Club 600


Active Member
Me too, mine chucked me out the house...hahaha.

Bad luck bru, Let the crop run it's course. You will still have some good smoke! And a pile of seeds and they are all gonna show female traits, it's just finindg the good ones.

oh, and you can't get rid of the adverts, they appear there automatically ona random basis.

Peace to all, no golf, but we are having a dinner party today.
On the menu:
The sonsie beast himself - The Famous Haggis
Sweet potatoes, Turnips, Mashed Potatoes, Scottish Smoked Salmon (smoked by Frank the American who has lived in the Dam or 25 years), Pram krokects, Deep fried black pudding, Cranachan, and of course, lots of Malt Whiskey (oh, and some weed, lol) It's the Bards birthday tomorrow so we are celebrating today. Good Auld Rabbie


OMG dst all the Dutch cooking reminds me of my great great granny


Well-Known Member
Well the prawn crockets are Dutch, The Haggis, Neeps (turnips) Tatties (potatoes) are probably grown in Holland, but are traditionally Scottish fayre (Haggies, Neeps, and Tatties) By I add sweet potatoe as well, lol. Black pudding is also eaten by the Dutch, but this particular Bloedworst (-as it is called in Dutch - translated - blood sausage ) was also brought over from Scotland. It a Dutch Scottish celebration!!!


Active Member
Well the prawn crockets are Dutch, The Haggis, Neeps (turnips) Tatties (potatoes) are probably grown in Holland, but are traditionally Scottish fayre (Haggies, Neeps, and Tatties) By I add sweet potatoe as well, lol. Black pudding is also eaten by the Dutch, but this particular Bloedworst (-as it is called in Dutch - translated - blood sausage ) was also brought over from Scotland. It a Dutch Scottish celebration!!!

Either way it all sounds so good man my mouth is watering..


Well-Known Member
I know, hehe, I was up until 2 oclock last night preparing!! ( I love cooking, and eating as well!!)


Well-Known Member
So this is what I started the day with:

And for the rest of my update (28 pics) feel free to stop by the Vertical journal.

Couple of highlights:

Mrs Jones

Thelma and Louise

Have a good SUnday folks.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for the welcome. Yeah about my parents, I live on my own as they do also. I am getting to be an old man. So just trying to take care of them as much as possible is all. They have, well my mom has no idea anyway. DST I hope your party went well. The menu sounds interesting. I am hoping to be in the dam sometime in May. Atleast if everything works out right anyway. Anyway I have a question about the molasses. How much, when that sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
Peace to all, no golf, but we are having a dinner party today.
On the menu:
The sonsie beast himself - The Famous Haggis
Sweet potatoes, Turnips, Mashed Potatoes, Scottish Smoked Salmon (smoked by Frank the American who has lived in the Dam or 25 years), Pram krokects, Deep fried black pudding, Cranachan, and of course, lots of Malt Whiskey (oh, and some weed, lol) It's the Bards birthday tomorrow so we are celebrating today. Good Auld Rabbie Burns!!


dam dst this just made me hungry never even heard of some of this food but sound delicios, enjoy the feast:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Here are my babies....Blue Berry, LSD, Sharksbreath, Red Dragon, Kushberry and LA Con x Skunk 4 weeks from seed....



Well-Known Member
looks great sl2, they all kinda look similar for bein different strains, and man it seems like theirs so amny strains ive even heard of, it would be cool to grow 1 of every strain in the world in one room just to see all the differencse and stuuf oh and the smell would be so dank, anyways though plants are lookin good


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for the welcome. Yeah about my parents, I live on my own as they do also. I am getting to be an old man. So just trying to take care of them as much as possible is all. They have, well my mom has no idea anyway. DST I hope your party went well. The menu sounds interesting. I am hoping to be in the dam sometime in May. Atleast if everything works out right anyway. Anyway I have a question about the molasses. How much, when that sort of thing.
This should get you right, thanks Heads Up;
I use grandma's unsulphured molasses, one tablespoon per gallon of water. I usually wait until week three or four of flowering and then feed them every third or fourth watering with the molasses.
dam dst this just made me hungry never even heard of some of this food but sound delicios, enjoy the feast:bigjoint:
Thanks bro, went down a treat.:lol:
A little bud porn for the sunday 600ers:

Big Bud

WW 58 days in

WW 68 days in

Hey thanks for the share SL2, these are my faves, the beer bottle, and the shades of light are cool!!:bigjoint:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Good evening all. Nice porn guys. I'm hoping to try some of that there white widow in a couple of months myself. Well it's been a long day. Up very early this morning to finish removing all the stem I could out of my trim. Took a break at five thirty from that to transplant my babies, they were all closing in on three weeks being in a party cup and I think the party had started to wind down. They are all now one day into their new temporary homes in half gallon grow bags. If I saw pictures of these plants on some thread, I would say they were indicas. So I had a few ounces of trim frozen from a previous grow and mixed in another two ounces of bud from the bottom of the plants. My final run is soaking now awaiting straining. I'll post some pics when I'm done.

Hope everyone had a good weekend and the feasting went well.


Well-Known Member
alright, today i was givin ( from a MMJ patient) 2clones i dont know the strain but i know their from dank, im growin one for the patient and one for me, also got about a half o of powerplant, and some whitwidow, for a 30$ dollor donation and it included the clones, i dont know age either so its start of day one for em, i will veg them till i want to flower them. they seem to have nute burn or a def. im not sure but should i cut the bad leafs off, both the clones also say plo on the cup i think its the strain but i dont know what it means, i got some pics of the babies to and a three leafed seedling, the seedlings seem to be some indica and some sative, but i dont really care for groin sativa, i have a new journal for the new clones and seedlings check them out, heres some pics:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
and you didnt even have to use your ak :bigjoint:

sounds like a good day man. stoked to see this mystery strain flower out


Well-Known Member
ya im excited about the clones, i dont know how long im gonna veg them for yet though, and they have a few leafs that are pretty damaged i dont know wether to leave them or not