You Should Be Informed.


New Member
Phuck you lookin' for a Ph.D, 'cause we ain't got the Ph. in our vocabulary of papers.


Can A Motherfucker be Phemale?



Well-Known Member
hahhahahhhahhahahahahhhhahhhahha...OMG REPTILIANS!!! Laugh my fucking ass off hysterically. NON-STOP!!!

Yeah, next time you talk to someone. Make this your very first topic of discussion. Believe in it with all your heart and never back down. You'll be revered as intelligent and informed. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Fuck. i hope to 'god' none of you actually believe in this reptillian crap.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Lol man i def see where your comin from but dude its like god man, im not sayin their isnt a god, but im not saying there is, im unsure. Same with the theory of the annunaki, its just an interesting theory, and that video woodstock posted doesnt really give an explanation of anything, and thats the only time ive ever heard them refferenced as reptilian, but you should really do more research on it before you dog it. Alot of it really does make sense when relating it to holy books... I know it sounds crazy, but think about how many people think your crazy cause you believe in government conspiracy, but yet you have probably done 10 times more research then them their for you have a better case...

ya feel me man?

If you were reffering to the theory of all the worlds leaders really being 7ft tall reptillians just transformed into humans, and they control everything and blah blah blah, not i def def dont believe in that shit...


New Member

I share my bed with the best astrologer I know exists.

not for that reason.

eHarmony picked the rest.



New Member
So I watched the Sequel. The concept of a resource based society made me smile - too bad I will die before I see it. Although I would be happy enough to watch our current government be overthrown...I don't need a movie to tell me they aren't anything but dead weight.


New Member
02The Marvel Comic Universe-like four word story

Mutant genes arose allowing

all Good and Evil
Phuckers need to load up on mani much more powerful lasers next time.


What do you start with when society reboots?

What flavors of mystical, magical organic machinery designers can there be with no rules but their own to follow?
