Well-Known Member
i'm doin great man. got some sick ink last night. haven't messed with my computer yet. next day or so i'll handle up. those links you sent will fix me or prevent it from happening again?
Thats cool dude,

Hope ya got something you really like.

The links I sent ya, may fix your issues..

and if you run them programs once a week, they will prevent your machine from getting screwed up..

Kinda like changing the oil in your vehicles.

Run em religiously ;-)

Good luck Brother :-P


Well-Known Member
CG Those are filling out nicely! And you plants look happy as they can be!

Just curious how big of a area is your 1000w on the rail covering. How big is your canopy? I think i am under estimating what my light can be doing. Heres a pic of my WW in the screen now. Its canopy is only 4x4 Im thinking two or three plants this size for the next round.


Well-Known Member
CG Those are filling out nicely! And you plants look happy as they can be!

Just curious how big of a area is your 1000w on the rail covering. How big is your canopy? I think i am under estimating what my light can be doing. Heres a pic of my WW in the screen now. Its canopy is only 4x4 Im thinking two or three plants this size for the next round.
Where ya been Man? :sad:

WOW!! Effin Beautiful Brother!!!:weed:

Its all about your reflector shape, and design, and wattage.

My 1k light, and light mover is on a 6 foot track, and with my setup, it covers about a 10' long x 8' wide x 8' tall area like a Champ.

Because of my vertizontal reflector(4 foot wide space ship) it lights up the canopy better than most reflectors on the market.

The reason?

It has a wide angle light distribution(because it is 4 feet wide), and I can drop it super low due to the bulb being in a horizontal position..

I used to run a diamond lumenarc 3, a 12 sided square reflector(da best back in the day), but it didnt seem to light up the outer edges as well as Id like it too, thats why I went back to this type of reflector.

But, If I had to light up lets say a closet, or a narrow row of plants, The Diamond Luminarc 3 reflector would be the ONLY reflector I would buy.

Can find em once in a while on ebay.

So, If you have a square type reflector/bat wing it will not disperse as well as a much wider one, of course... But, it will shine in a narrow pattern much better than the one Im using now(like a flashlight).

Keep posting updates, You got it going on my friend.

You have lots of bud sites, It should simply PUT OUT!!! :-P

Talk soon, CG :)


Well-Known Member
Ive been in the my lab with a pen and a pad! Dont worry buddy im here from start to finish.
10'x8' now thats what im talkin about!! I dont think my refector will project that wide. Im shooting for a full 4' x 8'. I got the silver star hood.

Oh ya...I need to talk to you about bushmaster. My WW have a tendency to strech for the sky. And I think i may need to do something before they get too big. If it streches as much as i think it is, Im going to be outta space. Can you tell me if the stuff really stops vertical growth like it says?


Well-Known Member
Ive been in the my lab with a pen and a pad! Dont worry buddy im here from start to finish.
10'x8' now thats what im talkin about!! I dont think my refector will project that wide. Im shooting for a full 4' x 8'. I got the silver star hood.

Oh ya...I need to talk to you about bushmaster. My WW have a tendency to strech for the sky. And I think i may need to do something before they get too big. If it streches as much as i think it is, Im going to be outta space. Can you tell me if the stuff really stops vertical growth like it says?
Never used it, but heard many good results.

The only way your gonna make that plant bushy, and short is by keeping that light super low over the tops with an oscillating fan blowing at the bulb to reduce heat.

But, I remember when I grew out WW about 5 years ago, it got kinda tall no matter what because of the Sativa in the plant.

But still, the Bushmaster product may help out.

Also,.. When I use Superthrive, It seems to make my plants shorter, and bushier too.. 1 drop per gallon.

I wouldn't grow without it. Makes the roots real healthy, and PHAT!!! :mrgreen:

Give it a try, what the heck. :-P


Well-Known Member
Just threw the 10 Northern Lights #5 in 6" pots in some choice soil and put em under the T5 lights for a lil veg time.

