Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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[QUOTE="SICC";3688158]I guess spreading information is not doing anything huh


this thread is years old. it's the same handful of people posting. spreading misinformation to the 5 of us is not doing anything to help.

baaaah, baaaah, baaaah, ...........
this thread is years old. it's the same handful of people posting. spreading misinformation to the 5 of us is not doing anything to help.

baaaah, baaaah, baaaah, ...........

again, (i hate repeating myself all the time) since people dont read, the point is to be aware, all im say is when and if shit hits the fan, people like you and other's will be the least prepared, and most likely the first ones to suffer. Wyte Boi said it the best in that if you cant question your own government, then you need to wake up.

But im assuming that with your "baaaah"ing you are stating and admitting your a sheep? :-P

I said before i have read both sides and get what each is saying, but i believe more towards one side, you gotta just accept other people will have different opinion's, thats like saying since i HATE pea's, everyone who likes them is fucin looney and needs help :sleep:

but seriously, dont like the info, just stay out, does this make you feel good or something lol
you guys really hold your selves a lil too high, hows the weather up there?
[QUOTE="SICC";3688527]again, (i hate repeating myself all the time) since people dont read, the point is to be aware, all im say is when and if shit hits the fan, people like you and other's will be the least prepared, and most likely the first ones to suffer. Wyte Boi said it the best in that if you cant question your own government, then you need to wake up.

But im assuming that with your "baaaah"ing you are stating and admitting your a sheep? :-P

I said before i have read both sides and get what each is saying, but i believe more towards one side, you gotta just accept other people will have different opinion's, thats like saying since i HATE pea's, everyone who likes them is fucin looney and needs help :sleep:

but seriously, dont like the info, just stay out, does this make you feel good or something lol
you guys really hold your selves a lil too high, hows the weather up there?[/QUOTE]

what are you talking about?

I wasn't aware that everyone was saying the government did this, I thought everyone was saying that SOME people who happen to be in upper levels of government did this or at least conspired with others to let it happen. Is there a US Department of Terror and Mayhem that we don't know about, and Has Obama hired a Czar to run it all?
I dont get it?

i also dont get why you keep saying "if you cant even say its a possiblity"

no one said its impossible we are saying in this case that is not what occured

i mean its right there you guys been saying all these lies left and right and turns out its all bullshit

the recorders were found

you have the transcripts

you have the wreckage

you cant possibly be this stubborn people

what happened to growrebel??

where did you dissapear to everyone??

god i didnt even think it would be that easy to dig up the truth i thought you guys would have atleast done a tiny bit of your homework:dunce::dunce::dunce:

ok finally a post with some debate to it :clap:
the wreckage is defiantly worth looking into, and thats all we are asking for.
about the boxes, i was referring to the 4 boxes in wtc. i mean they found an ID , and thats a joke and you all know it. thats not even close to reasonable thinking.
and how about the other very simple things i asked?
So far you are just posting utubes just like us........no more credible source then the 1000,s we have.
Is there a US Department of Terror and Mayhem that we don't know about, and Has Obama hired a Czar to run it all?
this was one of the few good laughs i've had around here lately. i laughed at the thought of obama trying to find someone qualified to be our new mayhem czar until i realized that most of his team would fit the bill quite nicely.
why do you guys keep saying they did not find any wreckage thats a complete lie:

ive got two things for you big P, where were the black boxes for the planes that crashed into both the towers? they were "never found"

also, in your little flight 93 crash site, where were the bodies?

the county coroner is on record stating "i stopped being coroner after twenty minutes, because there were no bodies"

so, why is their no bodies on a plane that "crashed" into a field? because there was not anybody on the plane

and there is still the irrefutable evidence of the event of the pentagon

its painfully obvious a plane did not hit the pentagon, the lawn wasnt fucked up, the hole was not bug enough, there was no tail/wing section debris, some how the "plane" managed to knock 5 or 6 light poles out of the ground

if that actually was a plane and it hit a light post at over 300 mph as they claim it was flying, the wing would have ripped right off, just like that plane that was on its way to pick up george bush, hit a single light pole. and the wing just came right off... its aluminum, a very soft metal

and why have they not released a single camera view that shows a plane crashing into the pentagon, instead of the 5 frame security cam we have all seen, none of the 5 frames show a plane, so its useless

there are so many fucking questions its ridiculous

and we are here to ask

why, why did they do this, what was done at this time, why did norad stand down, why were people told not to fly, why (how) did people make cell phone calls from 30,000 feet when, through scientific testing, it was proven that at 32,000 feet, you will have a .06% success rate establishing a call

why on one of the calls did the "caller" call his own mother and say "mom this is*first and last name" (when was the last time you used your full name to identify yourself to your own parent" and why did he ask "you believe me dont you mom? you believe me right?"

