to be honest , last week when i was still seriously in the grip of chaos i woulda taken anything at all (as long as it didnt involve needles, cant be arsed with granny robbers!). i would poped, snorted, drank or even pushed it up my arse if i thought it would kept me going. after havin a few conversations i found out i had stayed awake for four days , wiped out for a nite and went another 3 days again . i iknow i had speed, charlies, morphene, and at least a few other opiate/pain killer/ valiium kinda pills but to be completely frank(would i have to be Francis OR Francisco?) i have no fuckin idea what i was doing or where ive been. sum mates have txt'd or mentioned various siteing of the 'mangled me' but theres no timeline to drag them into a linear progression pattern. probably find myself on fuckin youtube or crimewatch. even the barstaff in my locals made comments on my behaviour so its gotta be real oouta the face time coz they'll serve people in a fuckin coma as long as the hospital bed doesnt block too much of the bar( i do recall a hallucination of sum one standing just behind me in a pub and the fucker followed me to another bar)