unidentified problem at 5wks flowering

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm sorry but your doing the same thing that you supposedly got fired up at me about... you're telling him he needs to invest more money time and stressing the plants to do something that doesn't need to be done. The worst thing you can do to cannabis is to react too quickly. Let the plant speak to you, I've been talking to plants for OVER 20 years now, and I like to think I've learnedtheir language pretty well. there is always something to learn, jumping to the most technical solution could potentially cause a LOT of problems.
Read over my posts, there's a lot of good information, and I think you may see I'm right and learn something too...
Also, no hard feelings taken, but maybe you should start dealing wsith people with the respect you want in return.


Well-Known Member
It's not "natural" what's happening to your plants. It definitely looks like a root problem, either rotting roots or fungis would be my guess. Too much watering/moisture is the likely culprit, but you are so far in that really the only fix is to stop watering for a little while and let it dry out. Then water on a regular good schedule. I'm not an expert on soil, but I've seen what happens when the roots get shitty and you've got a picture of it right there.


Active Member
Honestly it looks like the natural fade that the plant takes on at the end of it's cycle. All it is, is the plant sucking the last of the nutes out of the leaves to use towards bud and resin production.


Active Member
Please do not listen to this kid...he is giving BAD advice.
Your plant got worse after flushing for a reason, it needs nutrients, however not in a bad way.
The bloom solution has less nitrogen in it, which is what keeps the plants green and healthy. As the plant uses up its stores of nitrogen to supplement the nutrients, it will start to kill of leaves, because that's where the plant stores excess nutrients. THIS IS ALL OK! The plant uses more phosphorus and potassium through bloom than nitrogen. You have a good nute line that is working with your plant naturally to mature.
That's how and why this is happening, it IS nature, and science, you cannot argue with that. Please, be careful, there is much mis-information out there...
And i'm not giving bad advice if your plants look like this guy's plant at the ladder part of flower you are doing something wrong they shouldn't look that far gone. I have a bachlers in horticuture yes a degree and 18+ years under my belt and ever body doesn't use the same product and not everybody grows the same.So don't act like i'm some un educated boy i'm 34 and started growin at 16 years old.


Active Member
Ok, I'm sorry but your doing the same thing that you supposedly got fired up at me about... you're telling him he needs to invest more money time and stressing the plants to do something that doesn't need to be done. The worst thing you can do to cannabis is to react too quickly. Let the plant speak to you, I've been talking to plants for OVER 20 years now, and I like to think I've learnedtheir language pretty well. there is always something to learn, jumping to the most technical solution could potentially cause a LOT of problems.
Read over my posts, there's a lot of good information, and I think you may see I'm right and learn something too...
Also, no hard feelings taken, but maybe you should start dealing wsith people with the respect you want in return.
Hey bro really just have bad day at doc office. I really do not talk to people that way ever.And ur right about learning i think i've learned more about plants by just studying my grows than i did in any book. Again sorry for been an asshole!!!!!


Active Member
And i'm not giving bad advice if your plants look like this guy's plant at the ladder part of flower you are doing something wrong. i have a bachlers in horticuture yes a degree and 18+ years under my belt and ever body doesn't use the same product and not everybody grows the same.So don't act like i'm some un educated boy i'm 34 and started growin at 16 years old.
There are many growers and breeders whose plants do that in the last 2-3 weeks of flower. Some people don't let it fade and others do. it all depends on personal preference. I find the smoke to have more flavor when the plant is allowed to fade and yellow like that. Personal preference is all it is. The problem is you will have people on both sides of the fence giving you advice, some who let it fade like that, and some who won't.

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Lol, I'm done going back and forth, but the stage of maturity they are denying your plant is going through is the senescent stage. I'd think someone whith a horticuLture degree would know that...
But, some people can't admit when they're wrong.
If you'd like to inform yourself, please look it up, I'm sure google would suffice.



I tend to agree with canna here,
Indy, i HAVE flushed them, that's when thing got worst

But this doesn't seem like a normal natural fade, The dead leaves indicate another problem, also the droopy leaves

I think this could be a root problem but as you said, nothing much to do,
I will try not to water the next few days, that's all i got anyway...
I forgot that NL's circle is 45-50 days, which means i should stop ferting anyway

The plant is asleep now, but i will try to take a look at the roots tomorow and let you guys know

Thanks again for all the help!

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Hey bro really just have bad day at doc office. I really do not talk to people that way ever.And ur right about learning i think i've learned more about plants by just studying my grows than i did in any book. Again sorry for been an asshole!!!!!
Man listen i'm NOT trippin. You need to understand other people out there know there shit, and i'm not sitting here spending my VALUABLE time trying to help some people in need to waste it arguing with someone back and forth who is wrong.
I'm sure your advice was given with the best intentions, but i' sure there had to of been something you overlooked. Like I said, the simplest solution is sometimes the best, ESPECIALLY towards the end of maturity!
I do this professionally, I'm a patient AND a provider, and on my way to opening a dispensary within a year. I've been this successfull for a reason, God, hard work and a little humility, because I know I won't ALWAYS have the answer, but if I don't, I bust my butt to find it.
So again, no worries on my end, but next time I hope you sit back and absorb everything before jumping down someones throat.

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Lol, sorry manvi, I didn't intend for it to turn onto that, but I hope it helps.
I'll stay tuned to see what you find out with the roots.

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Satan, I wanted to say I think its all based on evolving our pallets, leting the plant run its course as naturally as possible really DOES affect aroma and tast, but also affect the THC on a chemical level and changes the high. You can grow 2 identical plants, one with a high N bloom and one with a low N and get 2 almost completely different finished products!


