You Know your Smoking on Some Good Shit when...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Yeah another one of those threads :mrgreen:

ill start

... when your standing upright and walking down the street and then all the sudden you loose your balance and almost fall over


Active Member
when you start a perfectly good conversation and stop for a second lose track, and completely forget what the fuck you were talking about. XD


Active Member
ya lose things, hunt, search, start to panic!!! then just when ya really freak out, there it is, sittin in most obvious place in the world!


Active Member
Talkin bout COD2, The last mission in da special ops, were ya kill load a juggernauts wi explosives and a knife is a bit irritatin!

oh and ya know ya stoned wen ya mouths drier than a camels nutsack!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ya lose things, hunt, search, start to panic!!! Then just when ya really freak out, there it is, sittin in most obvious place in the world!
yep right there in your fucking pocket. Dam i hate that lol


Active Member
Back in the day a used to be able to tell if it was good shit by weather i could go back to class or not.


Active Member
i was walking thru the veg area and my foot got caught in an empty plastic pot and i tripped and couldnt get the pot off my foot and it was like a cartoon. absurd. totally.


Well-Known Member
...when your waiting for your slice to warm up in pizza pizza and pass out for a quarter-second and then fall on some guy that was chillin with his girl and the whole store is staring you down so you kinda screwed yourself because now you cant sit down peacefully because they will all stare at you!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you know when you mix up 32 gallons of veg nutes and when you go and check on thing an hour latter and all the water is gone. all siffend out in to the tub.. thank god.
i don't know if you wold callthat smoking good shit or just strait up a dumb ass HOMMER MOVE....LOL


Well-Known Member
when your standin in the garage talkin to someone then all of the sudden you black out and hit your head on the concrete. totally ruins your buzz tho


Well-Known Member
When you lose 3 lighters in one session only to find all three in the same spot the next day