Is Miracle Grow really the devil???


Well-Known Member
I've failed with mg and scottts, when i was a freshman I tried to grow and was such a beginner that I killed over like 30 seedlings and finally i had one plant that was doing good and it fryed in the sun.

Honestly screw mg and scotts, you can make it work.

But I now have foxfarm soil and I got 3 females that are over a foot each, white hairs errwhere. Im so proud and happy.. also I have the vegetative foxfarm organic concentrate. I haven't used it yet because the soil I am using is still full of organic nutes.

The difference between MG and foxfarm is foxfarm uses organic and very stable nurtients that do not fry babies. even the nutes are organic.
Foxfarm +1
MG -1


Well-Known Member
miracle grow IS the devil lol, it's good for lawns and flowers but it's made from radioactive powerplant byproducts and is NOT meant to be smoked, it wont kill ya right off but when you get cancer 5 years down the road you will wish you had gone with something els, not that most organics are any better, bone meal made from fish byproducts is full of heavy metals like lead mercury and arsenic, then again, so are your cigarettes...

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
I don't care what you guys think about Miracle Grow. For me it's a straight piece of shit! Using the excuse of we only have Home Depot & WalMart in or neighborhood. If done correctly, 'Miracle Grow',will give you a beautiful finished product! But that is where the beautiful part starts and ends!!!! You see, MG was never intended for cannabis, but was made for mom's garden plants. First thing you'll notice about a MG finished product. Looks great, but you notice there is something wrong. Roll up a MG joint and it becomes very apparent what the problem is. A Miracle Grow joint tends to look like carbon melting on the end of a cigarette.

Listen, if you guys don't have a quality grow shop around your neighborhood. Let me know and I'll write down the recipe for an ' Organic tea'. A tea that you'll use/make weekly for feeding your girls. All you'll need is a 5 gallon bucket & air stone & tubes. I promise you that you'll never use MG again once you try one of my teas. So please forget about MG, and contact me about teaa recipe.


Well-Known Member
all i native soil you have to be able to read the soil so that it may be AMENDED properly- which means adding to it what it needs to grow vegetables-
subcool has some interesting soil info and any gardening book worth it's salt will have good amending info(the library)

i think the main problem with fertilized soils is they are too hot for small plants and you can't control the nutes if something goes wrong

i use regular miracle grow on some of my strains and it does real well, i can feed at 2 TABLESPOONS per gallon on the bigger plants, and it also mimicks the 9-3-6(dyna-gro) schedule that uncle ben uses from start too finish


Well-Known Member
I have had success with MG soil and fert. My first choice is Fox Farms, but where I live, you spend a day getting there and back in nasty nasty traffic. Out of convenience and in a pinch, I have used MG and the smoke was smooth.

You just gotta chill on the nutes since the soil runs hot. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
yeaaa, thats why i dont use any nutes durin vegg. No need to. When you fill up your pot with the MG soil... depending on the size of the pot, obviously.. your plants are usually good with food for about 2-3 weeks...

and LMFAO.. idk man.. I think if MG was made from "Radio Active" By Products.. it woulda been in the news or paper by now.. alot of people grow vegetables and shit with it too.. and if ur saying u cant smoke it.. im sure eating it wouldnt be good either..

and if your smoking... your taking the risk of getting cancer... and i seriously doubt that if you get cancer 5 years down the road from smoking your weed u grew.. that it had anything to do with MG soil.... i really doubt that is you used... sayyy Fox Farm soil instead.. that you woulnt get cancer... lol

sorry.. not tryna sound like a dick.. it is just funny.


