Florida Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
has anyone from south florida gotten any seeds from attitude seed bank? im looking to buy a couple autoflowering seeds.
you should be fine. i mean itll reach you the same way it reaches everyone else in the country. Just dont have them sent to your op ... those purple jems look sexy as hell.


Well-Known Member
has anyone from south florida gotten any seeds from attitude seed bank? im looking to buy a couple autoflowering seeds.
I sent my friend some dough and then remoted into his computer from mine and ordered them with his bank account... as for the seeds, I'll have to get back to you on them. I got Dejaman seeds (spelling) White Widow and the only one I've grown turned out to be male. Get this though, he grew like a monster! He shot up to a bushy 1 foot tall in a matter of maybe three weeks and before I even flipped the lights he started to show his sex; he started to flower like a auto strain even though he in fact was nothing of the sort. He was grow in MG to boot, his oldest leaves showed ever so slightly there displeasure with the medium never the less he continued to freakin explode... that was one boy that was sad to see at the bottom of the trash can.

They have good bonus seeds though, I've been having fun getting better at growing with those while getting preped for the pricey seeds.


Active Member
iight guys, so i will be out of town the weekend of june 25th, heading out of miami for disney in orlando.Now my question is, if i order the seeds sometime this week, when should i expect them to come in? Do i need to sign for it? Does anyone need to be home? i want to order asap so that if they take a month to come im not wasting valuable growing time.


Active Member
sup guy's. just bought a cheap $3 thermometer from home depot.something tells me this thing sucks ballz... i checked the temp today in miami
88°F | °C
Current: Partly Cloudy
Wind: SE at 12 mph
Humidity: 63%

i put the thermometer in the attic and it reads like 95 degrees 40% humidity.in my room its at 75 degrees and like 38% humidity.my attic is usually hot as ballz as yall know it gets hot in miami.

what do u guys think?
im not trying to spend alot of money on a thermometer i still have to buy a couple more things.


Well-Known Member
if your worried about the price of a good decent hygrometer for your temps ( IN FLORIDA WHERE SHIT GOES UPWARDS OF 100 DEGREES ... ) ... then maybe you should save up some money before you start growing? this isnt exactly a " cheap " hobby " to get started in.


Well-Known Member
WTF is going on...100 deg/rain/100 deg/rain/100 deg/rain..it wont stop
FUCKING CHRIST i know. Could we live in a state with ANY SHITTIER GROWING CONDITIONS?!?!!?!?! ... FUCK!! finally someone who is as pissed at these fucktard conditions as i am.

Im indoor though so the rain is all good for me ... cools down the earth for a minute.


Well-Known Member
They say fla is the most notorious state for growing......everybody and their uncle n cousins r growing in this bitch


Well-Known Member
proably a good reason i had a helicopter fly my neiborhood for two afternoons now, its all black doors wide open wit one guy in the rear door, strange


Well-Known Member
I feel ya'lls pain.... I look out the window every day @ 4pm'ish and feel sorry for all the outdoors growers (raining again).... as for inside, my freakin ac has about had it.... I had a 97 degree spike yesterday and I don't even know why, either the power went out of a min or my AC is dieing and had a fit for a moment.... i need thermometer that tells me what time and for how long it got that hot... plants looked fine and dandy though so it couldn't have been for that long...


Active Member
321 - representing.

On my first single-plant grow. Just hoping it's not gonna turn dude on me! Fortunately it's inside, so I haven't had to deal with all the sucky rain.


Well-Known Member
SOOO.....Nebody hit up the cow firelds yet, i went out sunday found a bout a quarter or so but seen lots of spores starting to poke up