Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Who,how,why and where did the big bang come from and where did the ingredients come from in the first place and how can something come from ABSOLUTELY nothing and if something did come from nothing who made it come in the first place and who made them and why?

Even if you could answer the aforementioned questions you would never be able to know what/who came first because your brain cannot compute this,it is beyond any mans capacity even if it were told to you,you could not retain such a revelation or amount of complex information.

I can tell you this much as it is all i know for sure the universe in itself is impossible.
The only real question and answer is,
What is it?
The only real answer for us at the moment is,
It just is.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I never said I can explain where the energy first came from but we know that the event of point expanding into our universe did happen. We now know that because of the imbalance of Neutrino's from the big bang caused the universe we know today. Otherwise the equal amounts of matter and anti-matter would once again negate each other and destroy the universe before it ever formed to where it is now... Imperfection created what the bible describes as perfection.


Well-Known Member
in very early times, when the first humans were becoming social and civilized, some of the craftiest among them realized early on that people could be minipulated. everyone has a talent, you know. some people are born leaders and polititions.

it was these men that usurped man's natural inclination to wonder and speculate on the unknown and supernatural. and they exploited it with an organized religion that taught men the virtues of conformity and reliance on belief systems for savior.

everything in this universe evolves. and those belief systems which were better able to adapt survived and were more popular. We still have many today. Christianity was great spin on the old Sun worshiping religions. And it has lasted 2,000 in this form.

The control over humans is the reason religion was seized upon and implimented by the ruling elite of almost every nation of history, barring a few recent ones. And there are still myths that the original 12 families of those early manipulating rulers of humans still exist and operate behind the scenes in positions of power over men. why not? they were, of old, the richest, most powerful men alive. when they live and then die, their money, power, influence and knowledge is passed on to their heirs.
That is my personal favourite theory. It definately seems to be the most logical one. Humans love to control each other. Especially crafty humans.

And christianity is a fairly new religion but extremely successful.
It seems that religion is starting to take a back seat in the world these days. If we had this disscussion 50 years ago it would have been very taboo.'
Now days no one seems to give a shit.


New Member
Well written Closet.
At first I was surprised that the percentage was so low in those who believe in God or a higher power. It most certainly is outside of the weed smoking population but I'm not sure why.
What does still amaze me is that so many people can argue over the topic about God. So many wars have been started and STILL continue today. I also believe religion first started as a means to control people and for some, this may still hold true.
To shatter one's very core beliefs about God is very threatening to many people and I think is the main reason why people fight to PROVE their beliefs.
It does seem ironic that the very people who feel so strongly about their religion, are often than not, the ones that will FIGHT their point.:peace::)
in very early times, when the first humans were becoming social and civilized, some of the craftiest among them realized early on that people could be minipulated. everyone has a talent, you know. some people are born leaders and polititions.

it was these men that usurped man's natural inclination to wonder and speculate on the unknown and supernatural. and they exploited it with an organized religion that taught men the virtues of conformity and reliance on belief systems for savior.

everything in this universe evolves. and those belief systems which were better able to adapt survived and were more popular. We still have many today. Christianity was great spin on the old Sun worshiping religions. And it has lasted 2,000 in this form.

The control over humans is the reason religion was seized upon and implimented by the ruling elite of almost every nation of history, barring a few recent ones. And there are still myths that the original 12 families of those early manipulating rulers of humans still exist and operate behind the scenes in positions of power over men. why not? they were, of old, the richest, most powerful men alive. when they live and then die, their money, power, influence and knowledge is passed on to their heirs.


