Well-Known Member
this situation came up today. I picked getting high and getting a italian bmt.
same here...lollol ya having a girlfriend eliminates this option i say baby give me head.
then i get high and get subway lol
orrr.. smoke somethin.. fuck her.. then tell her to get you Quiznos... on her dollar.after youve fucked her, roll a joint using her gear and get her to make u a sandwich...she's a woman, its her purpose in life.
I like this one! good adviceorrr.. smoke somethin.. fuck her.. then tell her to get you Quiznos... on her dollar.
Yall are crazy, my girl would kill me if I told her to go "warm herself up" lol. Besides, foreplay is half the fun.i luve my mary jane. so the wife would just have to wait her turn.. and that could be awile. i till her to go and warm her self up for me, take care of the leg work....LOL
im 43 years old and been married for 13 years. I need my sleep for play wears me out......lolyall are crazy, my girl would kill me if i told her to go "warm herself up" lol. Besides, foreplay is half the fun.
This is where having a girlfriend that smokes more weed than i do comes in handy though.
I second that 1.My wife goes down on me when I smoke a bowl. Its a slice of heaven.