Christmas SUCKS!


Active Member
Christmas has to be the worst time of year for me..

I am not the grinch or anything but DAMN!
Every year at this time bad shit happens to me. Like today.. Today I wake up, I am getting ready to go pick up my son from his moms, and I get an emergeny call.

My boy was bitten by a dog.. MAN was that scarey. Everything will be ok.. With the exeption of the dude I Sue's Wallet book. Anyway Here are some sad pics of my boys face.

Anyways along ith the same story. (I will post more pics in a second)

While i am tending to my son at the hospital, MY really super nice cats decode to tromp and dig all of my beautiful plants up... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

needless to say, Thank god PETA wasn't around to see that ass woopin.

Ya the dumb ass cats, shit in my beautiful babies pots, scratched half the dirt out of the pots, tore of Leaves, Ect...

Yep, Yep X-mas sucks.. Always has and always will..

Happy Growing, and have a safe Holiday weekend all..:joint:

The Dank one



Active Member
Here is a few pics of the babies..

7 - Ganesha's Dream
3 - Orange Crush
1 - White Widow

All Fox Farms Oceanic soil
Fox Farms - Grow big & Big Bloom & Tiger Bloom
6.0 - 6.5 pH water every 3 days
75 - 80 day temp.. 65 - 70 night
Humid is 55 most the time

Anyways I fixed them up the best I could.. a little more soil should do the trick.and the cats will pay with there LIVES next time it happens.

Anyways The plant are 1 month into Veg 18/6 lighs..

More pics weekly.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your son DankOne! I hope he gets well soon. I thinks its reasonable to ask the dogs owner to cover the medical bills.



Well-Known Member
yea man, the least he could do is pay for the bills. Sorry to hear about your son. Anyways man, i'm sending you Christmas wishes from the far east. Hope your boy gets well soon. This ones on me :joint:


bitten on the face? that shit looks like it hurts. make sure that the dogs owner at least covers doctor bills. something should also be done about that dog, if it is biting small children on the face it needs to be put down, or the owner needs to be put down. just my two cents. glad your son is okay, coulda been alot worse from the looks of it.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Oh my, that really sucks, sorry to hear that. What kind of dog did that to your son? Has that dog done this before? Hope your holiday gets better.
Sorry to hear about your plants, they will survive though, just get that cat piss out of the pot. :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
Thanks for all the kind words..

My son will heal as will my plants. The dogs owner is hiding the dog. from me and Law enforcment, He felt like laughing at me on the phone, when I told him the dog should die..

I also found out that the dog has bitten before..

now I am even more upset.. Also I found Out wich cat keeps crapping on my grow... Caught her red handed... and now she is dead.. no more worries.

Seems to be the merry season for me to have to kill a bunch of crazy animals..



The dogs owner is hiding the dog. from me and Law enforcment, He felt like laughing at me on the phone, when I told him the dog should die..

this guy and i would have a serious issue...and he would have a nice canine lawn ornament. around here, if my neighbors dog did that to my son, i would waltz into his front yard and start blastin on that mutt. doesnt heal the lip, but prevents it from happening again.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry to hear about your son. The physical wounds will probably heal quickly but there can be emotional scarring that is harder to mend. Hopefully, he will not fear dogs after this. I'm sure your plants will recover nicely.

Let the law handle the dog owner/idiot - they will be on your side. If they ain't - go down to your local station and keep asking what they are going to do about it but I doubt you'll need to do that. It is unfortunate that the dog will most likely be euthanized when it is the idiot owner who should be facing that punishment - or at least be fixed.

One last thought - be careful your "christmas sucks" feelings don't turn the holidays into mini-hells because of self-fulfilling prophesy (SFP).


CFL Cabinet Grower
Thanks for all the kind words..

My son will heal as will my plants. The dogs owner is hiding the dog. from me and Law enforcment, He felt like laughing at me on the phone, when I told him the dog should die..

I also found out that the dog has bitten before..

now I am even more upset.. Also I found Out wich cat keeps crapping on my grow... Caught her red handed... and now she is dead.. no more worries.

Seems to be the merry season for me to have to kill a bunch of crazy animals..


You hear that, death penalty for messing with his plants. =P


Well-Known Member
yea damn bro no reason to kill the poor cat should have just dropped it off in the isle at petsmart, thats how I do it:mrgreen:

its really your fault for allowing the cats access to your plants, you only have yourself to blame for your messed up plants. too bad your own negligence spurred you to blame the cat and execute it.

and ya you should sue that fucker for court cost medical costs and anguish.

next time you call him make sure you record the conversation. just make sure your state allows you to do that without telling the person on the other end or it will not be admisable.

just curious how did u off him? the cat i mean


Well-Known Member
you want to prove that the dog is his, and do somthing about it, try to get pics, and sue the fucker, and that fucking dog wants putting down. if its biteing somthing about it, you shouldnt have to pay med bills. plus you kids been scared. sue sue sue.
i would be well mad if a dog bit my kid, then the owner hid the dog, and wouldnt pay for his care. christmas or not. what dog was it?.
but dont take it out on the poor cat, take it out on the dog owner.
hope things get better for you. just get drunk have a spliff, get your gun. only messing.


Well-Known Member
yea dont get me wrong im all for killing cats if you eat them but i mean dont let them go to waste u know, you could have ate it

thats not me in the pic by the way I was in the bathroom when they took this shot, the guy in the pic is my older brother Ping



Well-Known Member
my brother had a dog do almost the exact same thing to his lip, except it actually got part of his bottom lip. I can understand bad days and pets doing the wrong thing, but I sure as hell wouldnt have killed the cat, i hate cats, but I am not given the right by God to kill the cat just b/c it tore up my babies.

I was kinda feeling bad for your situation till i read that you KILLED the cat, in that case, "Karma is a bitch"