Watered em with some good fox farm nutrient, with a drop of Superthrive.

After about a month of vegging, will sex em :)

Impressed that all 10 came out healthy using the Jiffy Disks.

I would reccomend anyone who is germinating seeds to use this product.

There only 15 cents each, and Man do they work!!

They always seem to germinate the seeds the fastest too.

Also, High Grade seeds of Canada has some healthy beans, and that means alot.

Fresh seeds for sure..

Have a nice day! :)


Well-Known Member
Oh sorry. I dont know why but i thought you where using it(bushmaster).

Ya WW like to strech alot in flower, how about the glass slipper?

So are you going to transplant those into buckets or do another soil grow?


Well-Known Member
Oh sorry. I dont know why but i thought you where using it(bushmaster).

Ya WW like to strech alot in flower, how about the glass slipper?

So are you going to transplant those into buckets or do another soil grow?

The Glass slipper stays fairly short unless I veg her long, or keep the lights up high above em..

She pretty much doubles in size..


Only reason Im messing with any soil right now is because I have no more room for buckets under the lights in the veg room.

Its alot smaller than the flowering room.

Im gonna just grow these 5's out, pick the best 3 females outta the bunch let em mature, and do 3 Nl5's And 3 Glass slippers in a few months.

I just dig the low odor aspect of Nl5..

And its really good stuff.

After I sex em, there going right into Bubble Land.. You know it!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Ok thats what i thought.

I need to get some more buckets too!

The northernlights i had was the same way, low odor but a hell of a kick. It also had a great leaf to bud ratio. It was a dream to trim!


Well-Known Member
hey df, i use bushmaster. when i have to. basically man it causes the plant to start stacking nodes really tight which in turn accelerates the plant into bloom. when i use it is on the 12/12 flip. i've gotten bud sites in as little as 4 days as it only grows 1 to 2 more inches vertically. so yes. it puts the brakes on vertical but everything comes with a price!

it will curl the fan leaves of your plants every time.


Well-Known Member
whats up cg? how's your heart beating today? hope all is well. (sure looks that way) trimming tomorrow brother! how many days does gs flower?


Well-Known Member
Cola's Poking out everywhere.. :weed:

Every time I look at em they seem like they have grown.. :lol:

And I know they have! :o

Still at 3200 ppm.. Thats a shitload of nutes, literally.

This Co2 stuff is OUTSTANDING! :mrgreen:

Why didnt I try it sooner? :roll:

Folks, take the leap,.. Get that Co2 hooked up!


Well-Known Member
whats up cg? how's your heart beating today? hope all is well. (sure looks that way) trimming tomorrow brother! how many days does gs flower?
Simply incredible!

Your trimming tomorrow eh?

Dang!!! Time is whizzing by us.

The GS usually gets axed around 53-55 days. So we got about a month left.

Dude, this shit is really tripping me out..

I cant believe my eyes.

When i gently grab a branch its so solid,and thick like a tree


Unreal.. Im flabbergasted. :roll:


Well-Known Member
short flower strain. i dig it man. for us impatient mj lovers
I hate them long flowering Sativa's..

Too impatient for that shit, ya know.

The soil plants are finally kicking in too.

Way behind the hydro.

For now on, Every 55 days I get a phat ass harvest. Sweeet!

The hard work,planning and the initial cash investment is gonna pay off :mrgreen:

"The Man with the plan" ;-)

Got everything done today, And thinking bout sparkin' up a doob..Join me? :bigjoint::bigjoint:


Active Member
I bought this system due to the reviews on this post. DON'T buy stealth hydro bubbleponic system. It's poorly designed and very expensive. It was a harsh lesson. I beleived the posts here I read on this forum and forked over the dough. Man it's been non-stop work modifying the system to make it decent. and ......... still.....the net pots are way too small. Man I regret it. But I learned quite a bit on how NOT to design a system. hehehe.