60 Plant Grow Setup


Active Member
i recommand getting a few of these

And Do A Check Around The Garage Also For Holes, Cracks and
even around that window if you put somthing there.

Are you Goin To Be Opening That Garage Door For Any Purpose?
If Not Put Some Of This Shyt Around your Whole Garage Door.

Make That Shyt Bug Proof As Possible and It Will Help Direct The Smell Out
Of One Area Only.

Jus Wanted To Say That.
Best Of Luck On Your Grow. Keep Us Updated


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, five days? I am not positive but, I think the reproductive period of the spider mite is less then that. If the stuff you are using does not kill the eggs, which I don't think there is a product out there that will do that with out killing your plants, then it will be possible for the new hatch lings to mate and produce another egg with in that five days. You may want to do some research on the topic. GL


Well-Known Member
i used avid, bug busters, neem oil dish soap and water. mixed it all up in a 5 gallon bucket and dipped everything. killed them all in one shot. i had them pretty bad. that was well over a month ago and i haven't seen one since. i check daily.


Well-Known Member
i used avid, bug busters, neem oil dish soap and water. mixed it all up in a 5 gallon bucket and dipped everything. killed them all in one shot. i had them pretty bad. that was well over a month ago and i haven't seen one since. i check daily.
lol,,so that's where ya are all the time,,,if it weren't for spider checks,,you'd be on the 28th floor:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
what is the deal with that?? why do they always have freaking mites up here?? that is the main reason i learned to clone myself because i was tired of paying 20 bucks each for clones with bugs!!!


Well-Known Member
i don't think i've ever gotten a clone without them. i should have mentioned it earlier. we dip everything as soon as we get it. i made a mistake last summer and brought mine in from outside. i think they just thrive in this area. inside and out.


Well-Known Member
also i use "organocide" to kill bugs..it smells like fish but its organic and it works..just dont use when you start to see buds.


Well-Known Member
When you get them from the shops should you dunk them before you put them in your garden? I will be getting some new clones so I start new Mother stands and I don't want to infect the plants.


Well-Known Member
Just to let everyone know. My garage is 100% light proof. The garage door has been sealed and will never be open till after the grow. I just took some recent pics for you to view. A couple questions I have. As you all know this is my 3rd day of veg. I am running my lights 24/7. at night my canopy temp is approx. 72. Humidity 30%. During the day the temp is 78F-81F Humidity is 30%. Thats a bit to high especially when I just dealt with spider mights. I just ran 2 of my aircooled lights with 6" duct to my exhaust (View Pic) but this does not really lower the temp in the canopy. Would it be better to run my intake which is pulling colder air from outside straight to the lights. I have been told that the intake needs to be low in the room (thats where it is now). Lights of course are up high.



Well-Known Member

where are your 2 stand-up oscillating fans?

your temps and humidity seem fine to me. you can run 18/6 and save a little on your pg&e. i feel they do just as well.


Well-Known Member
i think they still grow when it's dark. in fact i know they do. i think the dark cycle benefits them. they need a little rest. people will argue and it works both ways so..........


Well-Known Member
Hey guys whats going on?
Thanks fdd I will make sure to do that. I will be getting some new clones after xmas. any sug on strands. I have grape ape now.

I love this thread is my home away from home. You make me what to be a better grower.:clap: :weed: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
18-6 light cycle...especially when they are recovering from trans-plant...But of course...I am not an EXPERT! Is your fresh air coming from the cage fan? I would aim that baby in the direction of your lights, to help direct the hot air away from them.. With your fan running air through those reflectors, they should not be getting hot...Just think when you start to use 4 of those suckers! Get some oscillating fans going, you have so much space to play with, it should be easy to keep the heat down..GL