The UK Growers Thread!

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
never had either of those haha, i dip beer in beer, a manly man's dinner!

anyone feel like offering me a little help on hydro? just seen something about a bubbler cloner, in which the stem of the thing was simply submerged in the water. how well does this work (i'd ave thought wthe water would just wash any rooting gel etc off and as such be slower) amd what do you then transplant it into? (i'd have thought if you then take rooted stem, and insert into rockwool, you're going to destroy that root growth you've just achieved. basically mine take roughly 14 days to root in my dwc bucket, and i'd like to cut that down so they get that little bit more veg :)

it can wash the rooting agent off the stem but apparently if you let it soak in for 30 secs before going into water it absorbs enoughh ? the other option is to use a few ml of rootin juice direct into the res an as long as you have an air pump the roots are constantly getting air and water an it actuallyt roots quicker this way not sure why tho
but it should suit your growin style tip top as its pretty muchset it up an leave it alone til res change

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
the laaaaaaaaaaazy growing style :) that's how i like it! i just see it as slightly better than rooting out in rockwool due to not having to give two craps about the moisture level of the cube :) cheers for that info


Well-Known Member
Most people enjoy glazed doughnuts. I Would be interested in making a white widow or blue cheese doughnut!
thats an idea!

i wanted to make blueberry muffins with my blueberry weed! in the end i settled on triple choc cookies,flapjacks and a lemon cake with lemon icing, the lemon cake was the best you couldnt taste a thing and it was the recipe that used the most cannabutter 200g im gonna make a few of them nxt time round but with a twist this time!

im gonna make sum honey oil n somehow get it in my lemon icing on me lemon cake have got high hopes for the nxt batch although i carnt complain bout the last they got me wrecked! and its a real different buzz to smoking.

my ratio was roughly 65-70 grams of popcorn buds with 750g of lurpack


Well-Known Member
evening all, been fishin, caught fuck all , as per usual. least i didnt have to listen to the fuckin girl pointing out all my faults. fuckin nagging cow.


Well-Known Member
an Eskimo on a driving holiday in Wales, car breaks down, mechanic says "you've blown a seal" he replies "yeh and you shag sheep but what's wrong with the car?"


Well-Known Member
Bin Laden addressing his troops in his Cave.
"It has become apparent to me that an American infedel has penetrated into our Al Quaeda ranks and is spying on us. He is passing delicate information on to the western dogs.
In the name of Allah he must be caught and exterminated!
I am setting up a party to establish the spy's identity and carry out the execution.
The party will comprise of:
Omar Muhammed Mullar, -Muhammed Muhammed Mamdouh, -Ali Muhammed Jihad, -Muhammed Allah Nazim and -Chuck."
well in yorkshire things are ok on the weed side, there's some real nice blueberry about, and some very lovely white berries(stone to heavey if you ask me!!) but prices are a joke, 200pound an oz!!!,, thats why you grow your


Well-Known Member
well in yorkshire things are ok on the weed side, there's some real nice blueberry about, and some very lovely white berries(stone to heavey if you ask me!!) but prices are a joke, 200pound an oz!!!,, thats why you grow your
welcome to riu m8, thats a pretty standard price unfortunatly! i managed to find some proper ak47 the other day £240 an oz! fucking crazy!

i didnt buy it lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
hahaha, and it's ocnfirmed, there is an official DICK on these forums, and we al know and love him really :P bleeding pathetic.


hey in kinda new to growing i have started a little stelth grow with autoflowers and was wondering if its possible to grow up the wood or in a field?

i was thinking about using purple power because they do well in our climate is this the best strain to use?

i grew in a plant pot up the woods a few years ago when i was 16 and it got eaten by bugs i think

will this be a waste of time or not?

any help will be appreaciated because i am clueless please please please reply


Well-Known Member
hey in kinda new to growing i have started a little stelth grow with autoflowers and was wondering if its possible to grow up the wood or in a field?

i was thinking about using purple power because they do well in our climate is this the best strain to use?

i grew in a plant pot up the woods a few years ago when i was 16 and it got eaten by bugs i think

will this be a waste of time or not?

any help will be appreaciated because i am clueless please please please reply
imo gurilla grows in the uk are pointless theres nowhere really in the uk that people aint gonna stumble upon over a 4month period, also with the uk weather if ya wana grow outdoors then ya plants need lots of tlc, i have grown succesfully outdoor in this country but the plant was very well looked after.


i have a good spot thats really marshy rite next to a pond up the wood that the sun will hit almost everytime its out

what exactly would i have to do to look after them?