Mystery seed, first grow, CFL


Well-Known Member
just trying to spread el amor mi amigo! lol

by tomorrow you'll have a 4" taproot with with really clean landscaping around it!


Well-Known Member
between 40% and 60% mine are at 56%

If you don't have a hygro meter. I got mine for 6 bucks from ebay. yea its chinese, yea it might stop working in 3 years but for six bucks and 10 chinese child labor hours. I can't complain


Well-Known Member
I got one from Wal Mart today, I have big problems then, it's at 84 degree's with 37% humidity. It was better earlier though. I also got a ph tester, I ran out of the water I was using so I tested the water from the sink and it was at 8.5, haha, good thing I never used it.


Well-Known Member
If you lower your temp your humidity will rise. Turn of a couple bulbs and see what happens in a few hours. A little something Grizz taught me.


Well-Known Member
Actually that was the first thing I did about a half hour ago as an experiment, that's how I got to 84. I just turned off another one, they will all go out at 1am anyway


Well-Known Member
Actually that was the first thing I did about a half hour ago as an experiment, that's how I got to 84. I just turned off another one, they will all go out at 1am anyway
From what I understand the amount of water in the air won't actually increase instead the air will become moister because at the lower temps the air can hold less water before percipitation. Grizz taught me well on this subject. I never thought I'd need it, hmm...


Well-Known Member
3 fans, two hanging from the top, one pointed at the lights, one pointing from the lights and one pointing up out of the tote, kind of like in a whirlwind motion


Well-Known Member
So you opted for the Chinese child labor still I see.... good choice! they really have it down to an art!

Do you have a fan?

hell yeah man little chinese kids rock. They can build a dvd player in 4 minutes 38 seconds. and becaise of that walmart can sell them for $19.88 on rollback! lol


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to start keeping the tote outside, it's way cooler outside then in our living room


Well-Known Member
Well I figured The strain will be Purple Widow if thats alright with everyone
Bill I would like to see this one grown outdoors So You my friend are in!

They perform better outside, where they can grow as high as 3.5 m with incredible 850 gr per every plant. In tough climate zones, this cannabis remains short (75 cm) with, yet, great 400 gr of excellent marijuana per m2.

High % of THC is well balanced with CBD and give Purple Widow marijuana a strong uplifting high, ideal to release pressure of a stressful day, ideal for a good laugh. Smoking is extremely pleasant with a fruity fresh smell and taste. If compared with wine, it's an energizing white one.[/SIZE][/SIZE]
Holy crap!! 3.5 meters??? that is insane, although the other day i found some pics of a crazy ass Thai sativa that was like 12 ft tall.


Well-Known Member
dude could you just imagine looking out your back door and seeing a 10 1/2 foot fucking weed "tree" with beautiful purple buds exploding all over it. mmmmm