My Grow Kicking Ninja ass under a 150 hps Tell me what you think!!!


Active Member
so as i progress and i read all the advice given i mean all of it is in gud faith but tha best advice is tha more your in tha room the better your plants are gonna be granted your not a retard and youve done your research. There is so much advice out there and so many right and wrong ways to do it but there is a six sense that you will develop it tells you how much to feed your plant when they need water and so forth and i say jus develop that sense.


Active Member
6 days into tha 12/12 cycle and out of the 3 plants 2 are female!!!!! Hell fuckin Yeah!!! and one was a dude, youll see the two pistols come out and make a V and on the dude which I murdered and plucked him leaf by leaf jus so it was painful, had lil ball on a stick, although they werent that big i knew within a second that it was a male and the male turned out to be tha most vigorous one but hey i have 2 beautiful girls cant beat i have more room from them in my area so lets see what happens 8 weeks from to come in a couple of days


Well-Known Member
6 days into tha 12/12 cycle and out of the 3 plants 2 are female!!!!! Hell fuckin Yeah!!! and one was a dude, youll see the two pistols come out and make a V and on the dude which I murdered and plucked him leaf by leaf jus so it was painful, had lil ball on a stick, although they werent that big i knew within a second that it was a male and the male turned out to be tha most vigorous one but hey i have 2 beautiful girls cant beat i have more room from them in my area so lets see what happens 8 weeks from to come in a couple of days
Congrates man! Lookin forward to see how this turns out! Nice Healthy Grow!:leaf:


Active Member
i did sum toppin and sum lst'ing on both my plants i got um to bush out and have a couple of gud bud thinks me ladies are gonna go purp real soon i see signs i need a better fuckin camera!!


Well-Known Member
Just think, in about 2 more weeks not only will they be about half way done but you will also begin to see the rapid bud growth!:shock:


Awesome man, I am doing a 150hps grow too, I am growing 2 plants now and going to be doing low stress training with them.


Active Member
With that 150 lst'ing is tha way to go, i say lst one plant and top tha other jus for space purposes...with 2 plants youll have jus enough space to have vigorous growth but i must caution you about growing 2 plants i started with 4 ended up with three and eventually 2 turn to be girls(lucky me) so about the 2 plants do that at your own risk cause dude you never know....but lst'ing is tha way to go you will keep them low and bushy and maximize that bulb...HPS is the way to go if you dont have a convertible ballast to switch from veg to flower...i attached a pic of the results of the toppin notice all the bud sites gud luck man....dont let anyone discourage you its a process but a fuckin rewarding one...



New Member
I am a 150 watt HPS user as well. I have a new tool in my arsenal I would love to let the other under 600 watt growers know about. It's designed JUST FOR SMALL LIGHTS! Lights like ours, and holy hell does it work. Check my journal. Your plants look super healthy so there is not much to say other than keep up the great work.


Active Member
thas awesome thanks for tha gud words my grow does make me very proud and that 150 light system i bought was the best thing ive done so far it enhanced everything allowing my plants to reach their potential in tha space that was available i recommend HPS 150watt for anyone looking to do 3 plants in flowering or less. Happy Growing Bro!!!!!!


Active Member
dude i cant wait and thanks for tha info lol as this is my first time im not sure about what to expect and what a ride its been....


My one month

started my low stress training too.

Someone also I should bury them stem some more, why should I do that??


Active Member
I would say bury tha stems for stability i usually bury tha stem when transplanting all the way up to the first two leaves that come up from the seedling....and i wouldnt start lst'ing til you get a decent branch width that can support the new grow coming out the stem.
dude i cant wait and thanks for tha info lol as this is my first time im not sure about what to expect and what a ride its been....
My one month

started my low stress training too.

Someone also I should bury them stem some more, why should I do that??