Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide


Well-Known Member
Update on the Chiller:

OK, I think I figured out the problem. Operator error. The chiller works fine with straight water.
The problem was it was clogged with left over nutrients. I removed it and brought it to the garage, Before hooked it up to a 5 gallon bucket to test it I ran water from the tap through it and all this gunk came out. The test went fine with tap water. Now I set it back up on the res with nutes. Lets see what happens. Its seems the nutrients in the water have affected the chillers ability to control the temp of the water. This was made for nano reef aquariums I am sure the ppms are much lower then I run.

So, lesson learned. First is use a pump that barely moves the water, like 50 to 80 gph.
Second is if you use this chiller you need to flush it out regularly. How often, I dont know yet.


Well-Known Member
Yea so this chiller isnt working with fox farm nutrients. Im gonna try a filter bag on the pump but it looks like I am going to have to switch nutrients. Girls are lookin good.

Temps about 80°
PPMs 500 PH 6.0

I trimmed them up, got everything under the screen.

I got two 6 in fans running constantly now on the bottom.

Heres a vid.



Well-Known Member
Everything is looking great cruzer
Botanicare Pure Blend Pro, Liquid Karma and cal-mag+ have been working great in my aero system
Maybe you could check them nutes out, might be a little better on your chiller
The filter bag should help a lot too


Well-Known Member
hey cruz so we are not going to have a journal any more. whats going to happen to all the info we have in them


Well-Known Member
This is from a thread Im watchin... LINK

Admin "Grow journals are going to be changed entirely, each member has their own blog now to use it goto my profile -> view blog and create post."

Tom_420 "So we're supposed to make blogs instead of threads to document out journals...?"

Admin " Yes that Is the general direction we are moving to, it will give you complete control over your grow journal."

Thats all I got man.


Well-Known Member
Temps 76°
57% Humidity
PPMs 500 PH 5.9

The girls have stretched quite a bit. If I can get them to fill in I could grow buds as long as my arm this time.
Pretty soon I will have to remove the reflector.
Chiller is still having trouble keepin it cool... still trying different things.



Well-Known Member
I made the change to Dutch masters nutes a couple days ago, They sure seem to like it.

I am quickly running out of real estate here. I removed the reflective inserts in the hood. Looks like its time to remove the reflector altogether. Before I do I need to get some reflective surface on the ceiling of the cab.


Active Member
I'm contemplating going with dual 400s in cool tubes in my cab. I test-fit today and it looks like it'll work if I have them hooked together in a V shape at the front of the cab. If I add Mylar I should get good light without reflectors and most height possible.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya man, I'm a "more power" kind of guy too.
But honestly I think two 400w would be a bit much even for me. If I was starting over and wanted the best lighting for a 2x4 foot cab I would go with two 250W about a foot apart on a scrog. I think this would run cooler and have more space to fill out without burning them. Some of my best buds were the farthest from the light.

You get 2 400w bulbs in there and you will need to keep your buds at least a foot away from them Probably closer to 18 inches away where as with 250w you can pick up about 6 inches. Even air cooled, its the lumens that will burn the buds. To increase yield in your cab my opinion is you need to use a screen. That gives you control over there height and allows you to spread them out and create an even canopy.

Now this grow Im trying something different.
Being kush I thought this was going to max out under 3 foot so I didnt train them early. Once I noticed they were gonna be tall I tied the main colas, that made the side branches stretch. Now I have removed the ties on the main colas and they are all about the same height as the sides.




Well-Known Member
Temps 78
Humidity 65
PPMs 600 PH 5.9

Starting week four of flower the girls really responded to the dutch masters.

We got buds!

This is the White Rhino main cola,

The rest are the Afghan Kush.

The floro cab is truckin right along.

And all the little girls for the greenhouse grow are settin there roots.
I forgot to water the Blueberry mum and she was lookin pretty sad earlier but she has perked up to.



Well-Known Member
Looking good cruz! Already got some great budding going on, sweet! Bet you missed that in there, huh? That Rhino cola looks like it's gonna be huge! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yea i been trying to post my new pics but cant get it to work. you should see these babys. they are alsome. i cut a auto yesterday. 5 more are ready. and babys behind them are groing fast.


Well-Known Member
Looking good cruz! Already got some great budding going on, sweet! Bet you missed that in there, huh? That Rhino cola looks like it's gonna be huge! :mrgreen:
Yea, nothing like new buds.

yea i been trying to post my new pics but cant get it to work. you should see these babys. they are alsome. i cut a auto yesterday. 5 more are ready. and babys behind them are groing fast.
Are you using Interner Explorer? I had trouble with other browsers but IE works ok.