Blueberry, Sharksbreath, LSD, Kushberry and Red Dragon 600W Homemade Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey man I would avoid a 1000 watt just from experience. they run super hot and the lumens to watt ratio is not as good as the 600. If you want to run a 1000 watts run a 600 overhead and 400 watts in cfl for the lower branch lighting. 400 watts in cfl is a rediculous amount of bright bulbs!

think of having one of these in the lower 4 corners of your grow box:)
Hey man thanks for the info. Yea I have read about the heat with 1000s. But if you can control the heat I have seen them put out some Humongous Colas...

Its funny you mention putting light in the cabinet corners. That would be awesome...I almost did that a month ago. I was going to put a 4' 54watt T5 HO in each corner or along the side walls about 6" above the pots...I changed my mind because I hope to have a room to grow in this summer and would not have a use for the extra T5 lights so why spend the money. It suck being mature...:mrgreen:

I can never leave things alone. I want MORE BIGGER BETTER FASTER lol



Well-Known Member
I completely stole this idea for sprouting my Matanuska tundra, they grow awesome nice idea!
Thanks man I am glad it worked for ya and happy to share. :razz:

I have modified my method a bit. Now I use mostly OF and only put a small amount of the LW (about the size of a cotton ball) in the top center of the OF. Place seed in the LW, water and grow! lol :lol:

The LW has no nutes so you have to feed. Once the seed roots and hits the OF it has food so just water. It seem to grow even faster and better this way...



Well-Known Member
Here ya go. No rooting stuff or anything. Well I did soak the rw cubes in Dutch Master APS.

10 days

Now I fill the cup with soil while we wait on the others...


the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
i got three like the first one and wish i had a room full of them, so sticky and sour smelling very citrus like. its a strain that came from my hermie mishap. its still fairly stable in its growth and last time it grew some long solid colas. they got a ways to go. soils a little rich going straight water one more time before i start back on nutes.


Well-Known Member
what up skeet. things are looking good over there. heres a couple of pics for ya. just some of my favs. loving the multiple colas. and i agree from and earlier post 1000s can pop off some impressive colas.

Thanks T420A

Your ladies are looking good. :weed:

Going to make some nice colas...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i got three like the first one and wish i had a room full of them, so sticky and sour smelling very citrus like. its a strain that came from my hermie mishap. its still fairly stable in its growth and last time it grew some long solid colas. they got a ways to go. soils a little rich going straight water one more time before i start back on nutes.
I know I always want more

I hope them hermies stays away this time for both of us :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Looks like u got ur thing goind on SL2 especially like ur WW pics man its killing me not being able to grow right now fucking women


Well-Known Member
Been a few since I posted a good look at the kids. They are growing 1 to 2 inches a day.
The tallest is 20" and the shortest is 15".

VERY pleased with ALL these strains so far.

Group Shot

BB1 - "The Bush" I would love to have a box full just like this one...

BB2 - The "Test Dummy" lol The tall branch on the right is a bottom limb.
I tied and pulled the two untopped bottom brances up and together. Worked out real nice.

Looks a little yellow but its not...

BB2 is the plant I topped and then broke the tops trying to supercrop them.
They recovered and are 19". Here is one I cut off. It grew a lot in a week...:mrgreen:

KB - Very nice plant. Has grown the fastest,

Here is where I have tied the tops down.

LACxS - This lil bitch just looks "NASTY" :weed: If it doesnt slow down Ill have to tie her too...
The way it is growing you could pack a bunch of these in a space...

LSD1 - Like the KB the LSDs are growing stright up and staying tight. Very nice plants.


RD - The "Freak" Love this plant, very bushy, tight nodes, short.

The "Freak" lol

SB1 - What can I say, another nice plant.

SB3 - The topped and untopped are the same height...


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hmmm just checked out pages 25 to 30 just to see some pics of your plants SL2 but didnt see anything.

Just in a rush right now so i will look through the thread at a later time.

Will be back :-P