*Hawaiian Thunder*

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Ok so my 2 girls have been basking in the bright sun today and looking amazing!!And like i said befor, i was think about sending them into floweing when they reached 1ft. well that was 3 days ago and their alreay at 13inches, thats 4 inches in 3 days. damn...so i think im gonna wait till they get about 15 to 16inch, because i dont want them getting over 3ft really. I think Iv decided to call this strand "CannaBLISS" but the real name will come when i smoke it...might hold onto the name CannaBLISS till i creat a strand i like!!!...Stay tooned for pic's...not today tho!! DAY 32 FROM SEED NOW

Cool beans dude


Well-Known Member
Damn verde, that look good....wish i had a bowl of it....myne are looking great..pushing 14inch today, probably gonna put into flowering in a day or so..


Well-Known Member
yeah i think im gonna switch to flowering tomarow..their pushing 15"inches today.Think im only gonna give them 15hr of light today instead of the normal 18hrs to get them ready for tomarrow when i will put them on a 12/12 schedual at 6:30am-6:30pm, that time schedual just works better for me..so tomarow is the big day!! Another reason i didnt want to wait another week to flower is because the FFOF soil has only been used since the 19th so the soil is only 3 weeks old, well it will be 3 weeks tomarrow. so that should give me a good week maybe 2 befor i need to start to give them nutes. so it sould give them a good start in flowering. most likely put pics up tomarrow when she goes into flowering!!Im gonna take a guess at my due date being around 1st of aug....just a guess though..

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Another reason i didnt want to wait another week to flower is because the FFOF soil has only been used since the 19th so the soil is only 3 weeks old, well it will be 3 weeks tomarrow. so that should give me a good week maybe 2 befor i need to start to give them nutes. so it sould give them a good start in flowering. most likely put pics up tomarrow when she goes into flowering!!Im gonna take a guess at my due date being around 1st of aug....just a guess though..
You could always just veg out until you see signs of deficiencies beginning, then slowly start with the flower nutrients (you cant go full power from the get-go you gotta start with 1/4 to 1/2 for a little). So when they start the flowering light cycle, they're getting waned off the FFOF nutes, and starting to get half doses of the added nutes. Then after a while you start upping the doses. Then you can just pretty much be using full strength nutrients as early into flower as possible.

Not saying "you should totally do this" because your route is a pretty easy/safe one but I'm just giving you options :peace:


Well-Known Member
You could always just veg out until you see signs of deficiencies beginning, then slowly start with the flower nutrients (you cant go full power from the get-go you gotta start with 1/4 to 1/2 for a little). So when they start the flowering light cycle, they're getting waned off the FFOF nutes, and starting to get half doses of the added nutes. Then after a while you start upping the doses. Then you can just pretty much be using full strength nutrients as early into flower as possible.

Not saying "you should totally do this" because your route is a pretty easy/safe one but I'm just giving you options :peace:

Thanks for all the useful information verde, +reps..you have helped alot in this grow so far...hope you stick around to see the end..

Well i would give you +reps verde but riu seems to be not coroperating with my internet, its not letting me give +reps right now,...but LET IT BE KNOWN!!! VERDE HAS GOT +REP'S FROM ME!!!! lol, ohhh god im stoned..


Well-Known Member
"FLOWERING DAY 1" Day 42 from sprout, 15 3/4 inches tall
mad hatter 001.jpg1) mad hatter 015.jpg2) mad hatter 012.jpg3) mad hatter 014.jpg4) mad hatter 011.jpg5) mad hatter 013.jpg6) Here are pics of the tirploid.day 42 from sprout, in pic 4 & 6 you can see where i toped her and she split in her traidmark 3 main stocks. she is growing like a champ!!!!
in pic 3
mad hatter 016.jpg
mad hatter 020.jpg1) mad hatter 021.jpg2) mad hatter 018.jpg3) mad hatter 017.jpg4) mad hatter 019.jpg5) Here is my other girl, she is looking just as good. she is growing just as fast as my triploid is now, she is getting bushy!!!! beautiful!!!! she has nice chunky fat leaves! and they stink up my closet of skunk!!and they are only in day 1 of flowering, but i know the smell im selling is not the bud because their is none. but it does stink like a bag of skunk weed!!

so what do you guys think of my grow so far???

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Those tops look sexy. Try to train them away from the center so the middle of the plant so the light can get some good penetration. The bottom branches will start stretching towards the light and get some nice big buds


Well-Known Member
nice job dude.youre right my friend brought home some fire back from the islands.the high was intense ,too bad he only brouhgt all he could get in his wad of gum.lol


Well-Known Member
Those tops look sexy. Try to train them away from the center so the middle of the plant so the light can get some good penetration. The bottom branches will start stretching towards the light and get some nice big buds
Thanks verde. and I will train those tops tonight just befor they go to sleep for the night...


Well-Known Member
nice job dude.youre right my friend brought home some fire back from the islands.the high was intense ,too bad he only brouhgt all he could get in his wad of gum.lol
Yeah the shit is fire, havent had any in months (since i left the island) so im really really excited about these plant.


Well-Known Member
Well i think i got some bad news...i think i see signs of male preflowers on both of my plants....not sure yet tho.....might not look at them again till tomarrow so i can see more of a difference..they already grown 4inches since i put them in flowering 5days ago..i would put pics up but my camara dosent take THAT good of pics. so im not even gonna post them up here for you guys just to laugh at my shitty pic's...so......i will just let you guys know when I know for sure of their sex......god i hope not!!!!!!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Well i think i got some bad news...i think i see signs of male preflowers on both of my plants....not sure yet tho.....might not look at them again till tomarrow so i can see more of a difference..they already grown 4inches since i put them in flowering 5days ago..i would put pics up but my camara dosent take THAT good of pics. so im not even gonna post them up here for you guys just to laugh at my shitty pic's...so......i will just let you guys know when I know for sure of their sex......god i hope not!!!!!!
If they are male fuck it. You got your materials and knowledge. You could just order some beans off attitde and grow some killer buds. Hawaiian snow if you'd like.

Just make sure its male before you cut it down.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah dude btw are you using a ph meter to check your water? If not you may want to look into that, problems will start to arise.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah dude btw are you using a ph meter to check your water? If not you may want to look into that, problems will start to arise.
Yeah i have a PH chcker. all is looking good...lights are getting ready to come on for the day so im gonna check them out in a sec to see if i see balls or not...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
if I remember right you'll see the male flowers before female flowers.

You could just be paranoid, the little ball could be the start of the female flower. ;)