Craziest psychedelic experiences


For me it was when i ate about a 1/4 ounce of shrooms. Everything around me was rippling like waves in water. I had this feeling like i was an old man and i was seeing my life flash before me as if i was about to die or something. It was pretty intense.


Well-Known Member
One time I was on shroomies with a friend and my gf.. We were walking on a campus in Yakima wa, we were crossing a street, it was completely silent outside u could hear a pin drop. Out of no where 3 cops come flying up to us wit lights n sirens blazing.. Weird thing was they just let us cross then peaced n again silence.. It happened so fast we were just like WTF just happened. The silence was creepy, n that it was like 3 in the morniNg lol I was tweaking!!!


One time I was on shroomies with a friend and my gf.. We were walking on a campus in Yakima wa, we were crossing a street, it was completely silent outside u could hear a pin drop. Out of no where 3 cops come flying up to us wit lights n sirens blazing.. Weird thing was they just let us cross then peaced n again silence.. It happened so fast we were just like WTF just happened. The silence was creepy, n that it was like 3 in the morniNg lol I was tweaking!!!
haha u live in yakima? im from the tri cities.
For me it was when i ate about a 1/4 ounce of shrooms. Everything around me was rippling like waves in water. I had this feeling like i was an old man and i was seeing my life flash before me as if i was about to die or something. It was pretty intense.
Sounds like that one scene from the Led Zeppelin movie.


i was completly sober had to trip on somthin so i stole These OTC's called Mucinex DM and they contained 60 Dxm and 1200 Gufanisean i took 18 of them Meaning 1080 mg of Dextrometorphan HBR w/ 21600 MG OF GUFANISEAN WHICH IS REALLY REALLY BAD YUCK and then i was reaching platues of the trip i was laying on my bed lost in a trance of thought and i had an out of body experience. in my conscience and mind i saw my spirit leave out of my body and i could see my self laying on my bed.. it was whacked out :x


Well-Known Member
A few times on acid I knew what my friend was going to say before he said it for like an hour strait. It kinda freaked me out.


me and friend of mine made a trip to the dam a few years ago after 24 hours of smoking and drinking we decided to take some Hawaiian shrooms,(strongest available)and smoked a blunt of 5 different strains coming up on a swing,the experiences ive had with shrooms before and after that trip is like dipping your finger into a glass of water,but that trip was like swimming in the ocean with the dolphins!a life changing experience and i think the best thing ever to happen to me.


A few times on acid I knew what my friend was going to say before he said it for like an hour strait. It kinda freaked me out.
ive tripped fair bit and i often feel i can read my friends mind when on acid me and one of my mates can sit there for hours fucked and i will be just mumbleing but he knows exactly what im talking about


Active Member
about a month ago i ate a gram of mescaline and smoked JWH all throughout it and DMT on the peak. i was mentally transported to a familiar street intersection from my youth


Well-Known Member
A few weeks ago me and a few buddies each ate 2 hits of acid, followed by 2 grams of bomb mushies. Definitely the hardest ive tripped. Bout an hour in everything went crazy, there were two posters on the walll, about 5 feet apart. At one point they had molded together to form one massive tie dye masterpiece. Some points all I could really do was lay there trying to remember to breathe. great time though, good vibes, great visuals


Well-Known Member
early eighties, grey blotter acid. I was in high school at the time and a buddy and me dropped, skipped school and went over to his place to play some music. so we are just starting to come on sitting in his basement, we're doing bongs, i'm sitting on top of his amp playing with the morely volume/wah pedal but at a volume we could still talk and he's throwing a hunting knife at a stump in his room. i see someone walk past the widow upstairs and i literally say this, "someone walked past the window in uniform." my buddy says it's his sister's friend...for some reason this made sense and i accepted it and started to get into the wah wah pedal. i'm really starting to sound good on that old strat of his....BAMM!!! the door hits me in the back and i fall to the floor yelling WTF!?!? or something similar... FREEZE!!! HANDS! IN THE AIR!!! 5 cops with guns drawn and SCARED AS FUCK!!!! Immediately i start to TRIP BALLS!! the badge on the front cop has exploded into fractals of light and i am reduced to "I-I-I-I-I..." a jibbering fool. my buddy Dan however is yelling "What the fuck are you doing in my house!!" meanwhile the cops are Yelling at him "Hands up!!!" it takes him a bit to realize what's going on...very tense moments for everyone.

so they make him talk to him parents, and took us back to school....I've got no clue as to how they didn't just lock us up as loonys....i guess they attributed my behavior to extreme fright. we walked in the front door and out the back and went to my house. by now i had recovered and was having a great time, but unfortunately Dan was FREAKING now...i'm sure i didn't help by talking about "what if they really shot us and this is what death is like?" lol

many other crazy experiences too.... but seeing the fear in the cops eyes and the world going fractal and my buddy seeming wanting to be shot was about as intense as anything i can recall ha ha ha ha:hump:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
you pick..

~150mg DPT (insufflated)


2.5 (12oz) Robitussin syrup = 1770mg DXM + Whippets (nitrous)


3 drops (unknown mg) DOx (suspected DON)


~10mg 2C-E insufflated


5 * 1L grav bong Salvia (20x Standardized)

all were very intense in their own way.. the DXM night I was running around my neighborhood taking whippets laughing and screaming my head off lol.

The salvia.. I tripped 58 minutes. Thought my ass was the toilet, my arm the windowsill, and my feet the tiles.. watched trees walking around. Felt sick as fuck lol.

DON.. where to start.. intense! Horrible body load/cramps (PAIN!). it kicked in as I was taking a piss.. rainbow piss, walls melting, ceiling dripping. I was really tired and tried to sleep but the DON was like my "inner voice" taunting me.. smoked 1g Northern Lights & 1g White Widow x The Hog within what seemed to be ~5minutes (to calm the trip)... my bedroom lights started strobing, the curtains started waving, the ceiling fan that was off started spinning. I closed my eyes and I saw penguins marching inside of a swastika.. dosed off hoping I would come back to reality when I awoke.

DPT... wow.. All I have to say is: sparkles > fire > tidal wave. lol. It started off subtle and the lights all have this really pretty colorful sparkle to them.. then the lights appeared to be on fire. The trees started to wave, the ground started to tremble.. the trees had an ambient/fiery glow.. THEN... everything surrounding me became a tidal wave rushing towards me (Imagine a small circle around you and it is like an island, everything around you -ground, trees, etc. start flying at you like a tidal wave). Took a bong rip or two of C99, smoked a camel wide, blew .25 of a xannie and started coming back down to earth. With my eyes open I could think straigh (just visuals), when i closes my eyes.. I was tripping. lol.

2C-E.. oh god. Intense, happy, introspective, profound.. I had an epiphany basically (and it was very helpful). Amazing learning tool... speaking of tool, that is a trippy ass band if you watch their music videos! The wall was almost too trippy (yet I couldnt take my eyes off of it).

Good shit.


Well-Known Member
i should probably try to write out my best trip too. not just the one where this reality clashed so hard with that one lol. Whippits on acid or shrooms takes you pretty far out there.