Snutter this is my first post.I have been reading in the dark here for a while now.I just had to register to thank u for the excellent post.Your perfect nutrient solution is just what i have been looking for.I think you have managed to find out what i have been after for quite sometime now a cheap simple nutrient solution.I have been using Technaflora products,but i'm just about to switch to General Hydro like u have suggested
.I thought i had found the most cost effective system on the market,but yours trumpts mine in price and performance.I just wanted to thank u again,and ask if you mind telling me the ec/ppm of your 8micro 16bloom configuration?
Well, I wish that I could take credit for it, but some one else figured out how to use the General Hydroponics nutrients like that. It is called the "Lucas Formula." Google it if you have time. It's a very interesting read.
As for PPM/EC, I'm not sure. I can't remember and my ppm meter died a long time ago. I never use one any more, because I don't have any problems using nutes the way I do.
I'm stoked to hear that my thread got you switched to using the General Hydro nutes. I think they are a great product, and I'm a firm supporter of them. Thanks for the cool feed back. Good luck to you and I hope you have huge harvests!!
Can you do me a favor and
edit your post? Please
take out my name from it. Notice that I sign all my posts with -S? That's because I messed up when I used my nick name as my user name here (The site owner does not change this, even when asked, from what I hear). you can google my user name and it points to this site. I doubt the couple people that know my nick name will ever google it, but if they did they'd know it's me, and they'd in turn know I'm growing and that would not be cool. Even though I've known them for 25+ years and they are BEST friends....The #1 rule is Don't Tell Anyone You Grow!!! EVER! I take that very seriously, even when it comes to my best friends in the world... Thanks.