Club 600


Well-Known Member
I saw Paolo Nutini at New Year in Edinburgh 2008-09, was quite cool. He looked trashed, lol.


Well-Known Member
im sort of doing perpetual BOG haha bush of green over lollipopped single colas. i fear having too many plants at any one time. tho im probably over what would be accepted as personal anyway.

you should see 2 elbows out of that no probs, man thats gonna a be a bitch of a trim or have you got help?

6 6's should be sweet man id love to have that kind of space.

happy growing man!
Your right on the bitch to trim part. I do have my live in girlfriend to help which makes it easier though. I was trying to think of a way to to some how make a mini-electric trimmer to speed things along..Need to figure out something cause I have to trim 40 plants every 14 to 21 days. On the bright side, I have a shit load of fingerhash....sorta loks like a rabbit took a massive dump in a 1/2 pint zippy..:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

initial outlay vs time saved = fucking WINNER

lol rabbit dump
I looked at that awhile back, but it requires you to cut all your buds off the main stem before you process them in this trimmer. I like hanging my colas upside down and slow drying them in a temp/humidity controlled environment....When I figure out something I'll let ya know. But thanks alot anyway my friend...Well its off to bed for me. It's 7am here and I got home from work 3 hours ago and I am dead it's time for the four "B"s


Take care ya'll

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye i did wonder bout that bit but its got to save a fair bit of time still. but then again everyone likes to have a fat turd nugg in their zip eh

nightshift is hard man g'night!


Well-Known Member
So it
If you click on Demonstratie en Specificatie, you then get a little demo, and there is English in there as well....upon looking at it, you can only rent it out - Te Huur/To hire....ah well. If anyone needs a few tonnes of weed cut, bring it over and you can hire one of these for 50 euro per day!!! The demo is quite funny...


Well-Known Member
I think it would be worth giving it a try lad, but those blades are quite short, may get clogged up with stickyness quickly. Still worth trying... Unless anyone has had any bad experience they can share...?
Here is my first grow. 4 600 watts inside water cooled fixtures (Fresca Sol). Im running em in an ebb and flow bucket system, total of 24 girls 12 Sour Kush 12 Madman OG.

I had to veg them a little to long due to some issues with my HPS comming in, finally got to a point I had to just flower under my T5 fixtures for a week.

I went with a vertical grow to try something canopy is almost parabolic at this point....or like a bowl.....Taller girls in back and the shorter ones got stuck right in the center.....Idk how it will do but my thinking was to Maximize light coverage

You can see ive been having a bit of a problem with some minor burning due to some small hot spots directly surronding the bulb. I hope to rig something up to train them off of direct light contact this week, without cutting down the lumens and coverage.


Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Curious, it's nice to have another old fart on here. Sure I remember it.

If I could I would gladly have a smoke around. Being from the old school when weed was almost dirt cheap it was nothing for several ounces to appear on a coffee table. Well I still think it should be freely shared. As far as I'm concerned weed is the ultimate social drug. I would love to be able to share it with my fellow club members.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
wow 100% humidity you sure you dont live in atlantis heads up?

If florida is the lost continent of atlantis, it should have stayed lost. Strange climate here. I'm in the center of the state, it's colder in the winter than the coasts and in summer it's hotter. The heat and humidity here in the summer is ungodly, no wait, it's downright evil. It is killer, literally. I dicked around growing in a closet my first two grows and it was hot in there using a t-5. I have a computer fan exhausting the hot air into the attic and another blowing on my babies. Even with the cold temps we have been having, it's over eighty in my closet and at this moment it's sixty five degrees, winds out of the east at seven and the humidity is seventy percent. The past week or so it's been at thirty percent. The winds were from the north.

Yeah, I live in atlantis. I've been here long enough to have gills.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Stones fan...Oh yeah!! But I like all music though except cRAP. Thanks for the kudos on my set up...It's still a work in progress. FDD has a nice one going in what looks like his spare bedroom.

And you are right about your smelling the roses comment!! I pity those poor souls in Haiti because I went thru a similar situation a few years back but on a smaller scale as compared to the recent earthquake. I was one of the idiots who elected to ride out Hurricane Katrina in my house which at the time was only 8 miles as the crow flies from downtown New Orleans....Well anyway, this is a great club and I am glad to be a part of it:bigjoint:
What else could your moniker mean? So how you doin' now tatu, hope you don't mind my bastardization of your name? Katrina...I watched her every day on the weather channel from a battered florida. When she exploded in the gulf, I remember saying to the old lady, I pity the people of new orleans but I'm sure glad it's not coming here. We were already beat up at that point. No offense intended. I don't really want to imagine what it must have been like for you. I've been around for a fair amount of time, seen a lot of things, like mans first step on the moon, a proud moment for america. Katrina on the other hand, was one of the worst moments in america I have witnessed. The same fervor that went into the 9/11 effort, should have gone into new orleans and the whole gulf coast that was affected. Shameful, it was a sad time that no amount of excuses will ever make acceptable. Browny, you're doing a helluva' job??? You have got to be freaking kidding me. Shameful.

OK, I feel better for you now. So, how are you doin'? How's your city? How's your living conditions? I'm guessing they can't be to bad by the pics. How are the people of new orleans doing? It seems from the little bits and pieces of what I do see, big business seems to have recovered, what about mom and pop?

I hope I didn't open any sores, my ex is from louisianna. A world of cultural difference to me, but I absolutely loved her family...all four of her sisters. Seriously, some really decent folks.


Well-Known Member
Ok today i got some free sample of some stuff i gotsupernaturalbrand superleach, it is 0-0-1,growth meduim rejuvanator, i was gonna use this with my flush tommorow, also got some seed treatment called messenger this is what it says it doesincreases root mass and uniformity in germination, stimulates a plants growth and defense mechanisms, boosts overall growth,vigor, and production,aids in the managment of diseases,and improve the plants ability to grow and protect itself from stresses caused by adverse envirmental conditions, i dont know if i will ever use this though cuz i dont like growing from seed, i like clones, i also got some stuff called supernatrual brandgreennstay, it says keeps plants green when heavy flowering or under stress, but its only for foiler spray and i dont spay my plants unless its with neem to get bugs out and off, so i dont know if i will use this either but i still got it, if anyone has used anyof these let me know how they work and what not, and should i use the super leach to flush or flush with plain water, also when i flush do i water right after the flush with a low nute solution, i also got some ph upand down and the tester for only 15 dollors i thought it was a pretty good deal, and i cant get mylar cuz they only sell it in 25 sqaure feet or more and i dont need neer that much so still have no mylar but all well:bigjoint: oh and the pic of the md bottle is my home made watering device i saw one for llike 10 dollors at the store and decided to just make it with a regaulr hose and bottle it makes it easier to water with nutes so i dont burn leaves and so i dont have to water from the bottom cuz that shit sucked



Well-Known Member
some of the gal's,from the room,la women&tora bora ,600 watt lumatek,5x4 grow space,ff line,nute&soil,humbolt honey es,super thrive,highly oxygenated water,milk crates for pots,lined with rubber:bigjoint:

