Fuck Marijuana!

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I see so many people call it Marijuana. Why?

I have decided to stop using the term "Marijuana" to describe the Cannabis plant. There are more ways to refer to reefer than ways to refer to vaginas.

The term "Marijuana" was blatantly used by WR Hurst and his cronies like HJ Anslinger, to demonize Cannabis. "Marijuana" was the term that helped the original laws against Cannabis to get formed.

Referring to reefer as "Marijuana" did 2 things:
1 It made people think it was some plant OTHER than hemp. (If people knew that this "mexican loco weed" was actually harmless old hemp, they would have seen through the bullshit)

2 It made people relate Cannabis use to Mexicans. (aaah, Mexicans! The newspaper says they are scary!)

Even today, "Marijuana" has a negative connotation to it. When you watch the news, and they bust a major criminal gang, how to they present that news to you? usually by spreading a bunch of guns and bales of various drugs on a table, then put in big letters, "POLICE SEIZE MARIJUANA"
When you take a class in public school where they teach you about drugs, the textbook tells you all about the dangers of "marijuana"

"marijuana" is not the technical term, or the proper term, it was actually put in place by people who had a calculated plan to demonize our beloved plant.

I think we as a community should find one of the many of other names it has, and call it by that.

Lets go smoke some pot, herb, ganja, weed, cannabis, dank, nuggets, ..... (help me continue this list, im sure with your help we can come up with hundreds of other things to call it)


Well-Known Member
i thought its called marijuana cause thats spanish for cannabis and the mexicans were the first to use it recreationally in america.

i think weed sounds more bad than marijuana. i call it buds or trees but ever since i got my med card i call it meds.:weed:


bud bootlegger
spliff, joint, bong fill, devils weed, green, killer, kill, indica, sativa,trees,phatty,sticky icky,dope,hydro, dro,kgb,kine bud,homegrown,420,green goddess,herb,chronic,cheeba,indio,buddha,locoweed,maryjane,shake,sinsilmila,skunk,whacky tobbacy,bush, draw,dry high,dubby,gage, ganja,giggleweed,grass,hemp,jane,jive,mexican green,panama red,pot,puff,reefer,resin,roach,smoke,tea, texax tea, thai sticks..
just a few of them that i found.. i am sure there are many more too..


Well-Known Member
anything but marijuana or pot...as long as you don't say DANNNKKKK when talking about schwag or mids, thats fine. just dont say it like all the cool kids do " SO DANKKKKK MANNNNN"


Well-Known Member
my dad would say "marijuana" in a real straight tone. when i hear that word it makes me think of someone who doesnt smoke. like if a dude came up to you in the street and was like "do you know where i can find any marijuana?" lol id be like wtf.