A Case Full Of Glass


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of something :neutral:

Oh yeah....... is it just me or is the force is strong with this one hehe

[youtube]<object width="384" height="313"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JgjBeHZxqEY&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JgjBeHZxqEY&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="384" height="313" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>[/youtube]
it looks like a pod racer hehe :clap:


Well-Known Member
its a bit shit when i come on to see some glass and all i get is this shit......
liking the new work fdd ...
i guess my pipe looked like a pod racer, which led to a pod video, which led to another video, which led to "new advancements", which in turn makes me into a bad guy. :eyesmoke:

my wood stove is lit and my bottles are loaded in my truck. gonna go refill them and get away from this nonsense for the day. bongsmilie:mrgreen::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
well i got my first faded glass works piece today, and i must say i love it! TY FDD! :clap:

its gonna make a great addition to my collection. (yes it a tool box that i built and then turned it into a bowl case.)

now if ull excuse me im gonna go smoke my oil pipe :D

you have some really nice glass. i like it all. :cool:


Active Member
thanks alot man, i love pipes, as u can tell hahaha. i tried to step away from buying regular looking pipes tho.

and i figured id post em all, hopefully give u some crazy ideas hahaha


Well-Known Member
I really like your new slides Fdd, :clap:
Ill be picking up some more glass from you very soon!
Have a happy Valentines day.

thank you kindly. i bought new holding tools so now my fittings are coming out much nicer.

i appreciate your continued support and wish you a wonderful chocolate day. or is it gold and diamonds? :bigjoint:


Active Member
FDD you should make a glass dildo so i can fuck my wife with it thats how much i love your glass HAHAHHAHAHHA

and a big THANK YOU for the custom rods i realy like em nothing like what i expected n so much more awsome then expected


Well-Known Member
FDD you should make a glass dildo so i can fuck my wife with it thats how much i love your glass HAHAHHAHAHHA

and a big THANK YOU for the custom rods i realy like em nothing like what i expected n so much more awsome then expected

i tell people i can do a dilly. they get all excited until it comes time to take measurements. then they always back out. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
this isn't really a request. just an idea and I think you would be game too . . . .

if you do plan on making more bubblers in the future, they are SO much easier to manage when they are detachable glass on glass bowl or something. and since you're already doing glass on glass fittings I figure you could easily implement this into a bubbler. just saying.

because bubblers with a detachable bowl piece are SO much easier to manage and clean.


Well-Known Member
FDD you should make a glass dildo so i can fuck my wife with it thats how much i love your glass HAHAHHAHAHHA

and a big THANK YOU for the custom rods i realy like em nothing like what i expected n so much more awsome then expected
that sounds like a crude complement, but its really a good idea. i heard alot of glass blowers make the bulk of their sales and profit on glass dildos. it may not seem like something a straight glass blower would enjoy(shaping giant glass cocks), but it would put more bucks in your bank

i just did a quick google searc and found that they go from $40-200 and honestly they look easier to make than pipes