The effects of BP's fuck-up...


Well-Known Member
I don't wanna sound like a crazy person but the crazy people on the internet say that it is 1000X worse than anyone is letting on and there is prettymuch a media blackout in effect down there. Like I said I don't wanna sound crazy... even though the whole frigging situation is crazy to begin with...


Active Member
I was trying to find the same vid. on youtube so I could have it embed but found this instead



I don't wanna sound like a crazy person but the crazy people on the internet say that it is 1000X worse than anyone is letting on and there is prettymuch a media blackout in effect down there. Like I said I don't wanna sound crazy... even though the whole frigging situation is crazy to begin with...

i'm not gonna put a number on how much its getting downplayed by the media, but I live in southern louisiana.... it's not pretty, and its not over.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i'm not gonna put a number on how much its getting downplayed by the media, but I live in southern louisiana.... it's not pretty, and its not over.

Gotta hate the news outlets and how they run their buisness. News 60 years ago and news today is so incredibly different it's insane.


Active Member
I don't wanna sound like a crazy person but the crazy people on the internet say that it is 1000X worse than anyone is letting on and there is prettymuch a media blackout in effect down there. Like I said I don't wanna sound crazy... even though the whole frigging situation is crazy to begin with...
yeah wtf are you talking about?

oh, probably this...


Well-Known Member
what i find interesting is that the inspection of the oil rig came from some little tiny tiny islands, the inspection took 4-8 hours. A normal USA oil rig inspection takes 2-3weeks.


Well-Known Member
what i find interesting is that the inspection of the oil rig came from some little tiny tiny islands, the inspection took 4-8 hours. A normal USA oil rig inspection takes 2-3weeks.
Don't start blaming the UK for this.

The Deepwater Horizon was a 9-year-old semi-submersible Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU), a massive floating, dynamically positioned drilling rig built by Hyundai Heavy Industries [19] that could operate in waters up to 8,000 feet (2,400 m) deep and drill down to 30,000 feet (9,100 m).[20] It was owned by Transocean, operated under the Marshalese flag of convenience, and was under lease to BP until September 2013.[21] At the time of the explosion, the Deepwater Horizon was drilling an exploratory well at a water depth of approximately 5,000 feet (1,500 m) in the Macondo Prospect located in the Mississippi Canyon Block 252, in the United States exclusive economic zone about 41 miles (66 km) off the Louisiana coast in the Gulf of Mexico.[22][23][24][25][26] Production casing was being run and cemented by Halliburton Energy Services. Once the cementing was complete, it was due to be tested for integrity and a cement plug set to temporarily abandon the well for later completion as a subsea producer.[23][27] BP is the operator and principal developer of the Macondo Prospect with 65% of interest, while 25% is owned by Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, and 10% by MOEX Offshore 2007, a unit of Mitsui.[28]BP purchased the mineral rights to drill for oil in Macondo at the Minerals Management Service's lease sale in March 2008.[29]

All those companies contracted to do work for BP are American, so yeah.


Well-Known Member
^Still BPs fucking fault. There nothing but piece of shit scum, plain and simple. If you think any different than clearly your a fucking moron too.


Well-Known Member
^Still BPs fucking fault. There nothing but piece of shit scum, plain and simple. If you think any different than clearly your a fucking moron too.
lol sorry bro but that response makes you look like a moron . . . .

I mean I'm sure it's probably hella BP's fault . . .but you gotta pull out the facts like that guy did.


Well-Known Member
^Still BPs fucking fault. There nothing but piece of shit scum, plain and simple. If you think any different than clearly your a fucking moron too.
I'm assuming you're an adult? can you not get your point across without sounding like a drunken sailor?


Active Member

BP oil spill to increase only 20%?

British Petroleum says that by cutting off the riser pipe that oil might increase 10-20% temporarily until they put a cap on it. My gut level feeling based on straightening out a kink in a water hose is that the flow rate will increase more like 3 times what it is now. Do we actually believe the 20% number?

just another reason to raise Fuel prices, Due to LOSS of oil/cleanup of oil..
Any reason to raise profits.

The trouble is, BP doesn’t have a clue what to do either. They are guessing all the way. I doubt that any other oil company has a clue either, or we would have heard about it.

So although the first priority is to “fix it”, when all is said and done… everyone involved in allowing that drilling without any effective and tested emergency plan in place, should be held accountable.


Well-Known Member
lol sorry bro but that response makes you look like a moron . . . .

I mean I'm sure it's probably hella BP's fault . . .but you gotta pull out the facts like that guy did.
What facts do i need to bring up that havent been covered? did you look at the pictures in the link that was posted? have you guys been watching the news at all? i live in Florida so ive been watching it and seeing the damages of it.