Well-Known Member
This has been quite an interesting read. This plant has fairly significant root problems. I know that Canna has the best of intentions, but this isn't senescence (which is just the term given to a plant on the road to it's natural death). Anyone who's grown plants knows they don't look like that. They look as though they are overwatered, underoxygenated really and like they are begging for air.

The advice hasn't been bad, I just don't see where there's any argument here. If you felt your plants were on the natural path you wouln't have posted here. Those brown, necrotic leaf tips are not part of the "natural" maturation of marijuana plants and neither is "The Claw" look of your leaves. The plant may yellow a bit, it may turn purple, you may lose lower leaves (which is a sign that next time you need to give more nitrogen or for a longer period), but to have your leaves droop and claw like that, have the leaf tips turn necrotic and die and yet still have a plant only 6 weeks or so into flowering?

That's not natural anything, the "senescence" stage of life doesn't "naturally" get to that point until well after calyx's have stopped growing and the bud is degenerating. Check your trichomes and you'll see the plant is not nearly mature enough to warrant this dying off. And the dying is going to come faster and faster if you don't let those roots get some oxygen.

I don't know why this turned into a huge pissing match, albeit entertaining, you have to know that plant is losing it's health and it's not normal. Anyone who's grown thousands of crops (I don't even know how someone could try to claim that) would know this is NOT a healthy, normal 6 week flowering plant.

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Thousands of plants, not crops ;)
And actually my response was more saying the yellowing and starting of the senescense phase was due to the low N levels of the bloom nutes he's using. And yes, the plant is dying 5 weeks into bloom, it actually starts dying the day it starts blooming.
However, like I said, we'll see tomorrow when he checks the roots, which I'm excited to find out as well.
A great grower is always learning...


Well-Known Member
SHUT UP..he's over watering and using to much nutrients..all of that is causing nutrient problems and root problems..soooo let that bitch dry out water once a week with just water maybe some molasses


Well-Known Member
This has been quite an interesting read. This plant has fairly significant root problems. I know that Canna has the best of intentions, but this isn't senescence (which is just the term given to a plant on the road to it's natural death). Anyone who's grown plants knows they don't look like that. They look as though they are overwatered, underoxygenated really and like they are begging for air.

The advice hasn't been bad, I just don't see where there's any argument here. If you felt your plants were on the natural path you wouln't have posted here. Those brown, necrotic leaf tips are not part of the "natural" maturation of marijuana plants and neither is "The Claw" look of your leaves. The plant may yellow a bit, it may turn purple, you may lose lower leaves (which is a sign that next time you need to give more nitrogen or for a longer period), but to have your leaves droop and claw like that, have the leaf tips turn necrotic and die and yet still have a plant only 6 weeks or so into flowering?

That's not natural anything, the "senescence" stage of life doesn't "naturally" get to that point until well after calyx's have stopped growing and the bud is degenerating. Check your trichomes and you'll see the plant is not nearly mature enough to warrant this dying off. And the dying is going to come faster and faster if you don't let those roots get some oxygen.

I don't know why this turned into a huge pissing match, albeit entertaining, you have to know that plant is losing it's health and it's not normal. Anyone who's grown thousands of crops (I don't even know how someone could try to claim that) would know this is NOT a healthy, normal 6 week flowering plant.
i agree with pretty much everything..well said

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Lol, now its too MUCH nutrients?!
You should have some respect brother, shut up isn't regarded well with some people...


Well-Known Member
i agree with pretty much everything..well said
Man, I was at work when I wrote that and I while it was well intentioned when I wronte it, it came off a bit harsh. It's not a dig on Canna or to say he's necessarily wrong, particularly with the not being rash part. He's right that you are using quality nutes, in a good soil with good a environment, all been checked, what's not okay is that something is still wrong. With leaves that look like that and with you saying your ph and EC are always in check I have to believe you have a problem with your roots and the symptoms point towards overwatering. The extent of the damage will determine if it will turn around and get better or if they will continue to slide. The yellowing doesn't concern me nearly as much as the necrosis and the droopy leaves. If it was just yellowing and all of the other variables were good I would say not to worry about it and that there's nothing that can be done.

But here it looks like root rot from overwatering ,then you say it got worse after you flushed....that's the most damning piece of evidence you've got.


Well-Known Member
Lol, now its too MUCH nutrients?!
You should have some respect brother, shut up isn't regarded well with some people...
who u talkin to? i know thats from to many nutes and over watering..what happens when u over water? root rot..what happens when u over water with to many nutes? root rot and over fertilization..i been sayin that since the first post on this thread


Well-Known Member
Man, I was at work when I wrote that and I while it was well intentioned when I wronte it, it came off a bit harsh. It's not a dig on Canna or to say he's necessarily wrong, particularly with the not being rash part. He's right that you are using quality nutes, in a good soil with good a environment, all been checked, what's not okay is that something is still wrong. With leaves that look like that and with you saying your ph and EC are always in check I have to believe you have a problem with your roots and the symptoms point towards overwatering. The extent of the damage will determine if it will turn around and get better or if they will continue to slide. The yellowing doesn't concern me nearly as much as the necrosis and the droopy leaves. If it was just yellowing and all of the other variables were good I would say not to worry about it and that there's nothing that can be done.

But here it looks like root rot from overwatering ,then you say it got worse after you flushed....that's the most damning piece of evidence you've got.
he said it got worse after he flushed cuz i bet a 1,000 dollars he didnt let his soil dry out and probably never has..he's the overwatering type i guess shit idk