Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"


I havent had "the church" but i have experience with other strains from that breeder. i would say almost anything by them is gona b good.


Well-Known Member
I have one of those seeds that I've been trying to germ and have not had success yet. Tried the paper towel method for 4 days with no change in the seed so I put it in soil as suggested by the seed bank I purchased from and nothing yet. Only time will tell.

there is someone on here that has grown it though and he said it was pretty good smoke and a high yielder.

The Undertoker

Active Member
Thanks guys,

Dez, i heard a similar story from a friend of mine, he also couldn't germinate.

looks like a heavy research night


Well-Known Member
the room you germ in needs to be around 80 degrees. I crack seeds in 24hrs with the paper towel between two small plates. Make sure it's perfectly dark. I also spray my towel upto twice a day. They need darkness, mild heat and damp towels. I spray them pretty good too.

Once they germ in put them just below the surface of a jiffy. From seed to sprout is about 72 hours with good seeds in a stable environment.

The Undertoker

Active Member
the room you germ in needs to be around 80 degrees. I crack seeds in 24hrs with the paper towel between two small plates. Make sure it's perfectly dark. I also spray my towel upto twice a day. They need darkness, mild heat and damp towels. I spray them pretty good too.

Once they germ in put them just below the surface of a jiffy. From seed to sprout is about 72 hours with good seeds in a stable environment.
Sounds good to me Dubsfan, i'll be storing that one in the memory banks.


Keep em comin


Well-Known Member
I used a plate with a bowl covering it and a towel over that just to make sure no light got in. It sat on a shelf of a bakers rack in my veg room which stays between 70 and 80 degrees with no luck. It was a freebie that came with some other seeds I ordered so I'm not really upset about it. Figured I'd try the freebie before the ones that cost a bunch of money,lol. I'm going to leave it in the dixie cup filled with soil that's in my humidity dome for a week or so before giving up. Probably going to try and germ two Super Lemon Haze seeds at that time to keep things rolling. I'll try using two small plates like you suggested, will keep the paper towels wetter and put them in the flower room next time (it stays 75-82 degrees).

thanks for the tip...
it took me 4 days to germ my church seed, was in a paper towel in a ziplock between my modem and an external hard drive , they run 24/7 so it stayed pretty warm, but the lil seedling looks good.


Well-Known Member
If and when mine breaks soil I'll post here as an update. It was a better looking seed than my SLH seeds I started to germ today too. Go figure...


Well-Known Member
Wanted to let the peeps here know that "The Church" was born today,lol.

She's poppin through the soil!! I'll take a pic tonight when she's all the way out because right now it's still bent in half trying to break free :)

Oh yeah, the SLH seeds look like they'll be ready to go into cups tomorrow too. I see a very crowded flower room in my future ;-)

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I had real bad germination rate, BUT the 1 survivor grew out well, gave many clones that rooted fast and is now at 6 weeks flowering. Will probably be the best yielder in my grow (Church, Violator Kush, Hashplant x Haze) but not the dankest.

The Undertoker

Active Member
ok, peeps, the seed arrived today, germination target start date :- Saturday
Ill keep this post till germination then move it across, say"CHEEZE"

The Undertoker

The Undertoker

Active Member
I had real bad germination rate, BUT the 1 survivor grew out well, gave many clones that rooted fast and is now at 6 weeks flowering. Will probably be the best yielder in my grow (Church, Violator Kush, Hashplant x Haze) but not the dankest.

Thanks Ink, ill bear that in mind and come back to you fella.

The Undertoker

Active Member
Wanted to let the peeps here know that "The Church" was born today,lol.

She's poppin through the soil!! I'll take a pic tonight when she's all the way out because right now it's still bent in half trying to break free :)

Oh yeah, the SLH seeds look like they'll be ready to go into cups tomorrow too. I see a very crowded flower room in my future ;-)
Hows it looking today Dez?


Well-Known Member
My first plant from seed. It's going to be cool to see how big she gets before I cut her down and pack a bowl in her honor, lol. I say her because it's supposed to be a feminized seed.

I put one of the SLH seeds in soil today too with a 1/2" taproot on it. The other one still hasn't cracked. Going to be a gnarly crop between the Green Cush (if it makes it), The Church and the Super Lemon Haze, all big yielders, lol.

Might have to take some time off from growing in order to smoke it all bongsmilie