1. BPs rig Exploded.
2.As somebody brought up earlier they got an 4-8 hour inspection as apposed to a 2 + weeks
3.Millions apon millions of gallons of oil are now in the gulf because of them.
4.Our beaches are now getting ruined.
5.Wildlife is being destroyed because it.
6.The Money from Tourism in florida is falling like mad. Heres a quick read
MIAMI — If Florida suffers a nightmare of oil soaking its Gulf Coast, the economic cost could top $10 billion and put about 195,000 people out of work, according to a new report.

The grim estimates from a University of Central Florida economist involve simple math: Take the value of tourism on Florida’s west coast and cut it in half.

The economist, Sean Snaith, said a 50 percent drop in tourism and related spending seemed reasonable should Florida suffer a massive, direct hit from the Gulf oil spill. Still, he acknowledged it’s hard to predict the consequences of a nightmare scenario.

“The whole economic impact of the episode is a giant layer cake of uncertainty,” he said. “How many counties will be affected? I don’t know. We won’t really know until the oil starts washing up on the shore.”
Snaith’s warning of a $10.9 billion hit to Florida’s $740 billion economy assumes oil fouling beaches and coastline from the far western edge of the Panhandle to the Florida Keys. Tourism in Florida’s counties touching the Gulf of Mexico account for $12.4 billion in spending and about 269,000 jobs, according to Snaith’s report.
In Lee County, tourism brings about 5 million people every year, with an estimated $3 billion economic impact. It also employs 43,000 people directly, making tourism the county’s No. 1 employer.

But the industry also supports businesses that never see tourists — such as restaurant suppliers, produce trucks and retail wholesalers.

Even a 10 percent decline in tourism throughout Florida’s Gulf Coast would cost the state about $2.2 billion and 39,000 jobs, he estimated.
7. Ok and what about this, two months later and ITS STILL GOING.

you can go here and check this out if you want. Its updated through out the day.

Dont get me wrong im not some crazy hippy PETA motherfucker, But stuff like this really sets me off. I just can't believe that these oil companies are so unbelievably unprepared for something of this magnitute. Mr. UK up there ^ can support BP all he wants, It doesnt change my opinion that there still a piece of shit company who has gone about this situation horribly.


Well-Known Member
What facts do i need to bring up that havent been covered? did you look at the pictures in the link that was posted? have you guys been watching the news at all? i live in Florida so ive been watching it and seeing the damages of it.

1. BPs rig Exploded.
2.As somebody brought up earlier they got an 4-8 hour inspection as apposed to a 2 + weeks
3.Millions apon millions of gallons of oil are now in the gulf because of them.
4.Our beaches are now getting ruined.
5.Wildlife is being destroyed because it.
6.The Money from Tourism in florida is falling like mad. Heres a quick read

7. Ok and what about this, two months later and ITS STILL GOING.

you can go here and check this out if you want. Its updated through out the day.

Dont get me wrong im not some crazy hippy PETA motherfucker, But stuff like this really sets me off. I just can't believe that these oil companies are so unbelievably unprepared for something of this magnitute. Mr. UK up there ^ can support BP all he wants, It doesnt change my opinion that there still a piece of shit company who has gone about this situation horribly.
for sure. I just feel like BP is taking 100% of the blame when it should be directed a bit better. but hey, I guess more shit will get done if you only blame ONE company vs 3 or 4 . . .


Well-Known Member
Don't start blaming the UK for this.

The Deepwater Horizon was a 9-year-old semi-submersible Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU), a massive floating, dynamically positioned drilling rig built by Hyundai Heavy Industries [19] that could operate in waters up to 8,000 feet (2,400 m) deep and drill down to 30,000 feet (9,100 m).[20] It was owned by Transocean, operated under the Marshalese flag of convenience, and was under lease to BP until September 2013.[21] At the time of the explosion, the Deepwater Horizon was drilling an exploratory well at a water depth of approximately 5,000 feet (1,500 m) in the Macondo Prospect located in the Mississippi Canyon Block 252, in the United States exclusive economic zone about 41 miles (66 km) off the Louisiana coast in the Gulf of Mexico.[22][23][24][25][26] Production casing was being run and cemented by Halliburton Energy Services. Once the cementing was complete, it was due to be tested for integrity and a cement plug set to temporarily abandon the well for later completion as a subsea producer.[23][27] BP is the operator and principal developer of the Macondo Prospect with 65% of interest, while 25% is owned by Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, and 10% by MOEX Offshore 2007, a unit of Mitsui.[28]BP purchased the mineral rights to drill for oil in Macondo at the Minerals Management Service's lease sale in March 2008.[29]

All those companies contracted to do work for BP are American, so yeah.

hey doooood. the tiny islands he's talking about are the marshal islands. the rig was flagged under tha marshal islands because they have the most lax operating and safety regulations in the world. and every rig is inspected according to the standards set forth by the flag the rig flies. this is all true.


Active Member
Well it seems than none of the companies involved want to take full blame