Virgin goes all the way


Well-Known Member
Only just! We got a few seeds set up in the propogator last night. I hope they sprout soon!
Ooh cool, I must be a mind reader then lol.

So when you stating your journal? Link?

What setup have you decided to go with soil? Hydro? Lights?


Active Member
Ooh cool, I must be a mind reader then lol.

So when you stating your journal? Link?

What setup have you decided to go with soil? Hydro? Lights?
Hmm I dunno, I figured we should prolly wait til we get a little more action? We decided to go with soil and make everything organic. Our light is a 400w HPS, but at the moment the seeds are germinating in peat pellets in a propogator getting lots of sun! :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate, this is my first grow so really excited getting to this stage.

Thanks for checking in
Yeah it's my first grow too and I'm getting ready to switch to flower. If you get the chance stop by my journal.



Well-Known Member
Hmm I dunno, I figured we should prolly wait til we get a little more action? We decided to go with soil and make everything organic. Our light is a 400w HPS, but at the moment the seeds are germinating in peat pellets in a propogator getting lots of sun! :)
Ah dont worry about that get that thread started lol I like the organic route too.

Yeah it's my first grow too and I'm getting ready to switch to flower. If you get the chance stop by my journal.

I just did mate that is some setup you have there, very impressed.


Well-Known Member
It's normal for the younger growth to appear a bit lighter in color than the older. Now she's in flower, make sure you don't stop your veg nutes - she's gonna do some major growth over the next two weeks, what we call The Stretch. After it's over you can cut your veg nutes back to half or quarter strength, depending on how well she takes her food.


Well-Known Member
It's normal for the younger growth to appear a bit lighter in color than the older. Now she's in flower, make sure you don't stop your veg nutes - she's gonna do some major growth over the next two weeks, what we call The Stretch. After it's over you can cut your veg nutes back to half or quarter strength, depending on how well she takes her food.
Thats fantastic advice DoeEyed thank you.

I have swapped my bulb over to the other bulb I got with my light setup. It gives off an orange glow instead of the blue/white glow. Hopefully this should help with this new stage.


Well-Known Member
Here is a wee update with pictures, everything seems to be going well and she seems to have taken another stretch. I am on day 2 of flowering and have installed a new HPS bulb for this stage, need to get some shades though that light it bright orange.




Well-Known Member
Cheers mate

Ooh i'm so impatient, cant wait to see some bud on her then i'll chill. lol

Starting my new job on Thursday so hopefully that will make the next few months fly in.
Hey bro your grow looks sticky icky my friend just keep it kool my friend it will all come out stanky in the end and you will be thrilled with the your patience in the end.:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Peace out,


Well-Known Member
Ooh i'm so impatient, cant wait to see some bud on her then i'll chill. lol
No you won't - trust me, you see some buds, next you'll be impatient to see thm fatten, then impatient to harvest, and finally impatient to dry so you can smoke 'em! lol;-)


Active Member
Cheers mate

Ooh i'm so impatient, cant wait to see some bud on her then i'll chill. lol

Starting my new job on Thursday so hopefully that will make the next few months fly in.
are you going to wait and cure it once it's dried? I'm thinking I might try with a bit.. But I can't see that happening haha :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey bro your grow looks sticky icky my friend just keep it kool my friend it will all come out stanky in the end and you will be thrilled with the your patience in the end.:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Peace out,
Cheers Zoso

No you won't - trust me, you see some buds, next you'll be impatient to see thm fatten, then impatient to harvest, and finally impatient to dry so you can smoke 'em! lol;-)
Yeh I think you could be right DoeEyed lol

are you going to wait and cure it once it's dried? I'm thinking I might try with a bit.. But I can't see that happening haha :joint:
LOL Riffix i'm going to cure it all, possibly keep a wee bit aside once it's dried to try of course. I don't see the point of taking all this time to germ,veg,flower and dry not to cure it and get the best results from her.

She is starting to smell good too, more weed smelling rather than just plant smelling and there still arent any buds on it yet, I have a feeling its gonny be really stinky.

I noticed in my pictures and when having a peek today that she is growing bigger on one side rather than the other so I turned my light round so that the socket end (which is growing more) is at the other side now so I get some even growth. I've also pulled the reflector out a little as the outer leaves weren't getting as much light as the inner ones which wasn't a problem at first as she was small but she has really filled out now and is taking up the whole cupboard.

Do you think that changing to the bulb from an HID to a HPS will make a big difference at this stage folks? or would it have just been as good with the HID?


Active Member
I'm gonna try, I know I should, but I'm super impatient and if it's all sittig there and I have nothing to smoke I won't be able to resist lol. I suppose il ccure it all and just take bits out as and when I want it.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna try, I know I should, but I'm super impatient and if it's all sittig there and I have nothing to smoke I won't be able to resist lol. I suppose il ccure it all and just take bits out as and when I want it.
Well considering its just for me I guess I will probably do the same. Cant see me forking out £45 for a 1/4 oz when I have green sitting there drying.


Well-Known Member
It's early, I'm confused, lol - an HID and an HPS are the same thing. HID covers all the high intensity lights, are you referring to the MH light maybe?

The HPS light puts out the light spectrum they like for flowering. But I have heard of people flowering with an MH lamp, haven't done it myself - so I couldn't say if it would be better.


Active Member
Sounds like a plan. It's killing us now knowing that we have the seeds germinating and I just had to go out and buy an oz last night, must be so much worse having the plants sat there!