Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent


Well-Known Member
excellent to see some pics, looking great and ready for a bunch more plants. what light are they under right now?


Well-Known Member
Time for some pictures even though not much has happened. I've got 3 bagseed going strong. The other three sprouts are trainwreck, lemon skunk, and la woman that were in soil but not doing well. I think they were getting really burnt by the super hot FFOF, so hopefully they can recover and thrive in the dwc tote. Still waiting on my attitude order to get here. Should be any day now....

Lonely, empty tubs

Roots starting to develop

your are going to have a jungle in there in a hurry . every things looks good . keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
nice looking start.....im about 8 weeks of veg ahead of you....mine just went in the tent under the 600w


Well-Known Member

Plants are still small and lame. The attitude order is taking its sweet ass time to get here through usps, so I have nothing new to report. Sorry...

nice looking start.....im about 8 weeks of veg ahead of you....mine just went in the tent under the 600w
Awesome, do you have a link to your grow? I don't plan on vegging that long, probably 4 weeks depending on how big they get by then.


Well-Known Member
Not much has changed in the 5 days since I last updated with pics except I am now a legal grower. Got my card on Thurs.

Plants are doing great. Added another 600gph pump, so each tub has its each own pump for max bubble action. The ppms started dropping in the tub showing they are starting to take in the nutes. I had to dump two of the three soil sprouts because they just were beyond saving when I transplanted them into the hydro and they never recovered. The LA woman is the only one that survived and is sprouting new leaves. Other than that, I'm still waiting on the seeds to get here. They shipped two weeks ago, so I don't know wtf is taking usps so long to drop them in my mailbox. :cuss:



Well-Known Member
Got my seeds today!!! I started germinating them 15 minutes after the postman dropped them off. This grow is officially off the ground. The bagseed is looking epic and growing rediculously fast. At this rate, they'll be ready for 12/12 when the other seeds finally pop out.

I also switched nutrients today. Foxfarm was sliming my tote up like nasty, so I am trying out the Humboldt Master A&B nute line. I've heard excellent things about it and for the price, I sure hope to get good results.

Keep posted for picture updates in a few days when things get exciting.


Well-Known Member
are you gettin an early algae build up? you may need to light proof u r res. i had to wrap my res with alum tape to keep light out.if its ok i ll post a pic of my res. btw woohoo get those seeds a popin .


Well-Known Member
Big Bloom has been known to cause buildup in systems such as this
I think they suggest scrubbing the rez in between rez changes
I guess that doesn't matter though because you switched over to humboldt nutes
Here is a grow where the user Mindmelted used those nutes and the additives in a DWC system
Here is the end result, he had one plant under a 250w HPS and some CFL's keep in mind this isn't my grow or my pic

Hope you don't mind me posting that pic SickSadLittleWorld, just wanted to show you what your plants will hopefully be looking similar to :bigjoint:

Edit: forgot to add a link to the grow in case you wanted to check out his feed schedule and what not: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/240699-doobs-mindmelteds-growinpalooza.html


Well-Known Member
Big Bloom has been known to cause buildup in systems such as this
I think they suggest scrubbing the rez in between rez changes
I guess that doesn't matter though because you switched over to humboldt nutes
Here is a grow where the user Mindmelted used those nutes and the additives in a DWC system
Here is the end result, he had one plant under a 250w HPS and some CFL's keep in mind this isn't my grow or my pic

Hope you don't mind me posting that pic SickSadLittleWorld, just wanted to show you what your plants will hopefully be looking similar to :bigjoint:
dang most folks would give an eye tooth for a grow like that . i know i woulld probally even more lolbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
are you gettin an early algae build up? you may need to light proof u r res. i had to wrap my res with alum tape to keep light out.if its ok i ll post a pic of my res. btw woohoo get those seeds a popin .
It wasn't algae. The organic nutes are just slimey as shit and buildup on the roots and air lines. Yuck!

My res is light-proofed. I painted the inside with black plastic spray paint a few weeks ago. There is no way any algae could grow in there. You can post away for others' benefit but I don't think I need to make any modifications to my particular setup.


Well-Known Member
Any reason why you painted the inside as opposed to the outside? I would be worried about the paint leaching into my system and messing with the pH


Well-Known Member
Big Bloom has been known to cause buildup in systems such as this
I think they suggest scrubbing the rez in between rez changes
I guess that doesn't matter though because you switched over to humboldt nutes
Here is a grow where the user Mindmelted used those nutes and the additives in a DWC system
Here is the end result, he had one plant under a 250w HPS and some CFL's keep in mind this isn't my grow or my pic

Hope you don't mind me posting that pic SickSadLittleWorld, just wanted to show you what your plants will hopefully be looking similar to :bigjoint:

Edit: forgot to add a link to the grow in case you wanted to check out his feed schedule and what not: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/240699-doobs-mindmelteds-growinpalooza.html
Thanks for the link and picture, I don't mind at all. I'll have to check out his grow. Sounds like a smaller version of what I'm going for. Everyone I've talked to that has used them has had incredible results with the Humboldt line. I'm using the feeding schedule from Humboldt but I'll check out that journal to see if I can make some adjustments.

About the slime...I wasn't using Big Bloom, just Grow Big Hydro at ~300 ppm. I had used BB another time and it made a horrible mess, so I am going to use it strictly for soilless mediums. Unfortunately, GB alone didn't remedy the slime, so I switched. The results from the FF stuff was good for my last grow but I think its time for a premium chemical fertilizer.

Keeping it simple for now. Here's the nutes I'm going to be using for this grow...
Master A&B

And here's what are going into my 16 plots
8x GHS Trainwreck
3x GHS Kings Kush
2x DNA LA Woman
3x Bagseed from previous grow


Well-Known Member
Any reason why you painted the inside as opposed to the outside? I would be worried about the paint leaching into my system and messing with the pH
Good question...

Didn't really think about that. I just thought it would look nicer. There haven't been any abnormal pH swings, so I'm not worried.


Well-Known Member
lookin real good and strong so far. already have good side branch growth. keep it up man

Thanks! They are really bushing out and growing like crazy. At 20 days from the seed being put into the rockwool, bagseed #2 has already shown sex...female! That is the fastest I've ever seen a plant reach sexual maturity.

All the TW has broken the rockwool and are now in the dwc tote. Things should get really interesting here in a few weeks.