Unbelievably insane?

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Don't be movin it around just yet. That ain't gonna help at the moment u just tranplanted and now u wanna do it again. Chill out man it probably took a beatin last night give it a day or two then go from there. It might just be a little overwatered. Chill burn out and burn one. Unless u have given it a super dose of ferts it ain't just gonna die overnight.


Active Member
No ferts, and she hasnt been transplanted, yet. I'm gonna go check on her now that the sun is out ;)


Active Member
Uhh, yea.. I'm scared. Gonna move her to a better location soon, i only have a little potting soil though!! :/ I have horses though, could i use something like horse shit? lmfao. but seriously!

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Any type of straight shit from an animal needs to be composted first or the nitrogen will burn the plants. I'd plant in pro-mix and top dress with composted horseshit for best results


Active Member
Thanks, do you think I could put some regular dirt for the first quarter of the bucket, followed by a quarter of soil, and then some horse maneuwer? or..?

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
In all honesty unless your on a tight budget I'd just go get some soil. I prefer soilless mediums based off peat or coir amended with perlite and vermiculite but thats just so I control the exact nutrients. Potting soil would do just fine. If you are indeed on a budget and havent composted your horse shit. I'd dilute it at least 50 percent with dirt...raw manure just has very high concentrate of nutrients that can burn plants way beyond the seedling stage. Some manure is very good though and would prove a lot better than planting in the straight ground. If your using dirt dig it up, mix it with shit, aerate as much as you can and put your plants in containers or have a hole already dug in the ground

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
its getting everything it needs from your soil right now or it wouldn't be growing and healthy ,click on my sig that says sexing it has many picks that will help you sex your plant


Active Member
Well.. I guess i'll leave it and see how things turn out. owell, if it dies i've got backup d:


Active Member
Just thought I would let everyone know that my plant is on the right road, I moved her with some soil, and 2 year old horse shit, she seems to LOVE it. D: just formed her first pair of leaves with 5 (forgot the word). Pics soon! aww she smells so good already I just wanna smoke it d:


Active Member
I have a question. My plant is still little, as she just formed her first pair of 5 bladed leaves, but I was wondering.. this was just the best seed I could find out of a year of saved up bag seed. But the thing is this plant smells redick! and its still in veg state :O not even close to flowering. So anyways, considering it was bag seed, why is the plant like this?


Well-Known Member
just because its bag seed doesnt mean its gonna be a shitty plant. buying from a breeder just gives you genetics insurance and lets you know exactly what strain you have. each strain is different, some smell from the start while others dont until flower. chill out and let it grow man.

im still a rookie and only have a couple grows under my belt. while this place is great for learning i didnt start posting until my second grow. you're first time isnt gonna be perfect dude no ones is. you'll learn the most by yourself though. stressing out and asking every little question you dont know wont help. you'll probably end up more confused than you started because everyone is gonna give you different advice. plus theres tons of assholes on here that will shit on you for asking "stupid questions". i've had my fair share of them.

everyone has dreams of harvesting monster buds but you should just focus on making it to harvest your first time. try to make it as simple as you can with soil and nurtients. get a decent soil and one maybe two nutrient additives to feed with.

you can take this with a grain of salt though, im just trying to help you make things easier. good luck!


Well-Known Member
lol looks healthy, not "unbelievably insane" but it does look healthy, if you are growing in hard soil you would be best digging down 3 feet deep and 2 feet wide, and at the least just putting the soil back in so it will be fluffier, but you could also add pearlite or vermiculite to make it even fluffier, plants roots are very strong, and can even pop through tarmack but your lil plant will probably grow faster over time if you help it out a little, but if anything just keep doing what your doing, if looks like it's getting all the sun, nutrients and water that it needs, if it's not broke no point fixing it right? i think 9 out of 10 things would just slow it down rather than speed it up...why take the chance?


Well-Known Member
Cord, you sound like me 3 years ago lol, when i was a uber noob.. for that crappy florida clay your growing in... (I can tell i live here) its doing good, but its super short.. and its great you see hairs.. so its not a waste growing it.. just keep growing it.. and in lke a week start feeding it 1/4 nutes, I use foxfarm soil which owns face... and i got big bloom nutes... after a full month of no nutes i fed it half nutes in a gallon over 4 females.. and trhe next day my plants perked up like they got some crackrock in there system lol.

pretty much jus leave it alone... do not over water.. and remember roots need oxygen and in that clay crap the yare not getting it.. thats why you need to not over water... make sure you let it get somewhat dry every now n then to ensure the roots are healthy.

chill out though fo realz... your killing me i read all the posts lol, you sound like a jit


Active Member
stfu. if ur gonna come here to talk shit then just gtfo. stupid ass. fucking hate people like u.


Active Member

the 1st pic is how i keep animals away ;) 2nd just shows shes kinda stout and 3rd is a birds eye view.. obviously. is she looking good for 27 days since seedling?


Well-Known Member
calm down dude its called constructive critisism. we're trying to help you, jesus, i cant wait till the real assholes get ahold of this thread. we're fucking teddy bears compaired to the trolls on here that look for noobs to tear apart!

you can find out for yourself though, fuck this thread i'm out. keep telling everyone you wanna smoke your 3 week old plant and asking why its drooping.

p.s. im never an asshole on here but you pissed my off