we are here to ask WHY

when we get not only no answers, but a complete attempt to avoid the questions, from the government, what the fuck are we supposed to think, just stick our heads in the sand and forget it ever happened? fuck no
ive got two things for you big P, where were the black boxes for the planes that crashed into both the towers? they were "never found"

also, in your little flight 93 crash site, where were the bodies?

the county coroner is on record stating "i stopped being coroner after twenty minutes, because there were no bodies"

so, why is their no bodies on a plane that "crashed" into a field? because there was not anybody on the plane

and there is still the irrefutable evidence of the event of the pentagon

its painfully obvious a plane did not hit the pentagon, the lawn wasnt fucked up, the hole was not bug enough, there was no tail/wing section debris, some how the "plane" managed to knock 5 or 6 light poles out of the ground

if that actually was a plane and it hit a light post at over 300 mph as they claim it was flying, the wing would have ripped right off, just like that plane that was on its way to pick up george bush, hit a single light pole. and the wing just came right off... its aluminum, a very soft metal

and why have they not released a single camera view that shows a plane crashing into the pentagon, instead of the 5 frame security cam we have all seen, none of the 5 frames show a plane, so its useless

there are so many fucking questions its ridiculous

and we are here to ask

why, why did they do this, what was done at this time, why did norad stand down, why were people told not to fly, why (how) did people make cell phone calls from 30,000 feet when, through scientific testing, it was proven that at 32,000 feet, you will have a .06% success rate establishing a call

why on one of the calls did the "caller" call his own mother and say "mom this is*first and last name" (when was the last time you used your full name to identify yourself to your own parent" and why did he ask "you believe me dont you mom? you believe me right?"

we are here to ask WHY

when we get not only no answers, but a complete attempt to avoid the questions, from the government, what the fuck are we supposed to think, just stick our heads in the sand and forget it ever happened? fuck no

dude how are you gonna post the same lies when i just showed you the proof in the last page!!! lol you didnt even look at it did you

the hole in the pentagon was plenty big enough, pls reread my posts with video of the hole and photos the plan is abour 12' wide the hole is 18' wide

plane wreckage everywhere

a good man needs to realize when he should just admit that they have been wrong dude:bigjoint:

and the wing would not have ripped off from a fucking light post homie they build those things on raised bolts to allow them to snap instantly when they are hit by something IE a passenger vehicle

norad did not stand down your lieing!!! proven false in my previous posts

the people made most all the calls from seat back phones!!!!:dunce::dunce::dunce: watch all the shit i posted ive already proven you wrong a zillion times!!!!!

no wonder you belive this crap you must be the thickest person on earth dude really!!!

you ever been scared shittless and very distracted, u might fucking say mom this is rickey henderson in a panic many people will automically do weird shit in a panic trust me i seen it first hand!

lol when you get answers you say??

you have them all, i posted them yesterday!!!! just fucking read them and stop asking questions you already have answer too and then tell me we just want answers!!

stop asking how they could have made cell phone calls from the plane when they actually made them from the seat back phones!!

your lier plain and simple.

good day :bigjoint:

Im lying because my evidence differs from yours?


there was no 747 debris near the pentagon, show me one piece of wing, tail, a window , show me something that proves that, you cant, because it doesnt exist, so how am i lying when your the one claiming something happened that didnt?

and i supposed building 7 came down from falling debris right? :roll:
Big P you make a good argument for a lot of it, but its not proof. I think in one of your videos they say the steel weakened, and I can totally agree with that 100%, but just those floors, the 80 floors below were not weakened one bit and using the principles of Newton's laws the top floors that were pancaking would have met with resistance, causing the tower to lean and essentially ejecting the weakened part, while the rest of the tower should have stayed somewhat intact. Each floor is built way way stronger than it needs to be, the way the buildings fell you would swear they were made of wood covered in concrete. I mean the buildings just broke, 100% total failure, even though less than 5% of the building was damaged. I don't buy it.

