Ron Paul meets a medical MJ patient


Sector 5 Moderator
I apologize in advance for posting this in the general section but it needs to be seen by everyone in this forum. If you're wondering who to vote for next year and who to influence your friends to vote for you have to see this clip. Not only is Dr. Ron Paul an M.D., he really has his head on straight about how government should be. This could save any of us some prison time if we ever get caught. Please give a listen: YouTube - Rep. Ron Paul meets a medical marijuana patient--Nov. 9 2007


Well-Known Member
it's too bad he had to join one of the two main parties to get recognition by the general public


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I hadn't seen that one. I got to see the other Nazis though like Mit and Rudy and they made me sick. Ron Paul is the guy!!


Well-Known Member
I apologize in advance for posting this in the general section but it needs to be seen by everyone in this forum. If you're wondering who to vote for next year and who to influence your friends to vote for you have to see this clip. Not only is Dr. Ron Paul an M.D., he really has his head on straight about how government should be. This could save any of us some prison time if we ever get caught. Please give a listen: YouTube - Rep. Ron Paul meets a medical marijuana patient--Nov. 9 2007
RP has been portrayed as a kind of wacko on the fringe person. His old web site was bad. But his new site is very good. He really has changed my thinking because he explains himself.

The best thing about RP's web site is he shows House Bills he has introduced or co-sponcered. Some of the candidates make grand statements, like they will clean up America, save small business, and fix health care. Yet they show the viewer nothing.

One candidate tells lies on his web site. He claims he is pro Second Amendment. He does not explain really what he has has done to support the Second Amendment. At you find that this candidate has an "F" rating from the National Rifle Assc.

On the other hand, RP shows proof of his support.

Currently, RP is still considered a long-shot candidate. But if he keeps getting internet donations and takes a forth place in New Hampshire or Iowa he will become a major player. Already he is getting a lot more press play.


Well-Known Member
Just my opinion.....

Other than being accepting of MM....What ELSE does he bring to the table.

That alone is no reason to vote for anyone.

I see alot more going on than needing to accept Cannabis for medical reasons.

This country is FUCKED UP....Freeing weed will not solve issues that have haunted this country for years.

Foreign Policy etc.

And never forget...Once a Republican....Always a Republican.

My opinion.


Well-Known Member
I would NEVER vote for Republican... whether his name is Ron Paul or not.

Good luck with that.

Oh yea, and this does belong in the politics section.


Active Member
well Ron Paul is about the most liberal republican there is, and like stated above he is only republican because he had to choose between the two mainstream parties.


Active Member
Exactly, so before you go bashing him because of your stereotypical beliefs why not do a little research & actually learn about what you're talking about..People that are judgemental like you & WILL NOT choose someone SIMPLY because the party they belong to is half the reason our country is so fucked now


Active Member
First of all, thanks to BSI for having the first sensible post on this thread.

I would NEVER vote for Republican... whether his name is Ron Paul or not.

Good luck with that.
That is one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard. Not voting for someone whose views you agree with, just so you can say you've never voted for a Republican?! I hate to break it to you but great presidents have come from both the left and the right. The party name means nothing at all, you have to go much more in-depth than that before you can truly decide whether or not to support a candidate. Ron Paul is a perfect example of that, being more libertarian than anything else.

Sorry for perpetuating a political discussion that's in the wrong section.


Well-Known Member
Best way to put it in my opinion is hes the shiniest peanut in the turd.

I don't agree with everything he says, but out of everyone there he meets a good portion of my views, so he will be getting my vote.


Active Member
i would never vote for anyone that doesnt know who they are...he's a liberal socialist when it's convenient and he's a republican when needed...there ia a third party...independent...if your too chickenshit and confused to run as what you are then maybe you shouldnt be running at all...

yea this belongs in the politico sec...just ruined a good buzz with this "vote for him shit"..

thats why someone went thru all the trouble to put it there...oh well..i'll just roll another


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul has more principled positions on everything than any other candidate. His positions haven't changed significantly for 30 years, can Hillary say that? He would end the drug war and the Iraq war. The goverment has taken our rights and freedoms, he wants to give them back. Freedom and liberty are Ron's guiding principles. Geez, If you are on this site and you don't want to be arrested I think he would be your man.


Well-Known Member
He is great for pro marijuana, but would he ever stand a chance to be voted president? Wouldnt he be the next ralf nader sucking up votes?


Active Member
The biggest problems exactly, the two "parties" or whatever the fuck you'd like to call them, really have screwed up this world, and the world of voters. Some are too busy looking at a party name this country has made so damn important, that you have to choose? a political party should NOT represent one man's views, and it shouldnt make you think differently of them either.

When you ask what else he puts in, do the same for other canidates, as someone said he's the shiniest turd in the pile. You're not going to get everything from one man, especially in this age. Ron Paul is old enough to come from a time where more people actually knew what the fuck was going on and what the fuck they were doing. This age it's becomming more of a popularity contest than anything, and worrying about who's under the desk sucking dick.

Some people look at us the same way, I myself being a smoker like most of us here, do damn good at whatever job i do - and i do that smoking. Some would frown on me for being "stoned" or "high" at work, but does it effect my work? no. Just a little example of how some of you are treating Ron Paul before actually taking a second to think or have any acceptance.

I would NEVER vote for Republican... whether his name is Ron Paul or not.

Good luck with that.

Oh yea, and this does belong in the politics section.
Your mind is'nt free at all, your opinion is obviously predetermined by someone else.

Just my opinion.....

Other than being accepting of MM....What ELSE does he bring to the table.

That alone is no reason to vote for anyone.

I see alot more going on than needing to accept Cannabis for medical reasons.

This country is FUCKED UP....Freeing weed will not solve issues that have haunted this country for years.

Foreign Policy etc.

And never forget...Once a Republican....Always a Republican.

My opinion.
I think we're doing better on any of those subjects than any other country, so i wouldnt call them that much of a problem. Excluding enviorment, however. I do see your point, but this post was made to point people to him to investigate and get more information on how he feels, MMJ was the issue that brought the post here, that's all. You also seem to feel the same way as kato88 and his reply is yours too.

A huge issue you never get to see if how many people get put in jail that actually don't deserve to be there, against people that really do deserve to be there. You dont see this because those people put there that shouldnt be there end up not being able to vote against the cause, and until i spent a little time myself i didnt realize how bad the problem really is - and most, even the canididates will not really truely realize that, Especially in this age.

That's a problem.