New Member
And it wasn't a slam against religion or any type of religion. Just an observation. I'm all for whatever makes you a better person. :) And I believe in GOD with every cell of my being.:peace: :)

Well written Closet.
At first I was surprised that the percentage was so low in those who believe in God or a higher power. It most certainly is outside of the weed smoking population but I'm not sure why.
What does still amaze me is that so many people can argue over the topic about God. So many wars have been started and STILL continue today. I also believe religion first started as a means to control people and for some, this may still hold true.
To shatter one's very core beliefs about God is very threatening to many people and I think is the main reason why people fight to PROVE their beliefs.
It does seem ironic that the very people who feel so strongly about their religion, are often than not, the ones that will FIGHT their point.:peace::)


Well-Known Member
well said lacy. thats what i think. religion was started to tell/control people.
if you dont live in a certain way, then you dont goto a better place.
like i said b4. if there was a god, why is the world like it is?.
heaven and hell. this world is hell enuf, for lots of people, i dont understand.
or is this world/life a big fucking test?.


Well-Known Member
If god is the all powerful being, why did he create physical laws like negativity and positivity? Why put us through a test if he could just create us the way he wanted us? Its also a bit strange that god is a masculine entity. Why would god need to have sexual orientation? Is it so he can bang a goddess? Now that would be a BIG BANG. If god had sexual orientation it would mean he had/has parents. In turn implying that there are many gods. If there are many gods why does only one get worshipped?

There is too much undeniable uncertainty to devote too much time to any of the aforementioned theories in this thread. Mankind should be trying to figure out life constructively instead of worrying about what their ancestors thought was right or wrong. People need to think for themselves and move forward. This is happening already all over the world thanks to things like the internet, where we can all come together and debate without fear of being nailed to a cross or burnt alive.

Religion is old fashioned at the moment, but as long as we have uncertainty, it will continue. ∞


Well-Known Member
I do believe in a higher power but i prefer to think that it has no blatant involvement in our lives unless we invite it in.

Whether or not the higher power is actually the God of everything that exists is beyond me but i do pray to myself and i do believe that there are guardian spirits and helpers etc. and these could be angels of sorts.

I think the real give away that a lot of the bible is bullshit is the fact that even us pathetic greedy and evil humans don't burn our criminals alive for all eternity as that would be inhuman cruelty.

So to assume that God the all powerful and kind and good is an inhuman torturer is quite obviously wrong and nothing but a control mech for clever men to control dumb men.

I believe in my God:peace:


Well-Known Member
I do believe in a higher power but i prefer to think that it has no blatant involvement in our lives unless we invite it in.

Whether or not the higher power is actually the God of everything that exists is beyond me but i do pray to myself and i do believe that there are guardian spirits and helpers etc. and these could be angels of sorts.

I think the real give away that a lot of the bible is bullshit is the fact that even us pathetic greedy and evil humans don't burn our criminals alive for all eternity as that would be inhuman cruelty.

So to assume that God the all powerful and kind and good is an inhuman torturer is quite obviously wrong and nothing but a control mech for clever men to control dumb men.

I believe in my God:peace:


DAMN you're good!!



Well-Known Member
i beleave earth is my god it is the reason we are alive it gives as everything we need to live not god earth. and if there is only 1 god how could the romans and greeks be so powerful? they had 1000s of gods? nero used to feed christins to lions for fun. i beleave god started because people dident know why things happend like rain or thunder. i beleave it was allso a way for kings to controll people makeing them beleave if you die for me there will be something so great wateing for you. but it all comes down money and power just a throught my throught and if god makes your life better then good for you


Well-Known Member
Jesus was a stoner i reckon and as far as i know the only things that he ever really said that were written in Aramaic were never put into the bible at all and when they discovered them the catholic church and Rome made sure that they never got added into the bible and then they discredited them and classed the writings as blasphemy:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
people change things to fit there needs thats what i have been trying to say. useing god as a way to justify what thay are doing


Well-Known Member
if there was a Jesus why is he in no roman books or acounts. everything or almost everthing the romans have said or done we have found they where good at keeping records.


Well-Known Member
people beleave in god because its what you are rased to beleave if you where born 2000 years ago do you still think you would beleave in god i beet you would be pagen like everyone else back.


