Thoughts on moving to Canada from USA


Active Member
look, its cool to see the world, but to talk of turning your back on your country is insane
i not trying to make no 300 speech here
but, you cant be the type of family member that only comes around when theres good time to be had. now that all the food , drinks and weed is gone so are you. untell my next payday , for sicknees and health for good and bad, rich or poor, ,,, what ever happen to, i pledge allegence to the flag
i havent pledged my allegence to the flag since i figured out how fuck up this country is. i took shit for it everyday. its a choose my friend.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
oh and another thnig dude. im not racist. ive wanted to leave this country for years it had nothin to do with a black man. some of my bst friends are black so i dont know how that has anythin to do wit it.
hey, the only person that used the R word is you ,- at risk of changing the flo of the topic- ihad never herd any white talk of leaveing the country untill now , bush sr, clintin, bush then now Obama lets heads for the hills. whites used to have so much american pride what happen- if its not because of Obama then what is the reason, be specific, is it the economy. every country goes threw up and down moments
ive wanted to leave this country for years


Well-Known Member
lol Obama is barely even black.
I doubt anybody wants to leave because of him.
If they do we would be better off without the racists though so good riddance.
Obama is a major fuck up though.
I doubt he'll get elected again.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
And that is why you should be taken out back and put down....bang,bang:o
have you ever seen a movie called 5 fingers?
these guys are a perfect example of who the enemy is trying to recurit,
they find these young white males who's weak minded so that they can brain wash them for there agenda- they are the enemies strongest wepon because they can blend in so well:fire:


Well-Known Member
have you ever seen a movie called 5 fingers?
these guys are a perfect example of who the enemy is trying to recurit,
they find these young white males who's weak minded so that they can brain wash them for there agenda- they are the enemies strongest wepon because they can blend in so well:fire:
Yep that is how they get them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah well if ur gonna come over here, Come in a few months Cuz winter in canada is NOT GOOD , I'd kill to be in cali , or miami or somewhere like that


Well-Known Member
Sometimes (sometimes), i wish we had another civil war, or during the first amer. civil war, after we won, we just threw all the turds down south and let em have their own country. Except we needed the south for its plantations. They wouldnt have gotten very far, haha, they'd all still be using outhouses, sleeping with their sisters...and sayin "FUCK YEAya" But if it was the usa, and then serperately the ISSOBA (Ignorant southern sons a bithces of america), then the rest of america wouldnt be drowning from trying to carry all that dead weight. It amazes me how ppl can justify things they have no experience over. If you dont ever once stop and think and look around at what's going on, and really contemplate, instead of just writing things off, how do u know right from wrong? Just because ur patriotic? ugh. Even more sad, lots of americans lack the mental capacity TO stop and think. The educated, traversed, and open minded people of america are a different bread (incest really polluted the gene pools). I was proud to be an american, until i realized what america stands for is completely un"american". American isnt redneck patriotism and firearms, and blind support, but betterment for all. It supposed 2 b the constitution, which we totally disreguard, always have, "all men are created equal"....not til the late 60's. The reason corporate and old-money america's gotten away with murder is they sugar coat it and dumbasses eat it up blindly."Yum, War on Freedom!? (we're at war killing and dying, trillions in debt? If it really was a war on freedom, y we didnt do some good and invade Africa and save millions from genocide?) MMM dunno what i just ate but it taste sweet so ima keep eatin this bullshit." Actions or lack their of define us. I'm ashamed to be part of this greedy selfish Hypocracy, i mean Democracy.


Well-Known Member
The guy is thinking about moving to Canada, Holy cow you guys are nutz.
lmao please dont look at these guys like they represent all americans.Because they dont,not even close,I've never actually spoke to someone outside of the internet who thinks like that.


Well-Known Member
lmao please dont look at these guys like they represent all americans.Because they dont,not even close,I've never actually spoke to someone outside of the internet who thinks like that.
Haha I know .......My american road trip is actually to texas to meet a buddy from the internet, he will be coming back to Canada with me if he gets his passport etc.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
your not going to agree with everthing (most things) your government does. that dont mean run away, and does this mean your going to agree with everything the next countries government is going to do ... hell no, so your real reason for turning your back on us is........( i think i know) things take time. rome wasnt build overnight...but then it also feel , maybe because it's people turned there back on it
listion, im a 30 year old black american man, do you think i agree with everything the government has done. hell no , i have plenty of saved up cash, to up and move the family to another country if i wanted to , but that thought has never crossed my mind. its healthy to not agree with your government , but the way that you fight back is to not give up, you want weed legal keep fighting for it. it will take a long time. look how far we have come, its a tuff fight but im not gonna give up, this and mny other issues i would like to see changed. our government is full of a lot of old school way of thinking type of guys rather there blue or red.
now im not an old guy but i look at this next generation and find myself saying things my fathers generation said about mine, i dont understand these kids
what i mean to say is our county is goning threw a change, every country is
theres still old guys in the government that dont know how to send an email, couldn't hook up an x-box if it could balance the budget.
each generation has issues that are dear to them and the legalization of canibus is one of many that is dear to ours, and the next, so it is only time before we are in the white house and those issue get past. give it time


