For all you Native Americans....and Cherokee princesses


Active Member
Did you guys know we are less than 1% of the US population...there are more fukin Indians (from India) with DOTS then there are Indians with FEATHERS....the org. people who occupied North America for over 12,000 years. WTF! Seems as if we've been fighting terrorism since 1492...United Nations human rights violations in full effect for US and Canada....bout fukin time.:clap:


Well-Known Member
Do you really think this is going to help anything? I'm pretty sure everyone knows what happened to Native Americans was horrific. As far as "human rights violations in full effect" thats like holding Germans accountable today for what Hitler did in WWII. What purpose is this serving now? It serves no purpose except to help promote separation and justify peoples biases. As long as people keep thinking in colors and imaginary borders, nothing's ever going to change. We need to be more progressive and start thinking as one people instead of separating ourselves by race, religion, or creed. As long as we seperate ourselves into groups we will never be able to come together to do something about these evil empires which are gaining more and more power because we want to fight and argue amongst ourselves. Pride, patriotism, and basically any type of bigotry are all things that serve no purpose except to keep the masses occupied which governments love and instigate for the reason of keeping us separated. Nothing will make up for what happened to Native Americans but we can make sure it never happens again by learning from the past and coming together to control our governments instead of letting corporations and crazy tyrants rule our countries. This will only happen if we can all put aside our differences and stop focusing on the past. It's important to know where you came from but it's even more important to know where your going.


Active Member
Land that was stolen is being returned, so we can live our lives as we did for thousands of years b4 Europeans arrived. We're going back home buddy, thank JESUS for Native American lawyers WOOT! :)


Did you guys know we are less than 1% of the US population...there are more fukin Indians (from India) with DOTS then there are Indians with FEATHERS....the org. people who occupied North America for over 12,000 years. WTF! Seems as if we've been fighting terrorism since 1492...United Nations human rights violations in full effect for US and Canada....bout fukin time.:clap:

Seen folks from the six nations reserve in ontario wearing shirts that said "Homeland Security Dept. Est. 1492". Pretty rad.


Well-Known Member
If you are truly Native American... then you know the land truly belongs to no one... mother Earth owns this land, we merely rent it for some time from her.


Active Member
Stonedmetalhead, you sound like the typical pilgrim/missionary who thinks he knows whats best for Natives, but really its what benefits you the most. And yes, we are considered human beings now, finally, now that we have been ethnically cleansed and are less than 1% of the US get it beotch 100% to less than 1% since 1492!!! I got one of those shirts SKINER lol!!! It has Geronimo and boys "HOMELAND SECURITY, FIGHTING TERRORISM SINCE 1492."


Well-Known Member
Stonedmetalhead, you sound like the typical pilgrim/missionary who thinks he knows whats best for Natives, but really its what benefits you the most. And yes, we are considered human beings now, finally, now that we have been ethnically cleansed and are less than 1% of the US get it beotch 100% to less than 1% since 1492!!! I got one of those shirts SKINER lol!!! It has Geronimo and boys "HOMELAND SECURITY, FIGHTING TERRORISM SINCE 1492."
Dude, are you fuckin' kidding me with this shit?

Playing the "Native American card" is no different than some black guy saying "my people were oppressed, pay me reparations!" - it's retarded, and it's bullshit. I didn't support, practice, pay for, benefit from, or initiate any kind of "ethnic cleansing" upon "your people", so why should I suffer any kind of consequences? Get bent is what I say to that.

We're all American. Fuck your "native"ness. You were born here, just like I was, yet you think you're better than me because of actions completely out of both of our control that our ancestors committed.

What a fuckin' racist tool.


New Member
I am a little bit native American, not enough to qualify for tribal status, 1/8th I believe, but I also have been through the peyote truth rituals and have seen the real America. It is a beautiful place when all the bullshit is removed. I must point out that the white settlers were basically not the problem, (although they were used to promote the takeover of the country). It was the capitalists that wanted to make bank from the resources, that have destroyed the country. The greedy pricks from the "founding fathers". Who were really just the wealthiest American of the time, through the Robber Barons, the corporatists, speculators, wall street and the Banks that have fucked this country to tears. There are way too many people here to live on Americas resources alone now, so the elites continue to exploit the rest of the world for their benefit, to bring us what we "need", you know, like OIL, Chinese junk, Indian technology, Etc. The world will never be just untill the elites are overthrown. Say, is that old remedy about staking someone to an anthill and pouring honey over them still valid? I think they used wet rawhide to tie them down if I'm not mistaken.


