Super Silver Haze CFL Hydro Closet Grow.


Active Member
Don't know what I think of Cali bill comin up. Don't want to sound like a hypocrite,but if you don't have your card it's good,if you do it's bad.


Well-Known Member
My county hasn't instituted the card program, yet. We're long time patients. Care to expand on your comment?

I'm very interested in getting your take on the down side?

I've been told it shouldn't affect MMJ patients?


Active Member
Well. The main thing is if you want to stay legal you have to stay within a 25 square foot space. Either indoor or outdoor. That's barely enough room for one outdoor plant. And it would be obvious from overhead if you were breakin the law. Plus you would not be able to carry as much on you.


Well-Known Member
Hello Drewsbe420-
Was just surfing the site here and came across your grow....very nice. I can't believe how quick that strain finishes up....nice :smile:.


Well-Known Member
Hey tmb, hows it goin boss. yes she is coming along pretty fast, I noticed that shes not really turning amber much anymore, the buds are just kind of getting fatter, and swelling, iv been slacking on getting some molasses but i will get some soon.
Hello Drewsbe420-
Was just surfing the site here and came across your grow....very nice. I can't believe how quick that strain finishes up....nice :smile:.


Well-Known Member
8 weeks in flower, starting to get close, all of the trichs are now cloudy or amber, leaves are beginning to yellow and more hairs turing brown,, think im gonna pull in another week maybe 2 well see


Well-Known Member
hey guys so here is the final producut i chopped her down last weekend and she dryed in 5 days now the buds are curing, i am very pleased with the final result, it was a very easy strain to grow, no problems at all, if you check at the beginning of the thread there were some skeptical pep that dident think that this would work because i was using hydroton as my grow medium, but it worked out very well as i expected, so if anyone out there was thinking about using hydroton as their main medium go for it, it worked out very well in my case, the drainage and aeriation is incredible its almost impossible to over water, but as you see i did end up mixing soil with the hydrton because i was seeing roots at the beginning stages, anyways just thought i would note on that. im very pleased with the buds themselves, they are hard and dense, sticky as fuck and just smells great and hasent even been curing long at all, but it will because i stopped smoking starting today because im getting a new job, but once i get the job its game on im gonna smoke it all up and it will be nice and cured by then too. as you can see its not much there in the pics i sold 2 grams already and smoked about 2 grams and like i said im keeping the rest for a long cure, okay heres the pics, thanks for all who stuck around and commented and helped out appreciate it. btw i still have 2 white widdows goin so youll hear from me some more later peace DSCN1181.jpgDSCN1182.jpgDSCN1184.jpg


Active Member
Right on bro its all about steppin outside the box! You did it and look where it got ya. Nice finished product. + rep for not listening to all the bs and sticken with it.


Well-Known Member
godfrey honestley i coulden't tell you cause i don't have a scale rite now, wasen't much only about a qtr or so i'd say, im very pleased with the smoke tho.

thanks quick ;D


Well-Known Member
CONGATS drew!! :clap: now, u should come over so patient to patient, we can examin these medications first hand. LoL!! (i just harvested about 3-4 o's the other day :wink:)


Well-Known Member
looks very tasty. i bet your glad u let her go this long so she fattend up and got all snowed on good job. i just harvested one plant today my self


Well-Known Member
yea def worth the wait, i harvested one plant a lil to early one time and i never do it again, let mother nature take its course, show it some TLC, be patient and you will be happy in the end i know that much