set up help?


Well-Known Member
bag seed lol. no real cost. so if ya mess up bad no big deal. imo I've been keeping a crop going for years now and still use bag seed. I think it bs to pay 50+ for ten seeds. Clones would be the way to go if you can. No.
Grow from seed and get the hang of it befor spending money on clones. again imo.


Well-Known Member
When they need it. lol it will very with what part of the grow your in the soil the temp and the humidity. But for the most part every 2-4 days. Mine for the most part are every 3 days. Stick your finger into the second nuckle when it's bone dry. Water


ok good to know, its ok to mix seeds right? like if i had two different types of seeds and mixed them it would still be all good right?


Well-Known Member
you can mix as many different seeds in a grow as u want but dont put any more than one in each pot, the roots tangle and the plants compete for nutes. if its bags seeds then ask whoever u get it from what the strain is and search here and around the net for info on it, if ur buying seeds again do the same, i'm growing 'the church' and its an easy grow, mold and pest resistant and a decent yeild, its a good all rounder. indicas are faster and imo easier to grow although most strains are now hybrids so thats really up to the individual. urbest bet if u want a blow by blow run down for a grow is to have a look at a few grow journals on here, some of them are really detailed and will explain it all, as time passes ur gaunna pick up more and more from them and most likely you'll end up comparing the different methods. the only correct method is the one that suits you, everyone has different set ups and therefore opinions. jump in and worry about it later coz any problems ur gaunna encounter have almost certainly happened to sum1 here b4 so if u hit a problems just google/riu it and search around. best of luck and you know if all goes a little strange one of the riu ghosts who haunt the place( like me) will point u to someone who can help u.


thank you everyone for all your help, as soon as i get some seeds im going to begin a grow journal it would be nice to get the same help there thanks alot


Well-Known Member
Hey, tkid180. All the advise you've been getting is sound. If I may offer you some more sound advice... DONT DO ANYTHING UNTIL YOU BUY A NEW LIGHT AND DO A LITTLE HOMEWORK! Once you start them, they wont wait for you... You seem very eager to learn the proper way of doing things, which tells all of us, that your probably going to have a successful grow.

The first thing you should do, is go get a new light . I would suggest this one... 145 bucks is a really good price for that. It's 400W High Pressure Sodium. You can grow your plants from seed to smoke with this light. The 600W is in fact a better light, but seeing as your growing in a closet, it's almost better for you to use this one.

Another major point for you to remember is reflectives. You should empty your grow closet, and paint the walls the brightest flat white paint you can find. This will help the light reflect off the walls, and create a better lit environment for your ladies. If you can afford it, eventually... Mylar is better.

I've gathered from the comments that your growing in soil. If I were you, I'd stay as far away from Miracle Grow as you can. Their nutes can be hard to work with w-out burning your plants up. The best soil on the market for cannibis(IMO) is Fox Farm Ocean Forest. It can be VERY expensive to have shipped, so if you cant find it in your area, than I'd suggest you go with Jiffy Soil. It can be found at most Wal-Marts. If you really want to do some homework, learn a few tricks on organic fertilizing. there are some organics nutrients you can add to that plain Jiffy soil that will help your girls thrive, like worm castings, bat guano, Llama manure, fish compost,ect...

Once you've got your light and your dirt, your gonna' have to make sure you got your light on a timer.(Not sure if you know about how Photoperiods work. If you do, skip this paragraph) Your plants will grow in two stages. A Vegetative growth stage, and a flowering stage. The vegetative growth is when your plant is establishing itself. growing tall, adding gearth to the stalks to hold the weight of the buds that will some day be. Vegetative growth is maintained by keeping your lights on a timer that will turn them on for 18 hours and off for 6. When your plants have "vegged" for long enough, your gonna want to change them to Flowering. This is accomplished by cutting the timer to 12 hours of dark, and 12 hours of light. Your plants will be ready for harvest, 8-13 weeks after 12/12 photoperiod begins.

This is all the information your gonna' need TO GET STARTED! There are more little bits of info your gonna need. I suggest getting a couple of informative videos and watching them before you crack your seeds, or buy your clones. we have a forum for obtaining these videos.

Start a grow journal the minute you decide to start them. It should be noted that when posting your grow journal, it will be very useful to post pics of everything. Most members wont even offer help if they cant SEE what your problem is.

Send me a PM with a link to your grow journal, when you start it.

Once you get everything you need... NOW you can get your seed. What your looking for is a very user-friendly strain. Northern Lights strains are traditionally very good for beginning growers. Your probably gonna' want feminized seed, as well. You want something that's gonna' put up with alot of stress. Here's a couple feminized, noob-friendly strains...


from what it looks like in the pic. It will not work. what type of bulb is it?
im not exactly sure thats why i asked haha, well i have cfl bulbs i just need a lamp for them, and i heard of people growing with a blacklight is that true? can you grow with a blacklight?


Well-Known Member
A black light has no value as a grow light. some use it to help resin production. I've had one in my flower roon the last few grows. hehe last 1.5 grows. can't say if it helps or not. lol the lamp would work. this is one I use for side light now. the base was a old flour tube fixture. the rest about 10.00 at home depot.

cfl grow 009.jpg


i think im going to start my grow tomorrow, im going to finish my setup and start growing, do i need the light on it even before it sprouts?


ok i just got everything set-up, i dont know how good it is and i still need to get a fan for ventilation, when its 100% im going to put pictures up for input on if its an ok set-up or not, i just need to put in the ventilation and finish the light set-up, but i need to know would it be easier to go get on 50w cfl or use 2 13w cfls?


Well-Known Member
To start off with. Then you can add light as needed.
Going to give you my way of starting seeds.
soak your seeds for 12 hours.
fill solo cup a little over half way.
put the seed in the cup with just enough soil to cover it.
use a spray bottle and wet the soil well. you want it moist not wet.
now don't water again unless the top dries out alot. you should see them pop in 3-5 days.


To start off with. Then you can add light as needed.
Going to give you my way of starting seeds.
soak your seeds for 12 hours.
fill solo cup a little over half way.
put the seed in the cup with just enough soil to cover it.
use a spray bottle and wet the soil well. you want it moist not wet.
now don't water again unless the top dries out alot. you should see them pop in 3-5 days.
ok thats what im going to do than thanks man

oh and how many days do you think the veg. and flowering stages will be?

and btw when i start my journal will you follow it and help me?


Well-Known Member
I'll do my best to help out. I'm sure theres tons of stuff I don't know and if I don't I'll say so. I veg for about 4-6 weeks sometimes longer. depends on what you want to do. I would go a month min. flower time veries but around 120 days.