Well-Known Member
"radio active powerplant byproducts"...such as? montey burns making the mirical grow?
lmfao... i guess so! lol. I just think we would see more side affects.. if people are SMOKING radio active bud.. sadly.. big drug dealers would probly be all ova that idea.. oo. u mean i can grow some radio active bud!? that'll get ppl madd high! lol giv'em some neon green buds, like the shit at Homer's Power Plant. =)

** I think people would get sick from that shit if that were the case....


Well-Known Member
Wow surprised to see this thread get going again. It's been dead a few weeks. I can understand where you guys are coming from with the fertilizer maybe not being the best stuff out there, but what I'm really interested in is the soil. I bought a bag of miracle grow organic choice garden soil (not potting mix) and I'm pretty sure that is straight up "dirt" and doesn't have any added fert. I added about a cup or two of perlite to about a gallon of it and it seems to be a lot better. I'm using botanicare pure blend pro for nutes anyway. Gotta make due with what you have. I can't bring myself to pay $40 for a bag of dirt...sorry...$20 for the soil and $20 shipping, thats crazy. I'll take my chances with MG soil. If I don't start feeding for the first 3-4 week I really don't see the problem.

My whole point of starting this thread is to discuss the hype. When I was in college I use to work out a lot and the hype in the bodybuilding supplement industry is incredible. My goal was to discuss you guys think there might be some hype in the soil/nute industry as well.
Hi all, new to this site and the forums, and only slightly experienced in growing. I have attached a few pics, can anyone tell me if the yellowing in the leaves is from the MG soil? If it is, can I just transplant into FF or HF and fix the problem? If I do that, am I going to need to add any additional nutrients? Thanks in advance!:leaf:



Active Member
and this is using miracle grow nursery select 20-20-20, fish emulsion 5-1-1, and superthrive.

edit: forgot to mention they are 2 months old here. and been outside for 3 weeks.



Well-Known Member
Hi all, new to this site and the forums, and only slightly experienced in growing. I have attached a few pics, can anyone tell me if the yellowing in the leaves is from the MG soil? If it is, can I just transplant into FF or HF and fix the problem? If I do that, am I going to need to add any additional nutrients? Thanks in advance!:leaf:
Nah man that first set of round leaves always turns yellow and dies. How old is it about 2-3 weeks? What kind of MG soil is it, the potting mix? There are so many factors that can cause leaves to turn yellow it's hard to tell sometimes. But if it makes you feel better transplanting into FF go for it. Holding off on nutes until at least the first month seems like the general consensus around here.


Well-Known Member
Cheap, crappy "incomplete" fertilizer using the cheapest salts available containing unbelievable high heavy metals.......... You may get away with it in veg but wait a few weeks into flowering. You'lll have so many issues going on it will make your head spin!!!! You get what you pay for and this is the cheapest out there.


Well-Known Member
and this is using miracle grow nursery select 20-20-20, fish emulsion 5-1-1, and superthrive.

edit: forgot to mention they are 2 months old here. and been outside for 3 weeks.
Damn they are huge! What kind of lighting did you use for the time they spent inside? Here are mine. They are a litte under 3 weeks old. They seem tiny. I'm stuck with two shitty T8 fluoros since the closet I'm growing in gets too hot for my 250w hps. I'm hoping they blow up when I take them outside in a few days.

day 20-group photo.jpg
Nah man that first set of round leaves always turns yellow and dies. How old is it about 2-3 weeks? What kind of MG soil is it, the potting mix? There are so many factors that can cause leaves to turn yellow it's hard to tell sometimes. But if it makes you feel better transplanting into FF go for it. Holding off on nutes until at least the first month seems like the general consensus around here.
They are 2 days shy of being 3 weeks old. Its the MG potting mix, the "feeds for 6 months" stuff. I think I'll hold off transplanting unless more of the leaves start to change. Thanks for your help!


Well-Known Member
They are 2 days shy of being 3 weeks old. Its the MG potting mix, the "feeds for 6 months" stuff. I think I'll hold off transplanting unless more of the leaves start to change. Thanks for your help!
About the same age as mine. What kind of light are you running?


Well-Known Member
The MG potting soil is also poor for marijuana growth because of the extended release N........I've had certain strains (such as Mazar) that delayed flowering cause of too much N from this mix.
About the same age as mine. What kind of light are you running?
I have them under a 42 watt bulb, but I just found out today that the K rating on it is useless so I will be replacing it with 2 23 watters with the proper spectrum. What r u using?