1st grow, bag seed, closet.


Alrighty, if you've read my post in the introductions section you already have some history on the plant so I'll dive right in here.

I'm set up in a closet under a set of stairs so the ceiling gets lower as you get deeper but the area I've sectioned off is about 3 and a half feet wide by 4 feet deep and around 5 feet tall. All the walls and the floor have been painted white (for now if I get some $ I'll prolly grab a couple rolls of mylar) and I'm using a window shade as a "door" to the area (the old school vinyl ones that retract when you pull them down real quick). The shade is white vinyl, doesn't let light through and is reflective as hell.

I started a seed from a bag of mids sometime around new years (germinated right in soil).

Right now it's only under 4 23w cfl's (again $ will change that).

I'm in the process of making some coffee can reflectors and the hood hanging over the plant is one I made with the front grate off an oscilating floor fan. Made a perfect shaped frame to wrap in foil (I know..foil bad, mylar good but it will have to do for now). The grate also had a pre-centered hole in the middle to mount my fixture and hanging chains.

The plant is in a 5 gal. bucket with a potting soil/perlite mix.

I'm currently using a powdered hydro nutrient that you mix with a gallon of water and then further diluting it before application, so far the critter seems to love it. I also use the same nutrients only even further diluted for a foilage spray periodicaly.

I'm gonna post two of the pics I already posted in my intro post (hope thats ok) and some closer views of my baby and some shots of my set up so stay tuned...I have to scrape a few things and take some pictures.

Questions? Comments? Just want to bullshit alittle? fire away!


here are a couple pics of the start of the grow space, as you can see it's very basic at the moment but this will change over time (note the ultra ghetto floor fan reflective hood). Also included is a pic of the grow space with the shade pulled down (I'll be framing the sides out more to make it more "light tight").

And then another pic of my critter, I tried to zoom in and get a pic of the secondary growth at the first node (I hope my lingo is accurate there) sorry if its a bit blurry but the little leaves coming off the nodes are starting to explode and thats what I was trying to convey. You'll prolly notice the yellow spots on the lower leaves. That was at the beggining of the plants life and since then the problem has been solved and all new growth has appeared very healthy.



Well-Known Member
here are a couple pics of the start of the grow space, as you can see it's very basic at the moment but this will change over time (note the ultra ghetto floor fan reflective hood). Also included is a pic of the grow space with the shade pulled down (I'll be framing the sides out more to make it more "light tight").

And then another pic of my critter, I tried to zoom in and get a pic of the secondary growth at the first node (I hope my lingo is accurate there) sorry if its a bit blurry but the little leaves coming off the nodes are starting to explode and thats what I was trying to convey. You'll prolly notice the yellow spots on the lower leaves. That was at the beggining of the plants life and since then the problem has been solved and all new growth has appeared very healthy.
not bad man mine is pretty ghetto only 2 cfls but its doing hella good at 2 1/2 weeks. i introduced myself in the forum check it out


right on man, thanks for lookin (and complimenting), yours are coming along nicely as well, but is she sick in the last pic you posted or is that just the way it came out (I'm a complete noob, it just looks wierd to me). Might want to get some of the pro's opinions on that.

Peace and good luck brotherman!

oh, r u startin a journal thread?


It smells pretty damn strong already (kind of like a skunk farted in a pine tree...seriously). I was wondering if this was normal, I didn't think they got the familiar "pot" smell until they started budding.

Thanks all!


Well now she's wider than than the bucket :) I'll post a pic if I find something....I'm so lazy when I'm sober.


Active Member
looking cool. Working in confined spaces can be super frustrating, but at the same time if you can learn how to do a great grow in a small space imagine what you'll be able to do when you can afford to have a whole room dedicated to it.

Good Luck.


looking cool. Working in confined spaces can be super frustrating, but at the same time if you can learn how to do a great grow in a small space imagine what you'll be able to do when you can afford to have a whole room dedicated to it.

Good Luck.
Thanks man, Yeah between all the reading and applying it right away I've already learned a great deal.


Active Member
get more lights and be surprised how much bigger she will get i just started 5 seedlings about 16dayz ago ill show u pics tmrw babies are sleepin ;) lol but i used three 40wat clf shits got really fat leaves and what part of jerzy u live in?


get more lights and be surprised how much bigger she will get i just started 5 seedlings about 16dayz ago ill show u pics tmrw babies are sleepin ;) lol but i used three 40wat clf shits got really fat leaves and what part of jerzy u live in?
I got 1 more 23w and some shitty little LED thing I got on eBay. I just need a fixture for them and that's all the funds will allow right now. I know the more light the better but I'll buy more toys as I go along. This may be my first grow but in no way will it be my last. :weed:
Northern NJ

thanks for lookin.


Active Member
other than more lights shit looks great keep her green! im actually about to chop dwn my first grow in a week and half my neighbor was kind enough to give me one of his ladies i have pics in my profile but i need to update.


Active Member
hahaha hell yea i hear that i feel the same way with the lady i have now i fixed and tweeked little things as she grew up so now the babies i have started now shud be alot better lol thats whats up im in south jerz gotta rep jerzy we are state 14# to legalize we finally made it brotha


other than more lights shit looks great keep her green! im actually about to chop dwn my first grow in a week and half my neighbor was kind enough to give me one of his ladies i have pics in my profile but i need to update.
Looks good man, how far along have they come since the pics you have posted?


lol, hell yeah on the jersey, +rep (if I can, I think you might need a certain ammount first)
we're getting closer, they took the general term "chronic pain" out of the list so me and my parents are still forced into the shadows but it's still a step forward.


Active Member
def man just keep ur head up lol but umm the pics i have up they were about 2-3 weeks in to flower they are now about 6-7 weeks i lost track of time :/ she filled out a little more she would of turned out alot better but when i started her i didnt know shit about growing and well pretty much just grew her in the corner of my room soo her dark hours were interrupted at times and i think she even tried reverting to veg cuz she has some strang growth im gonna take pics now


i think she might have another 2 weeks to go
u know its weird...I think this is the first time I've actualy displayed any patience at all. But when (god willing its a girl) she starts budding I think that's when Imma start getting all anxious and stupid.


Active Member
dudeur not kidding its really hard like i wanted to chop my bitch when she was no where done im glad i waited stupid site is givin me a hard time loading these damn pictures im gonna keep trying tho