HELP!!! all dying plants all of a sudden

The Happy Camper

Active Member
I just got some 3 month old plants and ive been trying to keep them alive. I got them almost 4 days ago and the other day they were wilting so i watered them all and they perked right up i thought that was the answer, but today when i just checked on them to turn their day cycle off they were all curling and drooping. Im growing them under a 600w and its about 80-85 degrees in the grow room. Im currently not using any flowering nutrients,

Does anyone think they could just be wilting because of stress from moving around? They looked fine and then wilted, looked fine now wilting again, and i just watered them yesterday so i dont think they need more water...

Does anyone know the solution or what i should be doing to save these plants???!



Well-Known Member
It's too hot for them. Go for something below 80, and make sure your airflow is something akin to a light summer breeze in the room.

Also, only water when the soil is fairly dry all the way through, never going past "moist" to "wet", and you will be fine.


The Happy Camper

Active Member
It's too hot for them. Go for something below 80, and make sure your airflow is something akin to a light summer breeze in the room.

Also, only water when the soil is fairly dry all the way through, never going past "moist" to "wet", and you will be fine.

alright, does it matter how much light is escaping the grow room like if i wanna open up the door for it to allow more air flow, there will be only about 2 x 2 ft of wall opened up but will that affect the plants to much?


Well-Known Member
i use to leave my door open all the time to let are in and out till i got inline fans

trichlone fiend

New Member
...if light gets into your flowering room during it's dark period, you can cause stress to your plants and they may hermie up....or even worse they can convert back to veg state.


Well-Known Member
if you can leave the door open while the lights are so. Just close the door when the lights go off. (you do want to keep the room as dark as possible "at night")

The Happy Camper

Active Member
...if light gets into your flowering room during it's dark period, you can cause stress to your plants and they may hermie up....or even worse they can convert back to veg state.
I have taken them out of the dark room once but that was 2 days ago to check for mites, could the stress just be catching up with them?

trichlone fiend

New Member
...expose'n to light during the dark period wouldn't cause your plants to droop they could produce seeds though by cross gender (hermie), drooping leaves are typically a symptom of under or overwatering, or root damage (or root fungus)

The Happy Camper

Active Member
...expose'n to light during the dark period wouldn't cause your plants to droop, that's typically a symptom of under or overwatering, or root damage.
so would u suggest, by looking at the pictures, that i should just water them again today? the topsoil is dry and i stuck my finger in the best i could about half an inch and it felt dry. i have a ph testing kit, ive been waiting to use it, do u think i should test to make sure thats not the problem?

trichlone fiend

New Member
...if you've just watered them yesterday, they are probably overwaterd. Have you transplanted lately? I've seen this happen to 1 or 2 plants, but it looks as though your whole garden is wilted...I'm curious on this one. Are your pots heavy? Full of h20? ....or light?

The Happy Camper

Active Member
...expose'n to light during the dark period wouldn't cause your plants to droop, that's typically a symptom of under or overwatering, or root damage.
so would u suggest, by looking at the pictures, that i should just water them again today? the topsoil is dry and i stuck my finger in the best i could about half an inch and it felt dry. i have a ph testing kit, ive been waiting to use it, do u think i should test to make sure thats not the problem?

trichlone fiend

New Member suggestions, fill an empty pot of equal size with dry soil and compare the weight difference with your plants' soil. If your pot feels as light as the dry pot, water your ladies. If your pots feel heavy, let them dry.

...when you water your plants, make it a 2 part deal. Water them, then come back in a 1/2 hour and water again. Don't water anymore until your pots are light to the lift.
...if it's not your watering method causing the wilt, I'd say you have some sort of root damage.

The Happy Camper

Active Member
...if you've just watered them yesterday, they are probably overwaterd. Have you transplanted lately? I've seen this happen to 1 or 2 plants, but it looks as though your whole garden is wilted...I'm curious on this one. Are your pots heavy? Full of h20? ....or light?
yeah all 6 of them wilting and they have not been transplanted. I cant really tell if the pots are heavy or not because im not to sure what it feels like without water since ive done little holding on the pots. The pots are heavy but that may be all the soil. I HAVE 2 plants per pot and i watered 1liter per pot. is that too much? I dont want them to be overwatered and im trying to water them to fix the problem lol.

trichlone fiend

New Member
heat. you need less of it.
...if your plants were to transpire fast enough, I suppose your leaves would wilt as though they are underwated also....however, I run a co2 propane burner in my rooms and keep temps in the upper 80's, lower 90's and have never seen this. Looks like classic underwatering to me. Hmmmmm...

trichlone fiend

New Member
...overwatering causes this too. The water will turn your soil (at the bottom of the pot) to mush, which strangles your roots and they die for lack of hydration.