Well-Known Member
There was a Jesus,as to the rest of the bible i have no clue as to its level of truth,but there definitely was a Jesus:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
there was... but who was he. nobody knows.
I dont understand why the bible isnt considerd the first fiction book... it really should be... even if there is a god, if he can do the stuff that he does in the bible... than... he should be able to creat better things than smeely buttholes for people to get rid of their poopies :P


New Member
But I do believe in God. Most certainly 100 % but not in a religious sense because it is something that's man made and unfortunately as humans we don't have the capabilty to perceive something objectively since we have egos.

When we die or leave our physical bodies, we loose our ego and see the entire picture.

We all have choices and the world is the way it is because of these choices we have all made consciously or unconsciously.

God, devine power, higher intelligience is not man made.
This ever-present source of energy allows us 'free will.'
We all use our freewill and since most of us use it to our own advantage, thats why I believe the world is the way it is.

Just my 2 cents:mrgreen::peace:
well said lacy. thats what i think. religion was started to tell/control people.
if you dont live in a certain way, then you dont goto a better place.
like i said b4. if there was a god, why is the world like it is?.
heaven and hell. this world is hell enuf, for lots of people, i dont understand.
or is this world/life a big fucking test?.


New Member
If god is the all powerful being, why did he create physical laws like negativity and positivity? Why put us through a test if he could just create us the way he wanted us? Its also a bit strange that god is a masculine entity. Why would god need to have sexual orientation? Is it so he can bang a goddess? Now that would be a BIG BANG. If god had sexual orientation it would mean he had/has parents. In turn implying that there are many gods. If there are many gods why does only one get worshipped?

There is too much undeniable uncertainty to devote too much time to any of the aforementioned theories in this thread. Mankind should be trying to figure out life constructively instead of worrying about what their ancestors thought was right or wrong. People need to think for themselves and move forward. This is happening already all over the world thanks to things like the internet, where we can all come together and debate without fear of being nailed to a cross or burnt alive.

Religion is old fashioned at the moment, but as long as we have uncertainty, it will continue. ∞
i use these and the many, many, many inherent contradictions of the 'god hypothesis' to reason him out of the equation of daily life.

religious leaders tell us: 'our minds are too small to understand god."

the truth is: their stories don't make sense, because there is absolutely no proof of theirs, or anyone else's god.

so to every and any one: quit trying to tell me you know who god is when he never spoken or revealed himself to you or anyone you know. and if you wish to call an old book evidence, you'll have to first find a way to prove one old books superiority over another.

i am agnostic. because their is NO proof of any invisible god, sprits, angels or demons. None, Zero, Zip. But I leave room for the unknown. athiesm takes too much faith in our reasoning abilities and/or imagination. with god, there is no proof of his existance or non-existance.


New Member
But I do believe in God. Most certainly 100 % but not in a religious sense because it is something that's man made and unfortunately as humans we don't have the capabilty to perceive something objectively since we have egos.

When we die or leave our physical bodies, we loose our ego and see the entire picture.

We all have choices and the world is the way it is because of these choices we have all made consciously or unconsciously.

God, devine power, higher intelligience is not man made.
This ever-present source of energy allows us 'free will.'
We all use our freewill and since most of us use it to our own advantage, thats why I believe the world is the way it is.

Just my 2 cents:mrgreen::peace:
you know i love you lacy and appreciate your 2 cents. i just want to point out that everything you said there was complete conjecture. no one has proof of god. no one has proof of an afterlife where we all learn the big picture.

sucks but i think those are all just wishes of people because we hate to admit that we live a few years and then die for eternity, just like any other plant, animal or organism in the circle of life. its a nice dream though.

einstein said he believed in an afterlife because matter doesn't die. it changes back into energy which, in turn, produces matter later on. that is the only type of afterlife there is. the particles that make up our bodies will be part of the universe again one day. maybe even part of another intelligent being. i peronally find that infinitly more satifying then an infantile god person that punishes people for doing what he made them capable of doing in the first place.-the biggest contradiction, in my mind.