The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
I hate only havin two plants in flower lol i also hate the powder mildew tho its not harming the buds any at the min if left to be itll harm the plant by robbing its light grr. Just bought some potasium bicarbonate, gonna try this but im up for trying anything


Well-Known Member
random chit chat, blah blah blah.
what do you think the world would be like if it was in fact square??

imm thinking funny waters at corners and edges, everyone thinking its the end of the world and not knowing of other lands etc... blah blah that good enough for ya :lol:

the carbonated water keeps shit alive a lot longer than just plain h20
yeah i gathered thats what you meant but yeah i was just being a cunny funt lol.

I hate only havin two plants in flower lol i also hate the powder mildew tho its not harming the buds any at the min if left to be itll harm the plant by robbing its light grr. Just bought some potasium bicarbonate, gonna try this but im up for trying anything
you still emptying the tent after this run and cleaning up??


Well-Known Member
no idea atall m8 sorry, why u ask that? Is that what uve done to something? not long i dunt spoze cuz the roots need O2 and co2[/QUOTE

i was just wondering about maybe flushing a plant by puttin the roots in a bucket with an airstone rigged up in it. and if it was possible to build a flushing system so that i could get them out of my room a week early and get the next plants in. but how good would it work? that is the main question...i was gonna make a thread but then i just decided on jackin yours lol.


Well-Known Member
no idea atall m8 sorry, why u ask that? Is that what uve done to something? not long i dunt spoze cuz the roots need O2 and co2[/QUOTE

i was just wondering about maybe flushing a plant by puttin the roots in a bucket with an airstone rigged up in it. and if it was possible to build a flushing system so that i could get them out of my room a week early and get the next plants in. but how good would it work? that is the main question...i was gonna make a thread but then i just decided on jackin yours lol.
Hey OneEyed, there's a cat on this website (a female one) who feeds her girls right up until the last day - no flushing either.) She then chops the plant at the base of the stem, then hangs the plant from a hook and leaves the stem in a bucket of water. This is her flushing technique. I think she does that for a few days then trims and harvests. It was last year when I read this and I can't remember what I was doing 10 minutes ago, so please excuse the fact that I can't provide you with a handy link...but she's on RIU somewhere....

Upon re-readin your post, for what you are talking, I am not sure the plant would develop much more in the last week though. I think it would stay alive though.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i looked into this a while back and the theory is sound but its a bit of a hassle if you've got more than one plant really i cant imagine how hard its going to be to keep the thing upright in a bucket of water once you've chopped its roots off haha


Well-Known Member
xmass tree stand modified to fit the slender bowes? Just a thought
That would be ideal, or two bits of 2/4 nailed to each other in a cross with leveling blocks on the undersides of the top piece, then just nail this through the base of the plant (i.e a home made Xmas tree stand.....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah thats the thread i read many moons ago. i think in emergencies fair enough but as most of us are in coco these days and flushing is nearly not necessary.


Well-Known Member
hahah thats the thread i read many moons ago. i think in emergencies fair enough but as most of us are in coco these days and flushing is nearly not necessary.
Very true, I still flush though in the last week, but I just don't use half the water supply of Europe to do it anymore, lol. Just enough to get a decent run off that is mainly clear.
Talking of Run Off, need to get to the shop.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
why is it a sad update!?!?! looks fine n dandy to me westy!?

all that canopy for 2 plants is good signs man and a 3 n 4 weeks your gonna get great yield fella, chin up!


Well-Known Member
yeah westy chin up mate that canopy reminds me of my last grow n wot happend to it explosions!!


Originally Posted by rasclot
3WEEKS N 5 DAYS IN 12/12

yeah i thought they were gonna stay short but their not! the tallest is 108cm tall!! their comin along nicely now. i uped the a+b to double the strengh n today im gonna up the boost hopefully they like it here they are

i got faith in ya westy:leaf::bigjoint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
I wanna put 4 more in but Im holding off cuz of this pm shit lol. Im used to having up to 11 in my tent lol


Well-Known Member
The beauty of Headband - mold resistant. While all around are getting a bad dose of head and shoulders, the Headbands say, "come on, give us all you can MoFo PM" Very tollerant to mildew thems are.


Well-Known Member
Hello Mr West,
I think the tent set up looks good.

Was wondering about Don and Gin's comment about No flushing?
I too am using coco, perlite and hydron,,,,, we don't have to flush
Now thats great news. Does anyone know the reason we don't have too.
and what percent of coco do you use in your mix?
Just wondering