In another portion of one of the videos it says the steel structure was covered with foam fireproofing, and while this is true it does not tell the whole story. The foam was made of asbestos, now asbestos has one really really really awesome property, its a insulator of heat like nothing else. You can get a 1/16 inch thick piece of asbestos, put it 1mm from your hand, take a blowtorch to it and stand there all day and you won't burn your hand.Its FANTASTIC stuff, if it didn't cause you to curl up and die from its tiny fibers that attack your lungs, Billy Mays himself would have sold a shit load of it.

Another thing I don't buy is the fact that the video tries to suggest that those "Squibs" are actually air being pushed down elevator shafts and exiting out "Weak" spots in the floors below. While this may suffice for the less scientifically educated,I dare say it is dubious at best. The squibs are highly concentrated and completely opaque in nature. Surely your not suggesting that the air many many floors below the fires and damage are chock full of debris are you?

I guess I have to take issue with the explanation of the "Wave" in the windows being the blinds. This could totally be true, and hell I think its a great explanation, but you now need to explain why the blew out as they did, in rapid succession from bottom to top. A moment later the building starts to disintegrate into itself starting at the bottom. The thing with the blinds is that if it were caused by an outside force would you expect to see the blinds pushed inward where they would escape view. Instead the video appears to show them being blown out, which can only mean that some force INSIDE the building could have done that. Is it possible the whole building just "Cracked" at that part of the building? I suppose if it were a masonry or wood framed building I could agree, but WTC 7 is also a steel building. They build skyscrapers to last for a long long long time don't they?

So what if they didn't use any explosives until the buildings were already starting to come down? What IF they used Thermite (Which makes no noise) to Pre-weaken all the core steel beams to ensure total collapse?

There are plenty of theories out there and I am afraid we will most likely never know the real truth. There are evil people in this world. There are people with an agenda. There are people who control things from behind closed doors.
the democratic party is stealing our money, and bankruping our country and making us less safe. if you dont think we are better off with a balance so no one party can run us into the ground then you are the fool:bigjoint:
The same could be said of the Republican party, I mean you really have to ask yourself. If Republicans AND democrats both agree that 1) Deficits are bad, 2)Spending is bad when you are broke 3) Wars are bad, and we don't like them then please explain why 1) We have deficits, 2) we have Spending and 3) We have war? Its because that's what they want, they pay lip service to us, telling us what we want to hear, all the while lining their own nests and jockeying over positions of power and wealth. Sincerely I think that Republicans are just as bad as Democrats when it comes to the issues that REALLY matter.
just saying man if there was even a tiny shred of real evidence dont you think the democrats would have been all over it like flys on shit?

if these are just blatent lies and tottally incorrect scientifclly like you guys try to say

wouldnt it make ultimate sense the democrats and even people like john mcain and other true patriots would have the fires of hell burning in the capitol to explain why these so called official story does not jive scietifically?

its like you guys think you are the all knowing, and all the real experts and great people across the world real experts out there just missed this?

that is pretty concieted if you ask me

you gotta always rember no matter how much you think you know theres always somone who knows more

the fact is there are t0o many people, educted smart people who do not see it the same you do

to be honest its mainly the rediculessly missinformed people who believe this and thats because its all based on lies and propeganda that has already been proven wrong misleading and driven simply for profit or polical shenanigans

if it walks like a duck then talks like a duck then shits on your face and laughs why try to convince yourself that is was somthing else that shit on your face

your just allowing the duck to shit on some one else so you dont have to deal with the problem

many liberals cringe when they hear of another terrorist attack but not cuz they care persay about the loss of life but because they hate the war on terror and wish it would just go away

i think theres somthing to that, you guys are the same like those guys except not smart enough to realize that it really is the terrorists doing it

like the progressive left inteligencia already knows, yet they still hate the war on terror and wish it was somthing else,

you guys just take it one step further and convince yourselves that its not really any terrorist at all

and thats were the friction begins, its not like we are arguing about who took all the candy, we are talking about who killed our families, who is still trying to kill our families

so its extreamly offensive to us if it wasnt such a fringe thing you guys would litterly be putting our families in danger

makes me think of the begining of the iraq war when a lot of people went to iraq to be used as human shields

talk about complete bafoons the terrorist must have had a field day with those anti war kids from europe and america
In my currently held honest opinion

