
Well-Known Member
Looking good. I feel flowers soon. Can you tell any difference in the 2 plants. Look close. Is 1 streching more then the other. A trained eye might be able to spot a male by now. Some people may call bullshit but I know better. I really don't say I know things but this I know.
yeah well I'm not an experienced grower at all so I think my expreience telling me if it's a male or fem is out the window, lol


Well-Known Member
Ok so since I was worried about the pruning and no one answered whether it was a good idea or not I came over to check on the plants today. They look pretty good. The stems are still thin and weak but i'm hoping that in a couple days that'll take care of itself.
Here's what they look like today. Quite an improvement from yesterday's pics.

Daisy the bushIMAG0402.jpg
Alexandra and the magnificent 7 IMAG0403.jpg

And when I was pruning Daisy I accidentally grabbed a clone so I figured I'd pop it on some dirt abd see what happens.
INTRODUCING: Cleo The Clone IMAG0404.jpg Hopefully she makes it!!!

Anyway as always input is welcomed and encouraged, lol


Active Member
Ha just said something about this to pole, lol ayway yeah man love growing gonna be a lifetime hobby of mine now as far as I can tell. I'll probably always have to buy weed but I'll also probably always have 2 or 6 plants growing too, lol
I hear ya man, having to buy it while you watch your girls grow is depressing, but the end result will be awesome!


Well-Known Member
It should be fine. I had to dip mine twice before it actually took.
They have it at home depot and Lowes. just when you get some cut a new 45 degree angle at the bottom and dip it in the hormone and put it back in the dirt. Just make sure no air gets in the stem (keep it in the soil)


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks man I saw it at home depot but never even thought to get it cause of what we talked about before about my set up being too small for clones but now that the opportunity presented itself I wanna see what I can do and If I gotta make a mini setp up for it til alexandra and daisy are done flowering so be it.
If daisy turnes out to be a fem I'll be a happy mo fo I took care if that clone. If not then its more plant matter for my cannabutter I'll be making out of all known males, lol


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to hijack, but i got 3 cuttings from a Skunk X Haze yesterday, i cut the angle and dipped in the rooting powder, they are in soaked jiffy plugs, in a big plastic container so they stay humid... Ho long does it take usually for them to root? And how do you know if they even take root? Also, how often should i pop the top on the container, so they can get more air?


Active Member
I don't mean to hijack, but i got 3 cuttings from a Skunk X Haze yesterday, i cut the angle and dipped in the rooting powder, they are in soaked jiffy plugs, in a big plastic container so they stay humid... Ho long does it take usually for them to root? And how do you know if they even take root? Also, how often should i pop the top on the container, so they can get more air?
My clones took about 2 weeks to be good and rooted. 3 weeks the roots would be growing out of the plug. I don't worry about temp. or humidity. Most all take. I use dip and grow. I clone on a small scale so I can spray the plants with water. Temps are always around 75, humidity around 50% no dome and only light is from a 26 watt cieling fixture. Next time I will be using what I've learned and try to see if I can speed things up. If you pick your rockwool cube up and turn it over and the plant dosen't fall out it's rooted or a small small pull would tell you. And you might be able to see the plant start growing again. I will check the handbook for the right info and post later if you like
Thanks Bill, +rep. Research I did after this post made me smarter. Proof you're never done learning, ever.

Just thought I'd share the information I gathered. I had been told by several growers that hermie produced seeds would always go hermie and accepted it at face value. Reading that article by Soma sorta whipped me in the face with a bit of shock. WTF? So I'm wrong now?! I know he sure as fuck isn't! Apparently in order to produce feminized seeds that won't go hermie you need a new plant. Same strain, but not identical genetics. The female pollen (hermaphroditic) must pollinate a new female of the same strain (or different if you'd like to cross, as the man said). If you are cloning, gather hermie pollen, and pollinate your next batch of clones you'll end up with hermie seeds. If growing from seed. . . . it works flawlessly apparently.
i said the same thing on a different page . everyone said i was bullshiting


Well-Known Member
My clones took about 2 weeks to be good and rooted. 3 weeks the roots would be growing out of the plug. I don't worry about temp. or humidity. Most all take. I use dip and grow. I clone on a small scale so I can spray the plants with water. Temps are always around 75, humidity around 50% no dome and only light is from a 26 watt cieling fixture. Next time I will be using what I've learned and try to see if I can speed things up. If you pick your rockwool cube up and turn it over and the plant dosen't fall out it's rooted or a small small pull would tell you. And you might be able to see the plant start growing again. I will check the handbook for the right info and post later if you like
mine took 2 weeks to break out of the jiffy plug
Cool so I'll be getting some rooting hormone and trying with this one. Hopefully it won't grow too too big for the cup too soon. Not really looginf forward to making a second box. But it would be cool to have 2 setups. One would be veg and the other flower. We'll see what we get.


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to hijack, but i got 3 cuttings from a Skunk X Haze yesterday, i cut the angle and dipped in the rooting powder, they are in soaked jiffy plugs, in a big plastic container so they stay humid... Ho long does it take usually for them to root? And how do you know if they even take root? Also, how often should i pop the top on the container, so they can get more air?

Thanks for asking this question. I was wondering a little about clones myself. As a matter of fact can anyone get me some links to some QUALITY info about clones. Like laymans terms and good clear instruction.
+ rep obvioiusly for the help. (for those of you who I can give it to)


Well-Known Member
Do it! now! lol
now would be almost perfect timing actually but the flow stays low so if cleo decides to root and take on some growth I'll be forecd to, lol
not that it would be a bad thing.
I could try my hand at perpetually having herbs. Gotta have one vegging ready to go into flower as soon as the other is ready for harvest. And i think I like LSTing now so I'd be all over that. Although lsting a topped plant seems to not be a bad idear either, lol