Active Member
This shit still hangs in an Idaho courthouse...and ya I am an Idaho Native. My wife is a full blood and her family survived the Bear River Massacre, largest massacre in the NW. My daughter is a miracle baby, with all the settlers trying to swing their axe at my family tree. I feel sorry for all those people who think they know what tha fuck they're talking about, from what they learned in public US history Ignorance aint an excuse, you have the internet right??? Peace :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Land that was stolen is being returned, so we can live our lives as we did for thousands of years b4 Europeans arrived. We're going back home buddy, thank JESUS for Native American lawyers WOOT! :)
Way to keep a small minded mentality.

This shit still hangs in an Idaho courthouse...and ya I am an Idaho Native. My wife is a full blood and her family survived the Bear River Massacre, largest massacre in the NW. My daughter is a miracle baby, with all the settlers trying to swing their axe at my family tree.
If you read my post you would know I don't support in anyway what happened to Native Americans. I just think we as a people need to start thinking beyond ourselves and start thinking as one. As long as we think of ourselves as seperate entities we're never going to be able to overcome the corrupt governments.

I feel sorry for all those people who think they know what tha fuck they're talking about, from what they learned in public US history Ignorance aint an excuse, you have the internet right??? Peace :leaf:
Wow, i've never heard someone called stupid for reading books before. That being said I don't think people are ignorant and can't understand what happened and see through the lies. As for the internet your probably going to find biased information on both sides. I wouldn't trust everything you read on the internet.


Active Member
So many people have no idea of what they are even talking about and yet they run their mouth npnstop.
Bringing up the native Americans plight is how we will ensure it never happens again. The Native Americans still suffer at the hands of a despot gov't that holds them down, sterilizes their women and steals their land, resources and futures.
Native Americans are still to this day being subjagated. Reservations are nothing more than concentration camps. THere are no less than 370 treaties that the goverment signed with Native Americans that are still valid and have never been fulfilled by the Gov't.
Comparing the Nazi's genocide of the jews to the natives is true with the horrific atrocities commited, only one difference CONSIDERABLY more natives were murdered.
Until the recognition of these offenses that are OCCURRING now there is no healing.


Active Member
Way to keep a small minded mentality.

If you read my post you would know I don't support in anyway what happened to Native Americans. I just think we as a people need to start thinking beyond ourselves and start thinking as one. As long as we think of ourselves as seperate entities we're never going to be able to overcome the corrupt governments.

Wow, i've never heard someone called stupid for reading books before. That being said I don't think people are ignorant and can't understand what happened and see through the lies. As for the internet your probably going to find biased information on both sides. I wouldn't trust everything you read on the internet.

Your replies show that you have no idea of what you speak about. If you did then you would know that these offenses against NAtives are still presently occuring and are not ," Simply past" Occurances.
As for reading Books. What do you know about Native Culture? What you read in books. What type of information do you get from books? Revisionist history. I am sure you have seen a few movies too.... You ever been to a reservation and lived there. If you had you would have a platform to speak from. If all you have is information from books and movies then you don't know anything about the true plight of Native Americans.
You are the height of arrogance to tell a people who are PRESENTLY subjagated and violently suppressed that they should just get over it.


Well-Known Member
So many people have no idea of what they are even talking about and yet they run their mouth npnstop.
Bringing up the native Americans plight is how we will ensure it never happens again. The Native Americans still suffer at the hands of a despot gov't that holds them down, sterilizes their women and steals their land, resources and futures.
Native Americans are still to this day being subjagated. Reservations are nothing more than concentration camps. THere are no less than 370 treaties that the goverment signed with Native Americans that are still valid and have never been fulfilled by the Gov't.
Comparing the Nazi's genocide of the jews to the natives is true with the horrific atrocities commited, only one difference CONSIDERABLY more natives were murdered.
Until the recognition of these offenses that are OCCURRING now there is no healing.
I wasn't comparing the two. I was saying holding present day America responsible for acts of the past is not going to make up for what happened in the past. What offenses are happening now?

Your replies show that you have no idea of what you speak about. If you did then you would know that these offenses against NAtives are still presently occuring and are not ," Simply past" Occurances.
As for reading Books. What do you know about Native Culture? What you read in books. What type of information do you get from books? Revisionist history. I am sure you have seen a few movies too.... You ever been to a reservation and lived there. If you had you would have a platform to speak from. If all you have is information from books and movies then you don't know anything about the true plight of Native Americans.
You are the height of arrogance to tell a people who are PRESENTLY subjagated and violently suppressed that they should just get over it.
To my knowledge there haven't been any violent acts committed against the Native Americans by the government since the 70's. I never said they should just get over it. I said we need to come together to stop this from happening in the future.