It seems to me that the Twin Towers fell because giant planes hit them, and the resultant damage led to weakening and collapse. There may be 'anomalies' unseen at first, but I'm not big enough to dismiss the glaring formula of (Plane+Hit)+Building=Collapse.

However WTC7's collapse appears to be dubious, even amidst the damage sustained.
The FEMA report on WTC7 seems to me to require a decent stretch of the imagination, and other justifications, rationalisations, and logical dismissals do not replace the also glaring formula of (WTC7+Damage=Collapse)=Bullshit.

Which is what makes 9/11 battles so interesting to me, because it feels like I can call bullshit on both sides.

'The twin towers were brought down by controlled demolition'. - BULLSHIT - Great big planes flew into them at high speeds and they fell from their 'injuries'.

'WTC7 fell down from trusses weakened by diesel fires' - BULLSHIT - Let's start a demolition company, all we need is a catapult to fling 'debris' at the building then we'll pour diesel in the basement and start a fire, the whole thing will collapse neatly at, say, 5pm. We'll save millions on labor and explosives.
Some people just want to be asleep at the wheel. It makes no difference, both parties have the same handlers ... you are foolish to think one is better than the other. :sleep:

this is a complete lie,

the democratic party is stealing our money, and bankruping our country and making us less safe. if you dont think we are better off with a balance so no one party can run us into the ground then you are the fool:bigjoint:

Although true, I found it funny (literally...I "LOL'd") that this evidently has only been occuring for the last year????? Wow!

why do you guys keep saying they did not find any wreckage thats a complete lie:

Flight 93 fragmented violently upon impact. Most of the aircraft wreckage was found near the impact crater.[73] Investigators found some very light debris including paper and nylon scattered up to eight miles (13 km) from the impact point in New Baltimore, Pennsylvania.[74] Other tiny aircraft fragments were found 1.5 miles (2.4 km) away at Indian Lake, Pennsylvania.[75] All human remains were found within a 70 acre (28 ha) area surrounding the impact point.[75] Somerset County Coroner Wally Miller was involved in the investigation and identification of the remains. As he walked through the wreckage, the only recognizable body part he saw was a piece of spinal cord with five vertebrae attached.[76] Miller later found and identified 1,500 pieces of human remains totaling about 600 pounds (272 kg), or eight percent of the total.[77] The rest of the remains were consumed by the impact.[78] Investigators identified four victims by September 22 and eleven by September 24.[79][80] They identified another by September 29.[81] Thirty-four passengers were identified by October 27.[82] All the people on board the flight were identified by December 21. Human remains were so fragmented investigators could not determine if any victims were dead before the plane crashed. Death certificates for the 40 victims listed the cause of death as homicides and listed the cause of death for the four hijackers as suicides.[83] The remains and personal effects of the victims were returned to the families.[84] The remains of the hijackers, identified by the process of elimination, were turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as evidence.[85]

The engine next to the excavator bucket is not big enough to be a 757 rotor.

Since when do Airlines fly with 140 EMPTY seats!!! The 40 or so tickets would not even cover the fuel cost!

And seriously...All passengers remains were identified...this is total bullshit.

Anyone with kids (or girlfriends) knows that if there is one "mis-truth" there are undoubtedly others...However there are too many for me not to question EVERY damn word of the "official" investigation.

The BS reported about Shanksville...the diesel fires bringing down wtc7...the FBI rightfully confiscating the surveillance tapes from the hotel and gas station with views of the pentagon "crash" and then only releasing the 5 frames that do not show a plane...WHY!!!!! Is this part of the divide and conquer? Abortion! Terror! Socialism! Terror! (the gift that keeps on giving)

edit: I meant to add this...
This illustrates many people points of view.


And lastly...the name calling by a few 23 year old e-thugs is nauseating:spew:

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