What tobacco is in your spliff?


I personally enjoy mixing tobacco in with my joints (spliff) as I am a regular tobacco smoker as well. I was sitting out the back having a sly toke when an idea came to me, I wonder if fine tobacco and cannabis can be mixed and matched to make something somewhat original tasting.

Blueberry and Port Royale for instance sounds very interesting.

So I am asking, what tobacco do you think would work well with a certain strain of cannabis and bonus points for making rediculous names. :D

Note: I know there are a LOT of cannabis smokers out there that shun tobacco smokers, please don't flame.


Well-Known Member
I personally enjoy mixing tobacco in with my joints (spliff) as I am a regular tobacco smoker as well. I was sitting out the back having a sly toke when an idea came to me, I wonder if fine tobacco and cannabis can be mixed and matched to make something somewhat original tasting.

Blueberry and Port Royale for instance sounds very interesting.

So I am asking, what tobacco do you think would work well with a certain strain of cannabis and bonus points for making rediculous names. :D

Note: I know there are a LOT of cannabis smokers out there that shun tobacco smokers, please don't flame.
you gotta put at least a bit in to make it burn right plus it makes it a better smoke imo. Not healthwise of course but just in the general enjoyment of the smoke.

I've tried flavours before but it generally makes it taste bad so i stick to just a regular tobacco now.

Give it a try though, maybe some honey blend might go well with some mango or something like that who knows.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i've rolled my joints with golden virginia since before i recall. i had a brief spell using drum, smells like bacon :) but i still don't like the fact that i need to roll my joints with tobacco. i use tbacco to pad it out so it's a longer smoke, i'd love to find a non-lethal alternative :)


Well-Known Member
i've rolled my joints with golden virginia since before i recall. i had a brief spell using drum, smells like bacon :) but i still don't like the fact that i need to roll my joints with tobacco. i use tbacco to pad it out so it's a longer smoke, i'd love to find a non-lethal alternative :)
i sell volcanos!!!

I don't think any english person could bring themselves to spend that much on smoking though no matter how healthier it was, i once spent 35 on a bong and thought it was steep.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, i spent £105 on a bong and used it once. it's sat on the side with the ash still in the bowl from whenever that was :P

and i've contemplated a volcano, but i just love lighting up and smoking a joint, even blunts with 3-4x the amount of bud in them don't beat a johint for the smoking experience. maybe i'd strange, but then again when i met a Canadian in Amsterdam he said all Europeans were strange :(


I recently got a roor black label icemaster with carbon filter. How I smoke my herb changes dramatically on my mood. I like the honey idea. Might have to go have a chat to the tobacconist :D
I also have a vape, honestly I don't enjoy having to be strapped to a machine to enjoy my smoke. But I whip it out every now and then.


Well-Known Member
i've rolled my joints with golden virginia since before i recall. i had a brief spell using drum, smells like bacon :) but i still don't like the fact that i need to roll my joints with tobacco. i use tbacco to pad it out so it's a longer smoke, i'd love to find a non-lethal alternative :)
golden virginia is the best backy to roll ya spliff with tip top is a true connoisseur :bigjoint:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
when i put baccy in my j's i generally prefered silver bensons or if im havin it large on the whites i buy regal

imo rollling tobacco is too strong a flavour to mix with weed spoils it. but thats just me

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
but on the other end of the seasaw, it's called rolling tobacco for a reason. spliffs using dried up straight baccy just don't smoke well, or roll well. either way though, i don't like the taste of tobacco smoke, so i'd rather move away from it.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
me to ttt i stopped a year n half back. as for looking for a an alternative ive tried a couple and the herbal tobacco is like smoking spiced carpet fluff. apparently the common nettle is actualy compliments the taste of dope well. they sell it dried in holand and barret. but ive not tried it being just dope now.

and as for tab baccy not rolling well. im afraid thats down to your rolling skill mate. i can roll identical spliffs with both ne probs


Well I have decided to grow someof my own organic tobacco. I have 3 virginian plants growing in pots outside. As long as they are kept out of the frost I should be good. Might save me some money as well. :D


Well-Known Member
I stopped smoking tobacco 5 weeks ago and its the best thing I have ever done. However I really missed smoking a spliff, there is something about the whole procedure of rolling that I really missed so I decided to try so alternatives to the the "real" killer weed.

I now smoke my spliffs with honey rose special which is nicotine and tar free and actually tastes quite nice. The first few try's of it it was disgusting but so is tobacco the first few smokes. After a while it actually tastes so much nicer than tobacco, very smooth and easy on the lungs and tastes ok too.

There are various other brands of this stuff but the one i'm smoking just now seems to be the best.

I'd love to swap to a vap but they are just so expensive and I cant just turn up at my mates with one.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i similarly went through the same stage man and i just cant deal with the taste of the stuff unless you put a mountain of gear in to overpower it in which case you may aswell smoke pure.

cant talk to nee one for a while tho hahah

apparently you can use dried out garden nettles but ive not tried it. you can buy it in holland an barrets already dried but somethin about smoking nettles doesnt sit right!?


Well-Known Member
i similarly went through the same stage man and i just cant deal with the taste of the stuff unless you put a mountain of gear in to overpower it in which case you may aswell smoke pure.

cant talk to nee one for a while tho hahah

apparently you can use dried out garden nettles but ive not tried it. you can buy it in holland an barrets already dried but somethin about smoking nettles doesnt sit right!?
hmm nettles sounds nasty but I guess so does marshmallow leafs and rose petals.

I might check out H&B and see how much they cost, worth a try I guess. I defo off the fags mate, its the best thing I have done even if it means going jointless.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye saved a fortune cutting the tabs out.

i bought meself a nice glass bong for 32 bar for in the house i just wish i could take it to pals but its a bit unstealthy...


mayfair smooth is the one for me, as it says on the box SMOOTH, but saying that im all for smoking without baci, but only from a health point of view.


Well-Known Member
amber leaf here when i do smoke a joint aint that huge on joints unless they are near pure, like to smoke it pure ina bong,bucket,pipe never tried a vape?

strange that i dont smoke that many joints cause im a very heavy smoker will get through 20-30 cigs aday.


Well-Known Member
amber leaf here when i do smoke a joint aint that huge on joints unless they are near pure, like to smoke it pure ina bong,bucket,pipe never tried a vape?

strange that i dont smoke that many joints cause im a very heavy smoker will get through 20-30 cigs aday.

To me spliffs feel more civilised, bongs are going for a gold medal in mongolitis, spliffs are just a nice chillout smoke.

I'm sure that a large bong hit is just as unhealthy as smoking a joint, I know I cough ten times more after a big bong hit then i do any joint.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Mayfair smooth is the way to go, they are the only cigs i smoke and roll with.
I think rolling tobacco tastes like shit and totally ruins the taste of the weed your smoking, yeah spliff do last longer with it but i couldn't enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
To me spliffs feel more civilised, bongs are going for a gold medal in mongolitis, spliffs are just a nice chillout smoke.

I'm sure that a large bong hit is just as unhealthy as smoking a joint, I know I cough ten times more after a big bong hit then i do any joint.
''Mongolitis'' lmao my bird actually calls weed my '' mongojuice'' the bitch lol

no what ya mean tho but i get threw too much if i just smoke joints 10 .7 joints a day aint hard n thats a Q gone!