The Fab 5! DNA Genetics


Well-Known Member
Pics look good to me, i use my 3.0 phonecam. I meant^^^^ i havnt noticed rootbound on my cup. I usually grow in 3 or 5 gallons. This next im goin 1/2 gallon. Gonna try to eliminate the need for my 1000w and 600w and use 400 strictly. $500 electric bills SUCK!


Well-Known Member
Pics look good to me, i use my 3.0 phonecam. I meant^^^^ i havnt noticed rootbound on my cup. I usually grow in 3 or 5 gallons. This next im goin 1/2 gallon. Gonna try to eliminate the need for my 1000w and 600w and use 400 strictly. $500 electric bills SUCK!
ya man thats why i hate vegging my electric bills are high, and I only run a 400 watt.. Im running it 18 hours a day, and then have been running a 26 watt cfl from my desklamp for the remaining 6 hours so I can sleep without my closet radiating too bad. :sleep: I really needa get some blackout cloth soon...


Well-Known Member
last time i used 3 gallons, and my plants became rootbound and started growing slowly so I transplanted in the middle of flowering, they were both 5 feet tall though.. made it a bitch to transplant.. I dont want to make that mistake again. This time im topping for sure especially because I have no idea what size these are gonna be.


Well-Known Member
last time i used 3 gallons, and my plants became rootbound and started growing slowly so I transplanted in the middle of flowering, they were both 5 feet tall though.. made it a bitch to transplant.. I dont want to make that mistake again. This time im topping for sure especially because I have no idea what size these are gonna be.

i remember that! lol. theres really no shock in transplanting, but wen its a 5 foot beast, its a WHOLE nother story to even move!


Well-Known Member
Step #1 Make canna oil. :mrgreen: Trim and small buds bellow with lots of oil, gonna let it simmer for 12 hours or so hopefully it doesnt stink my place up too bad!

This pick is of a couple eighths of shake that Im going to add to the brownies, its some stinky potent shit, these brownies are going to put ya in a coma...:bigjoint::sleep:



Well-Known Member
ya I bought some brownies that require oil, but all the trim i used could was COVERED in crystals and very potent!


Well-Known Member
ya I bought some brownies that require oil, but all the trim i used could was COVERED in crystals and very potent!
i just add the butter in with the brownee mix anyways, most browness dont need butter, but it acually gives a good taste to it tho


Active Member
Hmm how about olive oil? I would consider using trimmings for brownie or something like that any place you know where I could look for recipes?


Well-Known Member
Hmm how about olive oil? I would consider using trimmings for brownie or something like that any place you know where I could look for recipes?
faqs section has some good ones! u could use olive oil but you dont make brownies with it...


Well-Known Member
I forget how fast they grow at this stage, they seriouly look bigger every few hours, its crazy..


Well-Known Member
here is a couple recipes i collected

Posted by MatureSmoker


SICC, I make mine the quick and simple way but others do it differently. For a guide I use a Q/ 7g of good bud to make 12 scones. I simply chop the bud very fine removing all of the stalk carefully. I then warm 2 OZ of butter (you need good high fat content butter for this!!) and mix in the fine bud, DON’T LET IT BURN, keep it down very low, it will ruin the taste, just stir until the butter looks like its absorbed all of the bud then take it out of the pan and place it in a cup or something to cool down. Once cool put it in the fridge to set. DONE! Note I never strain my butter, just seems a terrible waste to me, so long as you remove all the stalk you wont even notice it apart from the taste and the effect! All the goodness of the bud goes right into the mix.

That’s about it, about .5gram per scone, nothing goes up in smoke, you get the full effect of that .5g …….I find about 45 minutes then you begin to feel it and from then it gradually creeps over you until within an hour and a half its at full impact! I find even ¾ hours later its still a strong stone. Seems a lot of bud to cook with but they work very well if you follow the recipe and make sure you don’t strain the bud, they do taste ‘skunky’ obviously, but I like that taste.

riginally posted by "SomeGuy"

1. Clarify some butter (make Ghee) I am also a culinary enthusiast, however, there are plenty of online videos about how-to-make ghee.

2. (I use a crock pot. IME it wins over a d-boiler, but the d-boiler still works.) So put the plant material in the pot with about 1/2 a 5th of 100 proof drink. OK as long as it is clear (IE.. Vodka, ever-clear etc..) Let it sit for an hour.

3. Add butter an water and put pot on low. Let it sit there and cook for at least 12 hours. Not much difference after 8 hrs really though... so 8-12 hours should be good.

4. strain water/butter mix into large glass bowl. Be sure to use a pot ricer to squeeze all the good stuff out of the plant material and into the bowl.

5. Put in fridge and let butter and water separate.

6. pull butter off the top when hard and put back into crock pot with NEW, CLEAN water. Throw out the old muddy water from the initial extraction.

7. Let the butter/water mix heat back up on high for several hours. After the mix is all melted be sure to stir it vigorously for a minute here and there.

8. transfer the mix back to your clean glass bowl and put it back in the fridge to separate.

9. Repeat #s 6-8 as many times as it takes for your waste water to become completely clear. (when you do the separation the last time your water should look like it came from the faucet when you pour it out of the bowl.

10. Now you have very clean washed butter. This process takes about 4 to 5 times to do but gives you butter that tastes awesome and you can even do confections with and not have it burn.


I use a minimum of 3oz trim per lb of butter.. sometimes more. I wouldn't do less than an oz of bud per lb of butter if I was not using any other material.

Making Ghee before hand is superior. Ghee is pure fat and will absorb THC and other goodies much better. It also will last a lot longer at room temp and has a better taste IMO.

It is up to the chef to decide how potent their treats will be. BE CAREFUL...LOL.. Solid goodies can put you in the dirt.


Well-Known Member
a very crucial part tho. its forming tap its tap root, and building a foundation underneath the soil. how its watered and treated right now can effect long term.