Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

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little tangent huh.

fdd - backed my claim of the 20 year old scenario. He posted shortly after mine with the validation.
The only thing that would back up or validate the ridiculous claim that 20 year olds will go to state prison for 7 years for simple possession is if you point it out to me in the bill itself, which you admittedly have not read. Go read it and show me where this is written. Asserting a false claim many times or through various sources just makes it an often repeated false claim.

I honestly dont fell as though taking to time to read the entire bill is not going to help your argument. (<---that sentence does not make any sense)Any portions of the bill i have read I have issues with, even posts from your side of the argument (the bill yous daid you did not read?). What is needed by me and many others is not needed by many others - if that makes sense (barely).

My claims to the law being "not ready" are mostly due to the facts of bill on the ballot (how do you know the facts about something you have not read?) - if we dont pass now there will be another opportunity - the people need to negotiate more to try and keep the current freedoms we have. Currently we are going to trade some of our freedoms with this bill for all adults to smoke for rec purposes - why are we not simply adding those freedoms to the current laws with this bill? Why are we loosing some of our rights we have now? (you are not LOSING any...see section L)

As long as I am loosing in so many ways on a personal level - it is only in my best interest to vote no. (So you admit you do not want to give all Californians the right to grow their own because it MAY effect you personally....sounds like greed to me) I was only trying to get others to see this perspective in hopes that we would have an opportunity to write the laws as they should be written - not all these stipulations and talk about small amounts being ok (again, you need to actually read the bill to understand section L, which I have posted many times for your edification)

You and I have already discussed this on a one on one basis during the course of this thread - you and I have diff needs - we cannot see eye to eye or reason with one another on this topic. Lets agree to disagree. Let's also agree not to spread false info about what is ACTUALLY in this initiative

I apologize for the unnecessary comment. Truly I do - I dont know you or your family...
I like the part where you say you do not want all the positives that come out of this bill because it may effect you personally. Way to show where you stand on cannabis prohibition.


New Member
my biggest problem with this is sharing mmj with friends would be illegal, for money of for free.
Dude, you just PROVED that you also have not read this bill and thus your opinion is anecdotal at best, completely baseless at least.....

Section 3: Lawful Activities Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, commencing with section 11300 is added to read: Section 11300: Personal Regulation and Controls (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to: (i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis, solely for that individual&#8217;s personal consumption, and not for sale.


New Member
Section 3: Lawful Activities
Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, commencing with section 11300 is added to read: Section 11300: Personal Regulation and Controls
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to:
(i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis, solely for that individual&#8217;s personal consumption, and not for sale.
(ii) Cultivate, on private property by the owner, lawful occupant, or other lawful resident or guest of the private property owner or lawful occupant, cannabis plants for personal consumption only, in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel. Cultivation on leased or rented property may be subject to approval from the owner of the property. Provided that, nothing in this section shall permit unlawful or unlicensed cultivation of cannabis on any public lands.
(iii) Possess on the premises where grown the living and harvested plants and results of any harvest and processing of plants lawfully cultivated pursuant to section 11300(a)(ii), for personal consumption.

For purposes of this Act:
(i) "Marijuana" and "cannabis" are interchangeable terms that mean all parts of the plant Genus Cannabis, whether growing or not; the resin extracted from any part of the plant; concentrated cannabis; edible products containing same; and every active compound, manufacture, derivative, or preparation of the plant, or resin. (ii) "One ounce" means 28.5 grams.
(iii) For purposes of section 11300(a)(ii) "cannabis plant" means all parts of a living Cannabis plant.
(iv) In determining whether an amount of cannabis is or is not in excess of the amounts permitted by this Act, the following shall apply:
(a) only the active amount of the cannabis in an edible cannabis product shall be included;
(b) living and harvested cannabis plants shall be assessed by square footage, not by weight in determining the amounts set forth in section 11300(a);
(c) in a criminal proceeding a person accused of violating a limitation in this Act shall have the right to an affirmative defense that the cannabis was reasonably related to his or her personal consumption.

I especially like the parts in bold....


Well-Known Member
Dude, you just PROVED that you also have not read this bill and thus your opinion is anecdotal at best, completely baseless at least.....

Section 3: Lawful Activities Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, commencing with section 11300 is added to read: Section 11300: Personal Regulation and Controls (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to: (i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis, solely for that individual&#8217;s personal consumption, and not for sale.
it also says all distribution will be done by licensed permitted locations, ie clubs. can i get a permit prob not, so for me to share=distribution=jail. and yes giving away weed will get you jail time. i was arested for distribution for giving a guy i thought was my friend 8 grams


Well-Known Member

For purposes of this Act:
(i) "Marijuana" and "cannabis" are interchangeable terms that mean all parts of the plant Genus Cannabis, whether growing or not; the resin extracted from any part of the plant; concentrated cannabis; edible products containing same; and every active compound, manufacture, derivative, or preparation of the plant, or resin. (ii) "One ounce" means 28.5 grams.
(iii) For purposes of section 11300(a)(ii) "cannabis plant" means all parts of a living Cannabis plant.
(iv) In determining whether an amount of cannabis is or is not in excess of the amounts permitted by this Act, the following shall apply:
(a) only the active amount of the cannabis in an edible cannabis product shall be included;
(b) living and harvested cannabis plants shall be assessed by square footage, not by weight in determining the amounts set forth in section 11300(a);
(c) in a criminal proceeding a person accused of violating a limitation in this Act shall have the right to an affirmative defense that the cannabis was reasonably related to his or her personal consumption.

