I get too full of myself, check this:

42 POUNDS off 10 PLANTS ... only 3 weeks veg!!!




Well-Known Member
Dam man looks like the gravity added a extra 1/4 size of the bud to the top, if that makes since. Was checking out the fan leaves to try and determined the growth width and heights of the bud and if i see what i think i am seeing dam in one week, that stuff does wonders to add a extra flower boost towards the end of the grow. Going to be nice to see what you yield off the Building of Buds, seas are more flat and there is no way this is flat vertical all the way. After seeing the yield i believe there is going to be a good fallowing of verticals grows to come. Hats off to you for being one of the first or the very first to do this size vertical setup.

bongsmilierips away
Agreed. I'm always the skeptic and I wasn't sure how well the vert thing would go, but I'm a believer. I still think it would be interesting to see a vert and a horizontal grow going at the same time. Like stoner mythbusters to see which one is better, and what the difference in yield is.

On another note, I just saw on KTLA that there have been more than enough signatures gathered to add a vote to legalize up to an ounce of weed for adults over 21 and the right to grow in 25 square feet in Nov. 2010. If you live in california and you aren't registered to vote this is the time.
Also, use of meth, alcohol, and cigs is down in high school kids, they have chosen a safer alternative, POT!! Not that kids should be doing any of these, but if you gotta choose one, it might as well be the one that won't kill you.