Well-Known Member
Stonedmetalhead, you sound like the typical pilgrim/missionary who thinks he knows whats best for Natives, but really its what benefits you the most. And yes, we are considered human beings now, finally, now that we have been ethnically cleansed and are less than 1% of the US get it beotch 100% to less than 1% since 1492!!! I got one of those shirts SKINER lol!!! It has Geronimo and boys
Since you obviously don't understand what I'm trying to say and have a douchey separationst attitude I'll say this:

You obviously haven't done that good of a job.


Well-Known Member

White man came across the sea
Brought us pain and misery
Killed our tribes killed our creed
Took our game for his own need

We fought him hard we fought him well
Out on the plains we gave him hell
But many came too much for Cree
Oh will we ever be set free?

Riding through dustclouds and barren wastes
Galloping hard on the plains
Chasing the redskins back to their holes
Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom a stab in the back
Women and children and cowards attack

Run to the hills run for your lives
Run to the hills run for your lives

Soldier blue on the barren wastes
Hunting and killing their game
Raping the women and wasting the men
The only good Indians are tame
Selling them whisky and taking their gold
Enslaving the young and destroying the old

Run to the hills run for your lives


Well-Known Member
Well, why don't you just incorporate yourself into modern American society, away from the "concentration camps" that you live on? Last I heard, our taxes go to Indian reservations, which means native Americans get paid by the rest of us simply for having native ancestry. Who the hell is keeping you on the reservation Tonto?


Well-Known Member
Round these parts there are 4 separate Reservations within 2 hours drive. The American Indian has been living off the table scraps of the Fed Govt for four generations now, the reservations are looking like the city dump, crime is rampant, rape and murder are out of control. Alcoholism and Diabetes are killing off so many that its any wonder you make up less than 1% of the population. The USA has been screwing you over for more than 150 years. Around here all the reservation towns are named after white Generals who killed tens of thousands of Natives, Its Ironic to the max. I see stacks of beer bottles lined up along the highways in the res, burnt out vehicles left for dead in the ditches, 10 people in the old res runner cars, babies in their laps. Packs of dogs wandering the streets, all the windows of the liquor stores are boarded up multiple times from multiple break ins, last week someone stole a car and ran it through the liquor store so they could get the firewater. You know its the beginning of the month when the welfare checks come in and the town looks like beads and feathers for a few days.


Active Member

White man came across the sea
Brought us pain and misery
Killed our tribes killed our creed
Took our game for his own need

We fought him hard we fought him well
Out on the plains we gave him hell
But many came too much for Cree
Oh will we ever be set free?

Riding through dustclouds and barren wastes
Galloping hard on the plains
Chasing the redskins back to their holes
Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom a stab in the back
Women and children and cowards attack

Run to the hills run for your lives
Run to the hills run for your lives

Soldier blue on the barren wastes
Hunting and killing their game
Raping the women and wasting the men
The only good Indians are tame
Selling them whisky and taking their gold
Enslaving the young and destroying the old

Run to the hills run for your lives
I am not replying to add to the political and racial issues of this thread, only to say that song and album kicks ass.
You may now continue your rants.


New Member
Round these parts there are 4 separate Reservations within 2 hours drive. The American Indian has been living off the table scraps of the Fed Govt for four generations now, the reservations are looking like the city dump, crime is rampant, rape and murder are out of control. Alcoholism and Diabetes are killing off so many that its any wonder you make up less than 1% of the population. The USA has been screwing you over for more than 150 years. Around here all the reservation towns are named after white Generals who killed tens of thousands of Natives, Its Ironic to the max. I see stacks of beer bottles lined up along the highways in the res, burnt out vehicles left for dead in the ditches, 10 people in the old res runner cars, babies in their laps. Packs of dogs wandering the streets, all the windows of the liquor stores are boarded up multiple times from multiple break ins, last week someone stole a car and ran it through the liquor store so they could get the firewater. You know its the beginning of the month when the welfare checks come in and the town looks like beads and feathers for a few days.
Yeah, capitalism at it's finest, rape and pillage then sell the remaining, a product, in this case alcohol. In India, they patented seeds (monsanto), now Indians can't grow crops unless they buy seeds and fertilizers from "Monsanto". Indian farmers cannot afford to buy the product, so they are commiting suicide by the number. Another fine example of Capitalism in action.