I especially like the parts in bold....

as soon as the buds are cut from the stem its cannabis not cannabis plant anymore so you can only have an oz


New Member
it also says all distribution will be done by licensed permitted locations, ie clubs. can i get a permit prob not, so for me to share=distribution=jail. and yes giving away weed will get you jail time. i was arested for distribution for giving a guy i thought was my friend 8 grams
What part of...

...it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to: (i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis...

is so unclear?


New Member
did you not read all of it?

and the store the whole plant idea is the dumbest thing ive seen in this thread
Read what? The part where you argue that you'll be put in jail for something, which according to the exact verbiage of this bill, 'shall not be a public offense'? It seems like you are reading this in whatever way fits your fancy, it is getting REAL desperate.

As far as harvesting the whole plant, why not? Let it dry and cure and stick it in a sealed plastic bag in a dark place. Square footage is all that matters, so you can have poundage at the ready.

You sound bitter because I pointed out that you have no clue what is actually in this bill.


Well-Known Member
wow why not keep keep what we have untill something good comes why hang whole plants then give it away an oz at a time? yes give because the only ones that can sell are licensed clubs. and then what not grow till its gone? because all plants growing or not count as your square footage


Well-Known Member
Read what? The part where you argue that you'll be put in jail for something, which according to the exact verbiage of this bill, 'shall not be a public offense'? It seems like you are reading this in whatever way fits your fancy, it is getting REAL desperate.

As far as harvesting the whole plant, why not? Let it dry and cure and stick it in a sealed plastic bag in a dark place. Square footage is all that matters, so you can have poundage at the ready.

You sound bitter because I pointed out that you have no clue what is actually in this bill.
you get caught with ANYTHING over an ounce and you're fucked.

good luck.


Well-Known Member
btw i have a pdf copy of this bill and others that deal with mj i have read them all more than once and this is the worst one it just has the best funding, because a guy that got rich off mj wants to get richer


New Member
Not much happening in the politics section tonight, so I thought I'd revisit what fdd2blk has said about this issue and infer how he has reached his NO vote (or at least what he has expressed here). I included post numbers for reference so anyone can judge for themselves with full context. I also included my answers/rebuttals/corrections. Away we go...

post #13 - how will i grow enough to supply myself?
you won't be allowed to sell it
so how will those who don't grow get it?

Section 11301 article (l) clearly adresses how you will be able to grow enough to supply yourself.
Section 11301 articles (a) and (b) outline how to sell it.
Those who don't grow can get it from the folks wise enough to jump all over Section 11301 articles (a) and (b) and provide what the market demands.

I will go one post at a time here, as my internet connection is iffy and I don't feel like constantly saving and losing format.


New Member
post #17 - there won't be anymore "independent growers"

Only if there is no demand on the market for them. I'm certain that even though large companies might try to corner the market, as in the beer industry with Bud/Coors and others, there will still be plenty of demand for strains produced by independent growers, just as there is still plenty of demand for quality microbrews.


New Member
post #24 - it's already legal with NO LIMITS. anyone in cali can pretty much get a med card.

Pretty much anyone is not everyone.

I don't know what it's like in Cali, but here in Oregon you need 3 visits with your PCP simply documenting the condition before you can go pay a weed clinic the $150 or so to get a doctor's note. Then you need to go pay $120 or so a year for a card. SO $270 + 3 doctor's visits = $270 + $45 (with health insurance) = $315 to get the card, and $270 each year to renew. Plus the time and hassle. All your 3 visits with the PCP documenting the condition need to be current within 3 years, so throw in another doctor's visit as they lapse. Other states, I'm sure, have MUCH stricter MMJ laws than us west coasters do.

SO easy to get a med card...right.

Plus, my card limits me to 6 flowering of any size and 18 vegetative not more than 1 foot wide/tall/long. This inititiative says nothing about that, it just says 25 square feet. If I end up moving to Cali, even if this fails and I need to get a med card, I will grow in a space like that and post results here just to show how EASY it can be done. And I would store full sized plants, trimmed, dried and cured, in airtight bags somewhere within that 25 sq ft.


New Member
post #26 - i have not decided how i will vote on this yet

OK, still undecided. Let's see what makes up your mind.

post #29 - how can i grow my needed 3 pounds per year when i'm only allowed to posses an ounce at a time? if someone can answer this i may vote YES.

First of all, it is time to point out Section 11301, article (l) once again.

Secondly, look around this website. Look at all the amazing grows folks have pulled off. I highly doubt that someone as exalted as yourself would fail at producing 1 ounce a week given 25 sq ft, your intelligence, and the resources of this website.

Thirdly, Section 11304, article (d), subsection (iv), subarticle (c) allows affirmative defense that cannabis was reasonably related to personal consumption. If you have a doctor's note saying you need that much, then you are without worries, amigo


New Member
post #44 - you aren't allowed to POSSES more than an ounce at at time.
it's written so most people will end up buying from a club.

Since we've recently reviewed how YOU CAN possess an ounce or more at a time if need be, let's skip that old false scare tactic claim. Let's talk about what will happen if anyone over the age of 21 is allowed to legally purchase cannabis from a dispensary type shop. Let's consider this....

Decrease in black market sales? Check
Increased revenue for an ailing California? Check
Happy stoners everywhere? Check (well, maybe not the ones who currently grow but are too lazy to go get licensed to sell to dispensaries once this passes)
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