Well-Known Member
Sometimes (sometimes), i wish we had another civil war, or during the first amer. civil war, after we won, we just threw all the turds down south and let em have their own country. Except we needed the south for its plantations. They wouldnt have gotten very far, haha, they'd all still be using outhouses, sleeping with their sisters...and sayin "FUCK YEAya" But if it was the usa, and then serperately the ISSOBA (Ignorant southern sons a bithces of america), then the rest of america wouldnt be drowning from trying to carry all that dead weight. It amazes me how ppl can justify things they have no experience over. If you dont ever once stop and think and look around at what's going on, and really contemplate, instead of just writing things off, how do u know right from wrong? Just because ur patriotic? ugh. Even more sad, lots of americans lack the mental capacity TO stop and think. The educated, traversed, and open minded people of america are a different bread (incest really polluted the gene pools). I was proud to be an american, until i realized what america stands for is completely un"american". American isnt redneck patriotism and firearms, and blind support, but betterment for all. It supposed 2 b the constitution, which we totally disreguard, always have, "all men are created equal"....not til the late 60's. The reason corporate and old-money america's gotten away with murder is they sugar coat it and dumbasses eat it up blindly."Yum, War on Freedom!? (we're at war killing and dying, trillions in debt? If it really was a war on freedom, y we didnt do some good and invade Africa and save millions from genocide?) MMM dunno what i just ate but it taste sweet so ima keep eatin this bullshit." Actions or lack their of define us. I'm ashamed to be part of this greedy selfish Hypocracy, i mean Democracy.

Learn some history you fucking dumbass :wall:

The Confederate States of America

If ranked as an independent nation, it would have been the fourth richest country of the world in 1860.

And don't try that i support slavery bullshit or that i am racist.


Active Member
I'll tell you, If I was going to move anywhere it would be the virgin islands. Why move to canada, there are so many better places to live and smoke some green :)


Well-Known Member
And that is why you should be taken out back and put down....bang,bang:o
and what makes you think that you have the right to decide the life of another person? what makes you think that you're better than someone else and more worthy of life? because you're going to stick around in a failing country instead of trying to find something better? look dude, if you would rather keep your pride and lose everything to your government, then by all means, knock yourself out, stand in the eye of the storm and have a ball. but dont chastise another human being because they're trying to avoid getting hit by lightning. :roll:


Well-Known Member
your not going to agree with everthing (most things) your government does. that dont mean run away, and does this mean your going to agree with everything the next countries government is going to do ... hell no, so your real reason for turning your back on us is........( i think i know) things take time. rome wasnt build overnight...but then it also feel , maybe because it's people turned there back on it
listion, im a 30 year old black american man, do you think i agree with everything the government has done. hell no , i have plenty of saved up cash, to up and move the family to another country if i wanted to , but that thought has never crossed my mind. its healthy to not agree with your government , but the way that you fight back is to not give up, you want weed legal keep fighting for it. it will take a long time. look how far we have come, its a tuff fight but im not gonna give up, this and mny other issues i would like to see changed. our government is full of a lot of old school way of thinking type of guys rather there blue or red.
now im not an old guy but i look at this next generation and find myself saying things my fathers generation said about mine, i dont understand these kids
what i mean to say is our county is goning threw a change, every country is
theres still old guys in the government that dont know how to send an email, couldn't hook up an x-box if it could balance the budget.
each generation has issues that are dear to them and the legalization of canibus is one of many that is dear to ours, and the next, so it is only time before we are in the white house and those issue get past. give it time
funny you mention rome...didnt the roman empire fall? i've been reading that there are a lot of similarities between the american empire and the roman empire. darn that silly history always repeating itself! :lol: :hump: god im such a pain in the ass haha. sorry i was just being funny, i hope you dont take offence to it


Well-Known Member
and what makes you think that you have the right to decide the life of another person? what makes you think that you're better than someone else and more worthy of life? because you're going to stick around in a failing country instead of trying to find something better? look dude, if you would rather keep your pride and lose everything to your government, then by all means, knock yourself out, stand in the eye of the storm and have a ball. but dont chastise another human being because they're trying to avoid getting hit by lightning. :roll:

Yes Mommy........